Pygmy White-eye

Pygmy White-eye / Oculocincta squamifrons

Pygmy White-eye

Here the details of the Pygmy White-eye named bird below:

SCI Name:  Oculocincta squamifrons
Protonym:  Zosterops squamifrons Ibis p.323
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Zosteropidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pyweye1
Type Locality:  Mt. Dulit, Sarawak.
Publish Year:  1892
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Heleia Ϯ Pygmy White-eye H. squamifrons) L. oculus  eye; cinctus  encircled  < cingere  to encircle; "Oculocincta, new genus  Type and only species: Zosterops squamifrons Sharpe  ...  Distinct from Zosterops by having the frontal feathers white-edged, by the olive brown upper parts and the pale yellow under parts. Distinct from Apoia by the same characters, and by the much smaller measurements. Distinct from Lophozosterops, apparently its nearest ally, by the olive brown upper parts, with mantle and crown of the same colour, by the much smaller measurements, and by the relatively shorter tail   ...  The differences from these genera are so striking that the creation of a separate genus for the species seems the only logical conclusion" (Mees 1953).

L. squama  scale; frons, frontis  forehead, brow.