Lesser Ground-Cuckoo

Lesser Ground-Cuckoo / Morococcyx erythropygus

Lesser Ground-Cuckoo

Here the details of the Lesser Ground-Cuckoo named bird below:

SCI Name:  Morococcyx erythropygus
Protonym:  Coccyzus erythropyga Rev.Zool. 5 p.210
Taxonomy:  Cuculiformes / Cuculidae /
Taxonomy Code:  legcuc1
Type Locality:  San Carlos, Central America.
Publish Year:  1842
IUCN Status:  


(Cuculidae; Ϯ Lesser Ground Cuckoo M. erythropygus) Gr. μωρος mōros  foolish, dull, sluggish; κοκκυξ kokkux, κοκκυγος kokkugos  cuckoo; "The name refers to the harlequin pattern of the head plumage" (Payne 2005); "Genus MOROCOCCYX*.  1920. MOROCOCCYX ERYTHROPYGIA.  Piaya erythropygia, Less. Rev. Zool. 1842, p. 209 [=210]; Bp. Consp. p. 111; Des Murs, Icon. Orn. pl. 66; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 133.   ...   *Pyrrhococcyx, Princ. Bonapartii, nec Cab." (P. Sclater 1862); "Morococcyx Sclater, Cat. Am. Bds., 1862, p. 322. Type, by monotypy, Coccyzus erythropyga Lesson." (Peters 1940, IV, 59).

erythropygos / erythropygus
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -πυγος -pugos  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump.
● ex “Grignet” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 126 (syn. Parisoma subcaeruleum).


Lesser Ground-Cuckoo (mexicanus)
SCI Name: Morococcyx erythropygus mexicanus
mexicanum / mexicanus
Mexico (probably named after Mexihtli, another name for Huitzilopochtli the Aztec god of war). This toponym also included New Spain, a former name for Mexico.
● ex “Colcuicuiltu” of Hernandez 1651, and “Caille de la Louisiane” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Colinus virginianus).
● ex “Hoitlalotl” of Hernandez 1651, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Courier Pheasant” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Geococcyx velox).
● Erroneous TL. New Spain (= Cayenne); ex “Troupiale brun de la Nouvelle Espagne” (= ☼) of Brisson 1760 (Gymnomystax).
● ex “Comaltecatl” of Hernandez 1651, and “Échasse du Méxique” of Brisson 1760 (subsp. Himantopus himantopus).
● Erroneous TL. Mexico (= Jamaica) (syn. Icterus leucopteryx).
● ex “Merula mexicana” of Seba 1734-1765, “Galgulus mexicanus” of Brisson 1760, “Roller du Mexique” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Mexican Roller” of Latham 1781 (?syn. Laniocera or Lipaugus sp.).
● Erroneous TL. New Spain (= Cayenne); ex “Faisan huppé de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 337, “Crested Pheasant” of Latham 1783, Phasianus cristatus J. Gmelin, 1789, and “Penelôpe hoatzin du Méxique” of Temminck 1807 (syn. Opisthocomus hoazin).
● ex “Acacalotl” of Hernandez 1651, “Acalotl” of Willughby 1676, and Ray 1713, “Numenius mexicanus varius” of Brisson 1760, “Acalot” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Mexican Ibis” of Latham 1785 (?syn. Plegadis falcinellus).
● ex “Hocitzanatl” of Hernandez 1651, and Ray, 1711, “Pica Mexicana major” of Brisson 1760, “Hocisana” of de Buffon 1770-1783, “Criard” of Pernety 1771, and “Mexican Crow” of Latham 1781 (Quiscalus).
● ex “Tecolotl” of Ray 1713, “Asio mexicanus” of Brisson, and “Mexican Eared Owl” of Latham 1781 (syn. Rhinoptynx clamator).
● ex “Yacapatlahoac” of Hernandez 1651, “Anas clypeata mexicana” or “Souchet du Méxique” of Brisson 1760, and “Mexican Shoveler” of Latham 1785 (syn. Spatula clypeata).
● Erroneous TL. Mexico (= Puerto Rico) (Todus).
● ex “Avis Cocho Psittaci mexicani species” of Seba 1734, and “Psittaca mexicana lutea” of Brisson 1760 (unident.).
● ex “Avis de cocho, psittaci species mexicana vario colore” of Seba 1734, “Psittacula mexicana cristata” of Brisson 1760, and “Crested Mexican Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (unident.).
● ex “Caxcaxtototl” of Ray 1713, “Cotinga mexicana” of Brisson 1760, “Cacastol” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Mexican Stare” of Latham 1783 (unident.).

Lesser Ground-Cuckoo (erythropygus)
SCI Name: Morococcyx erythropygus erythropygus
erythropygos / erythropygus
Gr. ερυθρος eruthros  red; -πυγος -pugos  -rumped  < πυγη pugē  rump.
● ex “Grignet” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 126 (syn. Parisoma subcaeruleum).