Nubian Bustard

Nubian Bustard / Neotis nuba

Nubian Bustard

Here the details of the Nubian Bustard named bird below:

SCI Name:  Neotis nuba
Protonym:  Otis Nuba AtlasReis.nord.Afr.Vog.[Ruppell](1826) -1826 p.1 pl.1
Taxonomy:  Otidiformes / Otididae /
Taxonomy Code:  nubbus1
Type Locality:  Kurgos, near Shendi, Sudan.
Publish Year:  1826
IUCN Status:  


(Otididae; Ϯ Ludwig's Bustard N. ludwigii) Gr. νεος neos  new, different; ωτις ōtis, ωτιδος ōtidos  bustard; "NEOTIS, gen. n.  Simile generi "Lissotis" dicto, sed rostro longiore, culmine digitum medium cum ungue excedente.  Typus est Neotis ludwigi (Rüpp.)" (Sharpe 1893).

nuba / nubica
L. Nuba Nubian (ancient Nubia, the land of negroes, lay in the Nile valley to the south of Egypt).
● ex “Pic tacheté de Nubie” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 667, and “Épeiche de Nubie ondé et tacheté” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (Campethera).