Spot-winged Thrush

Spot-winged Thrush / Geokichla spiloptera

Spot-winged Thrush

Here the details of the Spot-winged Thrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Geokichla spiloptera
Protonym:  O.(reocincla) spiloptera J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 16 p.142
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Turdidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spwthr1
Type Locality:  Ceylon.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Turdidae; Ϯ Orange-headed Thrush G. citrina) Gr. γεω- geō- ground-  < γη gē  earth; κιχλη kikhlē  thrush; "Vogels.   ...   Geo-Kichla singularis." (Macklot 1830) (nom. nud.); "Myiothera loricata, MULL., pl. V. fig. 5.  Behoort tot de afdeeling der grootere soorten van vliegenjagers, bij welke de staart iets meer verlengd is, en die door geheele gedaante reeds sterk tot de lijsters (Turdi) naderen. Tusschen hen en dit laatste geslacht staat het genus: Geokichla BOIE, waarvan de Turdus citrinus LATH. de typus is." (S. Müller 1835); "Geokichla Müller, 1835, Tijdschr. Natuur. Gesch. Phys., 2, pl. 3, p. 348.  Type, by original designation, Turdus citrinus Latham." (Ripley in Peters, 1964, X, p. 144). 
Synon. Cryptocichla, Geocichloides, Pseudoturdus, Turdulus.

Gr. γεω- geō-  ground-  < γη gē  earth; κιχλη kikhlē  thrush.

spiloptera / spilopterus
Gr. σπιλος spilos  spot; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.

(syn. Elachura Ϯ Spotted Elachura E. formosa) Gr. σπιλος spilos  spot; πτερον pteron  feather; "The next species has been separated by Mr. Blyth as a distinct form or sub-genus under the name of Spiloptera. It differs from true Troglodytes by its shorter and deeper bill, and by the spotted, in place of barred, character of its plumage.   334. Troglodytes punctatus, BLYTH.  ...  THE SPOTTED WREN" (Jerdon 1862); "Spiloptera Jerdon (ex Blyth MS), 1862, (subgenus of Troglodytes Vieillot), Birds India, 1. p. 492. Type, by original designation and monotypy, Troglodytes punctatus Blyth [ = Troglodytes formosus Walden]. Not Spiloptera Zetterstedt, 1860, Diptera." (Deignan in Peters 1964, X, 295) (see Elachura).