Fawn-colored Lark

Fawn-colored Lark / Calendulauda africanoides

Fawn-colored Lark

Here the details of the Fawn-colored Lark named bird below:

SCI Name:  Calendulauda africanoides
Protonym:  Mirafra africanoides Rep.Exped.Centr.Afr. p.47
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Alaudidae /
Taxonomy Code:  faclar2
Type Locality:  eastern province of the [Cape] Colony and the country towards Latakoo.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Alaudidae; Karoo Lark C. albescens) Portmanteau of genera Calendula Swainson, 1837, lark, and Alauda, Linnaeus, 1758, lark; "Mr. G. R. Gray assigns to MEGALOPHONUS certain true Larks (possessing the nareal tuft) of S. Africa, which Dr. A. Smith classed as ALAUDÆ; but these constitute a peculiar form, CALENDULAUDA, nobis; ex. ALAUDA ALBESCENS, Lafr. (v. A. codea, A. Smith),— A. LAGEPA, A. Smith, &c." (Blyth 1855); "Calendulauda Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, xxiv, p. 258, 1855.  Type by original designation, Alauda albescens Lafr. = Certhilauda nivosa Swains." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 316); "CALENDULAUDA Blyth, 1855  F — Alauda albescens Lafresnaye, 1839; type by monotypy." (Dickinson & Christidis (eds.), H. & M. Complete Checklist, 4th ed., 2014, 2 (Passerines), p. 437). The Karoo Lark and its allies are a challenging group that have been linked to various other taxa in the past.
Synon. Pseudammomanes, Sabota.

● Specific name Buphagus africanus Linnaeus, 1766; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "BUPHAGA Africanoides.   ...   Inhabits the country about Natal, and is commonly seen picking insects from the backs of cattle.  It differs from the Buphaga Africana in the colors of the legs, tail, belly, back, and rump, and also in the size of the legs." (A. Smith 1831) (syn. Buphagus erythrorhynchus).
● Specific name Mirafra africana A. Smith, 1836; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Mirafra africana.  ...  tail dark brown, the outer vanes of the two outermost ferathers white.  Length 7 inches.  Inhabits the eastern provinces of the colony and the country as far as Latakoo.   Mirafra africanoides.  ...  tail dark brown, the outermost feather of each side edged with white  ...  Length 6 inches.  Inhabits the eastern province of the colony and the country towards Latakoo." (A. Smith 1836) (Calendulauda).
● Specific name Pelecanus africanus J. Gmelin, 1789; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Carbo Africanoides.  ...  Shot near New Latakoo.  This may perhaps prove to be the Pelecanus Africanus, at a certain age." (A. Smith 1836) (syn. Microcarbo africanus).


Fawn-colored Lark (trapnelli)
SCI Name: Calendulauda africanoides trapnelli
Colin Graham Trapnell (1907-2004) British conservationist, botanist, environmentalist, explorer, government ecologist in Rhodesia 1931-1950 and Kenya 1950-1960 (subsp. Calendulauda africanoides).

Fawn-colored Lark (makarikari)
SCI Name: Calendulauda africanoides makarikari
Makarikari Salt Lake, northern Bechuanaland (= Botswana).

Fawn-colored Lark (harei)
SCI Name: Calendulauda africanoides harei
Henry Leighton Hare (fl. 1920) English civil servant in South Africa, ornithologist, collector (subsp. Calendulauda africanoides, syn. Certhilauda burra, syn. Dendropicos fuscescens, syn. Eupodotis vigorsii namaqua, subsp. Galerida magnirostris).

Fawn-colored Lark (sarwensis)
SCI Name: Calendulauda africanoides sarwensis
Sarwa, a people of the Kalahari Desert, Namibia/ Botswana.

Fawn-colored Lark (africanoides)
SCI Name: Calendulauda africanoides africanoides
● Specific name Buphagus africanus Linnaeus, 1766; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "BUPHAGA Africanoides.   ...   Inhabits the country about Natal, and is commonly seen picking insects from the backs of cattle.  It differs from the Buphaga Africana in the colors of the legs, tail, belly, back, and rump, and also in the size of the legs." (A. Smith 1831) (syn. Buphagus erythrorhynchus).
● Specific name Mirafra africana A. Smith, 1836; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Mirafra africana.  ...  tail dark brown, the outer vanes of the two outermost ferathers white.  Length 7 inches.  Inhabits the eastern provinces of the colony and the country as far as Latakoo.   Mirafra africanoides.  ...  tail dark brown, the outermost feather of each side edged with white  ...  Length 6 inches.  Inhabits the eastern province of the colony and the country towards Latakoo." (A. Smith 1836) (Calendulauda).
● Specific name Pelecanus africanus J. Gmelin, 1789; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Carbo Africanoides.  ...  Shot near New Latakoo.  This may perhaps prove to be the Pelecanus Africanus, at a certain age." (A. Smith 1836) (syn. Microcarbo africanus).

Fawn-colored Lark (vincenti)
SCI Name: Calendulauda africanoides vincenti
● St Vincent, Lesser Antilles (subsp. Allenia fusca).
● Col. A. W. “Jack” Vincent (1904-1999) English ornithologist, conservationist, collector, settled in South Africa 1937-1999 (subsp. Calendulauda africanoides, syn. Campethera scriptoricauda, syn. Cisticola lateralis modestus, syn. Cyanomitra olivacea ragazzii, subsp. Emberiza capensis, subsp. Phyllastrephus flavostriatus, syn. Pyrenestes minor).