Black-bellied Sunbird

Black-bellied Sunbird / Cinnyris nectarinioides

Black-bellied Sunbird

Here the details of the Black-bellied Sunbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cinnyris nectarinioides
Protonym:  Cinnyris nectarinioides Auk 14 p.158
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Nectariniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bkbsun1
Type Locality:  plains east of Kilimanjaro.
Publish Year:  1897
IUCN Status:  


(Nectariniidae; Ϯ Splendid Sunbird C. coccinigastrus) Gr. κιννυρις kinnuris  small bird mentioned by Hesychius, not further identified (cf. Gr. myth. Cinyras king of Cyprus, renowned for his wealth and opulence, who committed incest with his daughter Myrrha, who fled to Arabia and gave birth to Adonis; erroneous "Cinnyris (Gr) = shining" (Hockey et al. 2005)); "Les SOUÏ-MANGAS. (CINNYRIS. Cuv.) (2).   N'ont pas non plus la queue usée; leur bec long et très-grêle a le bord de ses deux mandibules finement dentelé en scie; leur langue, susceptible de s'allonger hors du bec, se termine en fourche; ce sont de petits oiseaux dont les mâles brillent au temps des amours de couleurs métalliques et approchant de l'éclat des colibris, qu'ils représentent à cet égard dans l'ancien monde, se trouvant principalement en Afrique.  Ils vivent sur les fleurs dont ils pompent le suc  ...   Le plus grand nombre a la queue égale. (1)   ...   (2) Cinnyris, nom grec d'un très-petit oiseau inconnu. Souï-manga signifie, dit-on, mange sucre dans un jargon de Madagascar.   ...   (1) Certh. splendida, Sh. Vieill. 82. — C. afra, Edw. 347. — C. superba, Vieill. 22. — C. lotenia, enl. 575, 2 et 3, Vieill. 34. — Ametystina, Vieill. 5, 6. — Chalybæa, enl. 246, 3, Vieill. 10, 13, 18, 24, 34, 80. — Omnicolor Seb. I, 69, 5. — Cuprea, Vieill. 23. — Purpurata, Edw. 265, Vieill. 11. — Cyanocephala, Vieill. 7. — Zeilonica, enl. 576, 4, Vieill. 29, 30. — Dubia, Vieill. 81. — Senegalensis, Vieill. 8. — Sperata, enl. 246, 1, 2, Vieill. 16,32. — Madagascariensis, Vieill. 18. — Lepida, Sparrm. 35." (Cuvier 1817); "Cinnyris Cuvier, 1817, Règne Animal, 1, p. 411. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds, p. 19), Certhia splendida Shaw, 1811 = Certhia coccinigaster Latham, 1801." (Rand in Peters, 1967, XII, p. 223).
Var. Cyniris, Cynnira, Cynniris, CinanyrisCinayris, Cynnyris.
Synon. Aethocinnyris, Angaladiana, Arachnechthra, Cheimocinnyris, Chromatophora, Chrysocinnyris, Cyrtostomus, Eremicinnyris, Eucinnyris, Haplocinnyris, Helionympha, Maricornis, Melanocinnyris, Mellisuga, Microcinnyris, Notiocinnyris, Panaeola, Shelleyia.

Genus Nectarinia Illiger, 1811, sunbird; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "4.  Cinnyris nectarinioides, new species.  ...  This species seems to be related to C. mariquensis, or to one of its subspecies, but differs from all of them in the possession of moderate yellow pectoral tufts, and in the very narrow long central tail feathers, which project three quarters of an inch beyond the rest of the tail." (Richmond 1897) (Cinnyris).


Black-bellied Sunbird (erlangeri)
SCI Name: Cinnyris nectarinioides erlangeri
Victor Carl Heinrich Freiherr von Erlanger (called Carlo von Erlanger) (1872-1904) German naturalist, collector in tropical Africa 1900-1901 (subsp. Agricola pallidusBatis, syn. Bostrychia hagedash brevirostris, syn. Calamonastes simplex, subsp. Calandrella blanfordi, subsp. Camaroptera brachyura, syn. Cinnyris erythrocercus, subsp. Cinnyris nectarinioides, syn. Cisticola lugubris, subsp. Colius striatus, syn. Coturnix coturnix africana, syn. Crithagra reichardi striatipectus, syn. Eremomela flavicrissalis, syn. Estrilda astrild peasei, subsp. Eupodotis senegalensis, subsp. Eurocephalus ruppelli, subsp. Falco biarmicus, subsp. Galerida theklae, subsp. Glareola pratincola, subsp. Gyps rueppelli, syn. Halcyon albiventris orientalis, syn. Indicator minor teitensis, syn. Laniarius nigerrimus, syn. Lanius senator, subsp. Neophedina cincta, syn. Nilaus afer minor, syn. Oenanthe melanura neumanni, syn. Otus scops, syn. Phylloscopus sibilatrix, syn. Pinarochroa sordida, syn. Plocepasser mahali propinquatus, subsp. Prinia somalica, subsp. Pterocles exustus, syn. Ptilopsis granti, subsp. Salpornis salvadori, subsp. Smutsornis africanus, syn. Sylvietta isabellina, syn. Tchagra senegalus habessinicus, syn. Turtur chalcospilos, syn. Tychaedon quadrivirgata, subsp. Tyto alba, syn. Urorhipis rufifrons smithi, syn. Zosterops poliogastrus).

Black-bellied Sunbird (nectarinioides)
SCI Name: Cinnyris nectarinioides nectarinioides
Genus Nectarinia Illiger, 1811, sunbird; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "4.  Cinnyris nectarinioides, new species.  ...  This species seems to be related to C. mariquensis, or to one of its subspecies, but differs from all of them in the possession of moderate yellow pectoral tufts, and in the very narrow long central tail feathers, which project three quarters of an inch beyond the rest of the tail." (Richmond 1897) (Cinnyris).