Lesser Yellownape

Lesser Yellownape / Picus chlorolophus

Lesser Yellownape

Here the details of the Lesser Yellownape named bird below:

SCI Name:  Picus chlorolophus
Protonym:  Picus chlorolophus Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 26 p.78
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Picidae /
Taxonomy Code:  lesyel1
Type Locality:  Bengal.
Publish Year:  1818
IUCN Status:  


(Picidae; Ϯ Eurasian Green Woodpecker P. viridis) L. picus  woodpecker (Roman myth. Picus, king of Latium who married the beauteous nymph and songstress Canens, and was changed into a woodpecker by the spiteful Circe, whose affections he had spurned); "54. PICUS.  Rostrum polyedrum, rectum: apice cuneato.  Nares pennis setaceis obtectæ.  Lingua teres, lumbriciformis, longissima, mucronata, apice retrorsum aculeata setis.   ...   Lingua Picorum & Jyngis inseritur fronti. Intestina cæcis carent.   ...   Pici Larvas insectorum lignum intus rodentium rostro fecante, sono terrefaciente, auditu percipiente: lingua acuta hastata intranse extrahunt, de qua Act. angl. 350. p. 509." (Linnaeus 1758); “The type of this Linnean genus has been fixed on various species out of the thirteen originally contained in it. Gray (List Gen. Bds. 1840, p. 54) selected major, Hargitt (Cat. Bds. B. M. xviii. 1890, p. 518) martius; but Swainson (Zool. Illustr. 1st ser. i. 1820, pl. 14), who appears to have been the first author to designate the type, made it viridis, and this the Committee believe should be accepted.” (BOU 1915);"Picus Linné, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, 1758, p. 112. Type, by subsequent designation, Picus viridis Linné. (Swainson, Zool. Illustr., 1, 1820, text to pl. 4.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 130). Linnaeus's Picus comprised thirteen species (P. martius, P. principalis, P. pileatus, P. hirundinaceus, P. erythrocephalus, P. carolinus, P. viridis, P. benghalensis, P. semirostris, P. major, P. medius, P. minor, P. tridactylus). 
Var. Pigus.
Synon. Callolophus, Calopicus, Chrysopterus, Cirropicus, Poliopicus.
● (syn. Dendrocopos Ϯ Great Spotted Woodpecker D. major) (see above).
● (syn. Dryocopus Ϯ Black Woodpecker D. martius) (see above).

L. picus  woodpecker, a bird used in augury.
● ex “Talapiot de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 605, “Talapiot” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Climbing Oriole” of Latham 1782 (Dendroplex).
● ex “Piegrièche Rouge à Plastron Blanc” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 65 (artefact).

Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; λοφος lophos crest.


Lesser Yellownape (chlorolophus)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus chlorolophus
Gr. χλωρος khlōros yellow; λοφος lophos crest.

Lesser Yellownape (simlae)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus simlae
simlae / simlaensis
Simla (= Shimla), a famous hill-station of Himachal Pradesh, India.

Lesser Yellownape (annamensis)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus annamensis
annamense / annamensis
Annam Protectorate, French Indochina (= central Vietnam).

Lesser Yellownape (chlorigaster)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus chlorigaster
Gr. χλωρος khlōros  yellow; γαστηρ gastēr, γαστρος gastros  belly.

Lesser Yellownape (wellsi)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus wellsi
● John Grant Wells (fl. 1902) collector, resident on Grenada, West Indies 1886-1902 (syn. Amazilia tobaci, syn. Coereba flaveola aterrima, Leptotila).
● Thomas Wells (1868-1939) British ornithologist at BMNH 1883-1929 (syn. Campethera tullbergi, syn. Cercococcyx mechowi, syn. Cisticola lateralis antinorii, subsp. Climacteris melanurus, syn. Eremophila alpestris longirostris, syn. Francolinus pintadeanus, subsp. Liocichla ripponi, subsp. Lophophanes dichrous, subsp. Motacilla capensis, subsp. Picus chlorolophus, subsp. Syma megarhyncha, syn. Symposiachrus trivirgatus nigrimentum).

Lesser Yellownape (citrinocristatus)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus citrinocristatus
citrinocristata / citrinocristatus
Med. L. citrinus  yellow, citrine  < L. citrus  citron, citrus; L. cristatus crested  < crista  crest.

Lesser Yellownape (longipennis)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus longipennis
L. longus  long; -pennis  -winged, -feathered  < penna  feather.

Lesser Yellownape (rodgeri)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus rodgeri
Sir John Pickersgill Rodger (1851-1910) British diplomat, Resident of Selangor 1884-1885, 1896-1902, Pahang 1888-1896 and Perak 1902-1904, Gov. of Gold Coast 1904-1910 (subsp. Picus chlorolophus).

Lesser Yellownape (vanheysti)
SCI Name: Picus chlorolophus vanheysti
August Floris Charles André van Heyst (1887-1962) Dutch planter, collector on Sumatra (syn. Cyornis ruecki, syn. Dicaeum ignipectum beccarii, subsp. Picus chlorolophus).