Black-winged Parrot

Black-winged Parrot / Hapalopsittaca melanotis

Black-winged Parrot

Here the details of the Black-winged Parrot named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hapalopsittaca melanotis
Protonym:  Pionus melanotis Rev.Zool. 10 p.67
Taxonomy:  Psittaciformes / Psittacidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blwpar1
Type Locality:  Bolivia.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Psittacidae; Ϯ Rusty-faced Parrot H. amazonina) Gr. ἁπαλος hapalos  delicate; ψιττακη psittakē  parrot; "Hapalopsittaca gen. nov.  Type, Psittacus amazoninus Des Murs.  Differing from Pionopsitta Bonaparte (type and only species Psittacus pileatus Scopoli) in having the bill relatively much narrower, with maxilla compressed laterally, its width at base equal to but little more than half the length (chord) of culmen; maxillary tomium without distinct, if any, post-ungual notch or "tooth"; base of mandible beneath narrowly and deeply concave; tenth (outermost) primary equal to seventh; lores densely feathered; auricular feathers narrow, somewhat elongated; tail dusky blue distally, dusky red proximally, and sexes alike in color.  ('Aπαλος, delicate; ψιττακη, a parrot.)" (Ridgway 1912); "Hapalopsittaca Ridgway, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., 25, 1912, p. 100.  Type, by original designation and monotypy, Psittacus amazoninus Des Murs." (Peters, 1937, III, p. 212).

(Mimidae; Ϯ Blue Mockingbird M. caerulescens) Specific name Turdus melanotis Temminck, 1830 (< Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; -ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear); "573. Melanotis, Bp. (Mimus, p. Boie. - Orpheus, p. Sw. - Turdus, p. Gr.)   Mexico.  1.  TURDUS melanotis, Temm. nec Gould. (Orpheus caerulescens, Sw. - Melanotis caerulescens, Bp.) Pl. col. 498.  ex Mexico." (Bonaparte 1850); "Melanotis Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 276. Type, by monotypy, Turdus melanotis Temminck = Orpheus caerulescens Swainson." (Davis & Miller in Peters 1960, IX, 441).

Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; -ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear.


Black-winged Parrot (peruviana)
SCI Name: Hapalopsittaca melanotis peruviana
peruana / peruanum / peruanus / peruvia / peruviana / peruvianus / peruviensis
Peru. Said to be named after Biru, a local Inca encountered by the conquistadores (although the name is also accredited to a Panamanian cazique). Until the early 18th century the Viceroyalty of Peru included all Spanish possessions in South America.
● ex “Geai du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 625, and de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Peruvian Jay” of Latham 1781 (syn. Cyanocorax yncas).
● ex “Coq de Roche du Pérou” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 745, and de Buffon 1770-1783 (Rupicola).
● Erroneous TL. Peru (= Brazil) (Tangara).
Erroneous TL. Peru (= Tahiti) (Vini).

Black-winged Parrot (melanotis)
SCI Name: Hapalopsittaca melanotis melanotis
(Mimidae; Ϯ Blue Mockingbird M. caerulescens) Specific name Turdus melanotis Temminck, 1830 (< Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; -ωτις -ōtis  -eared  < ους ous, ωτος ōtos  ear); "573. Melanotis, Bp. (Mimus, p. Boie. - Orpheus, p. Sw. - Turdus, p. Gr.)   Mexico.  1.  TURDUS melanotis, Temm. nec Gould. (Orpheus caerulescens, Sw. - Melanotis caerulescens, Bp.) Pl. col. 498.  ex Mexico." (Bonaparte 1850); "Melanotis Bonaparte, 1850, Consp. Gen. Av., 1, p. 276. Type, by monotypy, Turdus melanotis Temminck = Orpheus caerulescens Swainson." (Davis & Miller in Peters 1960, IX, 441).