Buff-thighed Puffleg

Buff-thighed Puffleg / Haplophaedia assimilis

Buff-thighed Puffleg

Here the details of the Buff-thighed Puffleg named bird below:

SCI Name:  Haplophaedia assimilis
Protonym:  Eriocnemis assimilis Bull.Soc.Zool.France 1 p.227
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  butpuf1
Type Locality:  Apollo and Tilo-tilo, Bolivia.
Publish Year:  1876
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Greenish Puffleg H. aureliae) Gr. ἁπλοος haploos  sheer, simple; φαιδρος phaidros  brilliant, bright; "35...  Haplophædia (n. gen. pour Trochilus Aureliæ B. et M.)." (Simon 1918) (OD per Martin Schneider); "12. Haplophædia, nov. gen. —  Diffre du genre Threptria Reichenbach (type Trochilus Mosquera D. et B. désigné par Gray en 1855), par la queue plus courte et peu fourchue, avec les rectrices, sauf parfois les médianes, noires, les latérales plus larges et obtuses; le bec généralement de la longueur de la tête; les touffes tibiales le plus souvent en partie rousse.   Type: Trochilus Aureliæ B. et M., des Andes de la Colombie et de l'Ecuador." (Simon 1919);"Haplophaedia Simon, Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques, 1918, p. 39.  Type, by monotypy, Trochilus aureliae Bourcier and Mulsant." (Peters, 1945, V, p. 112).

assimile / assimilis
L. assimilis  similar, like.  Indicates a close resemblance or relationship to another, but not necessarily congeneric, species.  Over forty forms have been given this epithet; only some examples follow.
● "4. Collocalia francica assimilis subsp. n.   Rücken und Unterseite etwas heller als bei den beiden vorhergehenden Formen [Collocalia francica towsendi [sic]] und mit der typischen Form übereinstimmend; von dieser ist C. fr. assimilis indessen durch die dunklere Färbung des Oberkopfes und die durchschnittlich geringere Grösse wohl unterschieden." (Stresemann 1912) (subsp. Aerodramus spodiopygius).
● "Tanagra (Arrémon, Vieillot; Embernagra, Lesson) assimilis, Boiss. — Cette espèce est très-voisine par sa coloration de l'Arrémon à collier de Vieillot, ou oiseau silencieux de Buffon [Arremon taciturnus], mais elle est d'un tiers plus forte et n'a pas de collier noir sur la poitrine." (Boissonneau 1840) (Arremon).
● "91. CUCULUS ASSIMILIS.   Allied to C. flavus [= syn. Cacomantis merulinus].  ...  Hab. Aru Islands.  ♀ in Mr. Wallace's Collection." (G. Gray 1858) (syn. Cacomantis variolosus infaustus).
● "Alcyone Assimilis (allied kingfisher).—The specific name which I have applied to this species has reference to the similarity which exists between our A. Pusilla and itself, but the general dulness of color throughout, and the absence of the slightest tinge of green sufficiently distinguish it." (Diggles 1873) (syn. Ceyx pusillus).
● "41. Chlorostilbon assimilis, sp. nov.  ...  This species is somewhat like C. melanorhynchus, Gould, but is smaller; the bill is much shorter and comparatively weaker; the crown is uniform in color with the back, not brilliant as in melanorhynchus, the latter species is also more golden on the abdomen, and has the tail less forked with the feathers narrower." (Lawrence 1861) (Chlorostilbon).
● “CIRCUS ASSIMILIS, (NOBIS).  ...  In general form and colour it closely resembles the females of the true Circi, particularly of our own British species, that of the C. ranivorus of Africa, and of the C. histrionicus.  It is, however, a larger and more powerful bird than any of these.” (Jardine & Selby 1828) (Circus).
● "Genus Picus, L., as restricted to the pied species forming the division Dendrocopus of Swainson.  The Indian species of this group are treated of in XIV, 916, so far as we were then cognisant of them.  We have since learned of two others described from the "Himalaya," viz. P. assimilis, Natterer,—like P. himalayanus (No. 287), but with the scapulary feathers white, and some other distinctions,—and P. scintilla, Lichtenstein" (Blyth 1849) (Dendrocopos).
● "5 GERYGONE ASSIMILIS, Buller. — In form and color this bird is hardly distinguishable from G. flaviventris, although somewhat larger." (Buller 1865) (syn. Gerygone igata).
● "Eriocnemis assimilis.  ...  Elle est très-voisine de l'E. aureliæ. Bourc. et Mulsant, mais elle a les plumes duveteuses des tarses, d'un jaune-brunâtre uni, tandis que celles d'aureliæ sont blanches avec quelques-unes carnées ou roussâtres à la base.  Il y a entre ces deux espèces la même différence qui existe avec l'Eriocnemis lugens et l'E. squamata de Gould, et celles-ci ont généralement été acceptées par les naturalistes comme de bonnes espèces." (Elliot 1876) (Haplophaedia).
● "MUNIA CASTANEOTHORAX ASSIMILIS, subsp. n.   Differs from M. castaneothorax (Gould) in having the chestnut band on the chest much darker in colour, and the upper tail-coverts rich chestnut-brown." (Mathews 1910) (syn. Lonchura castaneothorax).
● "MALURUS ASSIMILIS, sp. nov.  ...  The above-described species belongs to that section of the genus Malurus in which the adult males are distinguished by their chestnut shoulders, and is more closely allied to M. lamberti." (North 1901) (subsp. Malurus lamberti).
● "As the species now exhibited closely assimilates to the M. macroptera, I propose to designate it as  MICRŒCA ASSIMILIS.  ...  Nearly allied to but much less in size than M. macroptera, Vig. and Horsf., and from which it may also be distinguished by the base of the outer tail-feathers being brown." (Gould 1841) (subsp. Microeca fascinans).
● "Myrmotherula assimilis Pelzeln. N. 931. partim.  ...  M. Hauxwellii Sclater persimilis sed cauda longiore rectricibus 12 predita, secundariis et tectricibus caudae superioribus albo haud maculatis, differt" (von Pelzeln 1868) (Myrmotherula).
● "26.  Pachycephala assimilis (J. Verr. et O. des Murs.)  ...  Cette espèce se rapproche beaucoup du Pachycephala falcata [= subsp. P. rufiventris] de Gould, qui provient de la Nouvelle-Hollande; mais, en les comparant, il est impossible de les confondre, ce qui nous a décidés à lui imposer le nom d'assimilis." (J. Verreaux & des Murs 1860) (syn. Pachycephala rufiventris xanthetraea).
● "On a former occasion, (S. F. Vol. I., p. 429, Dec. 1873) I discriminated the Ceylon Phodilus and pointed out clearly wherein it differed from the Himalayan birds.  I did not then name it, because I was under the impression that Malayan specimens differed similarly.  This, however, does not seem to be the case, and having now seen a second Ceylon specimen, presenting the same specific characters as the first, I desire to propose for it provisionally the name of PHODILUS ASSIMILIS." (Hume 1877) (Phodilus).
● "1274.  Meliornis novaehollandiae assimilis subsp. n.   Victorian White-bearded Honey Eater.  Mathews, Handlist No. 799 (pars).  Differs from M. n. novaehollandiae in its darker coloration on the head and with fewer stripes on the belly..  Type: Victoria, No. 9062." (Mathews 1912) (syn. Phylidonyris novaehollandiae campbelli).
● "BROADBENTIA FLAVA.  YELLOW HONEY-EATER.   ...   Collected near Cairns, North Queensland, in July, 1911, and is the type of B. f. assimilis."(Mathews 1925). Perhaps only a lapsus for addenda (syn. Stomiopera flava addenda).
● "Rhynchocyclus assimilis Pelzeln N. 220?  ...  Rh. sulphurescente (Spix.) similis sed minor et rostro breviore, latiore, magis acuminato." (von Pelzeln 1868) (Tolmomyias).
● "TROGON ASSIMILIS.  ...  Nearly allied to Trogon personata, but differing from that species in the tail being nearly black, in the transverse markings being very slight and in the extremities more largely tipped with white; the freckled markings of the wing are also much more minute." (Gould 1846) (subsp. Trogon personatus).


Buff-thighed Puffleg (affinis)
SCI Name: Haplophaedia assimilis affinis
affinae / affine / affinis
L. adfinis or affinis  related, allied, neighbourly  < ad  towards; finis  end, boundary.  Over 85 forms share these specific epithets, which indicate relationship or similarity (not necessarily to a currently recognised congeneric species).  Some descriptions contain no information as to the supposed related species (e.g., Apus (cf. “neighbouring, in reference to its habit of br[eeding] in close association with man” (Hockey et al. 2005)), Certhia, Coracias), some have subsequently been identified as hybrids (e.g., Ramphocelus affinis Lesson, 1840 = R. dimidiatus x R. icteronotus), and a few refer to allied taxa I have yet to identify.  A selection of further examples follows.
● "Calornis affinis, A. Hay.   This differs from the Malayan C. cantor [=syn. Aplonis panayensis] in its larger size.  ...  C. affinis inhabits Tipperah, Arracan, Tenasserim (?), and the Nicobar Islands: while C. cantor is common at Malacca." (Blyth 1846) (subsp. Aplonis panayensis).
● "Sp. 13.  Aegotheles affinis, nov. sp.  ...  Questa specie somiglia all' A. novae-hollandiae [= syn. A. cristatus] più che non a qualunque altra specie  ...  Pel colore della coda l' A. affinis somiglia all' A. bennettii, Salvad., ma ne differisce pel colore rossigno delle parti sopra indicate e per le piume del sottocoda senza macchie."(Salvadori 1875) (Aegotheles).
● "Spec. 1.  Cinnyris affinis mihi.  ...  Chess Javanis.  The general description of the Certhia olivacea, Linn. Syst. i. p. 185. 5, a native of Madagascar [= Zosterops olivaceus], applies to this bird; but our species exceeds the former three inches in length, and it wants the white orbits."(Horsfield 1822) (Arachnothera).
● "FULIGULA AFFINIS.  Fu.—Precedenti [Fuligula MarillaAythya marila] similis, sed rostro breviore et ungue angustiore armato.  AMERICAN SCAUP.  ...  The above bird may be distinguished from the preceding in both sexes by the following comparative marks: total length less; bill shorter and not so broad; nail much narrower, and not so much rounded at its sides; tarsi shorter.  ...  This is another bird of which we have entertained considerable doubts as to the propriety of making into a species; the above distinctions, however, appear through all the specimens we have examined to be constant." (Eyton 1838) (Aythya).
● "Batrachostomus affinis, nobis, n. s.  Very similar to B. javensis, in the plumage figured by Dr. Horsfield (and which is considered to be the young dress of Podargus auritus, Tem.), but smaller, with no white spots on the wing, nor pale spot-like bands on the tertiaries and caudal feathers; but the former are uniformly freckled over with dusky specks, and the latter present a series of obscure freckled bands, seen best at a little distance: throat and breast plain rufous, with a few white feathers having a subterminal dusky border on the fore-neck and sides of the breast only.  Rest as in B. javensis, juv.  ...  This is the small Malayan species which I formerly considered might be Podargus stellatus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 43: but it does not accord with the description of that species, and its dimensions are rather superior." (Blyth 1847) (Batrachostomus).
● "*CLIMACTERIS ERYTHROPS, Gould, var.?  (CL. AFFINIS, nobis, n. s. ?)  Like CL. ERYTHROPS, but with slight pale non-rufous supercilia, which are not conspicuously noticeable: throat dull whitish, passing to greyish on breast, and a small central ferruginous spot at base of throat: ear-coverts pale, streaked.  Specimen doubtless of the female sex." (Blyth 1863) (Climacteris).
● "Another small dark Collocalia is common.  Col. Tytler has no specimens of C. linchi (C. fuciphaga, auct.) with which to compare his specimens, but from recollection thinks his bird is distinct.  He therefore provisionally calls it  15.  COLLOCALIA AFFINIS, Tytler, sp. nov. ?  Small Edible-nest Swiftlet.  ...  The nest of this species in Col. Tytler's collection resembles that of C. nidifica [= syn. Aerodramus fuciphagus inexpectatus], but is considerably smaller and perhaps whiter, on which account it is more valued by the Burmese and others, who collect both kinds for the Chinese and Penang markets." (Beavan 1867) (subsp. Collocalia esculenta).
● "MYIOLESTES AFFINIS, G. R. Gr.   It is like the Myiolestes aruensis [= subsp. Colluricincla megarhyncha] on the upper surface, but the head has a slight tinge of grey; beneath, the body pale yellowish fuscous; throat slightly varied with white.  It is rather smaller in its general measurements.   Hab. Gagie." (G. Gray 1862) (subsp. Colluricincla megarhyncha).
● "1) Die verwandte Krähe, Corvus affinis, Br.   Größe und Gestalt unserer Rabenkrähe mit einem Kolkraben-gefieder.  Ich bin überzeugt, die gerupften australischen Vögel dieser Art werde man von unsern gerupften Rabenkräben nicht unterscheiden können." (Brehm 1845) (syn. Corvus coronoides).
● "Cyanocorax affinis.  ...  So sehr diese Art der vorhergehenden [Cyanocorax Diesingii = subsp. C. chrysops] gleicht, so unterscheidet sie sich doch sogleich durch ihre bedeutendere Grösse, durch breiteren, weniger zusammengedrückten Schnabel, weniger reiche Kopffedern und durch in manchen Punkten abweichende Färbung." (von Pelzeln 1856) (Cyanocorax).
● "Cymbirhynchus was separated by Mr. Vigors on account of the forward position of the nostrils and some other particulars; and Mr. Swainson lays much stress upon the vertical depth of its bill, which certainly is a marked feature in the common Malayan and Tenasserim species (C. nasutus) [= syn. C. macrorhynchos]; but there is a very closely allied species in Arracan, which, until I had obtained a good series of both, I declined to venture on distinguishing, but which I shall now designate  C. affinis, nobis." (Blyth 1846) (Cymbirhynchus).
● "H. AFFINIS G. R. Gray.  Mas.  Præcedenti [Hapalophus Cubla = Dryoscopus cubla] similis, sed rostro capitis fere longitudine; alarum tectricibus concoloribus; caudæ plumis remigibusque leviter albomarginatis." (G. Gray 1837) (subsp. Dryoscopus cubla).
● "Emberiza xanthogastra P. Würt., Icon. No. 36.  halte ich für ein intensiv gefärbtes Exemplar der Fringillaria flavigastra.  Hierher gehören auch Megalotis quinquevittatus, Emberiza albicollis und E. affinis der Sammlung von Mergentheim.  E. albicollis zeigt ein deutliches weisses Hinterhalsband; bei E. affinis fehlen die weissen Flügelbinden." (von Heuglin 1867) (Emberiza).
● "9.  Tyrannula affinis.  ...  Maritime parts of Mexico.   10. Tyrannula obscura.  Muscicapa querulæ? [= syn. Contopus virens]  Vieil. Ois. de l'Am. pl. 39.  ...  Mexico.  Rather larger than the last." (Swainson 1827) (Empidonax).
● "9º Tanagra (aglaia) diaconus, Less. [= syn. Tangara episcopus cana]  ...  Hab. Realejo.   10º Tanagra (Euphonia) affinis, Less.  ...  Hab. Realejo." (Lesson 1842) (Euphonia).
● "6. Geococcyx affinis, m.  Differt a G. viatico, Licht [= Cuculus viaticus = syn. G. californianus]. cui primo adspectu simillimus 1. Plumis corporis superioris et rectricibus intermediis omnino magis cupreo-brunneis  ...  2. Corpore subtus toto fulvescente-ochraceo, pectore maculis nonnullis longitudinalibus nigris sparsim notato  ...  3. Statura minore; rostro et tarsis multo brevioribus, cauda pro mole longiore." (Hartlaub 1844) (syn. Geococcyx velox).
● "206. — Eriocnemis affinis  ELLIOT.  TACZ., P. Z. S., 1882, p. 39." (Taczanowski 1884); "Perhaps a lapsus for assimilis but description based on specimens collected in 1880 at Ray-Urmaña, Chirimoto, by Stolzmann; one of these same specimens served as the type of domaniewskii.  In spite of the similarity in meaning affinis and assimilis are different words." (Peters 1968, V, 113) (subsp. Haplophaedia assimilis).
● "1. HEMIGNATHUS AFFINIS, sp. n.   This bird is very closely allied to H. hanapepe, of Kauai, but differs in having the head, throat, and upper breast more golden yellow, and the back, rump, and upper wing-coverts dull olive colour instead of greenish yellow.  Moreover, in H. affinis the yellow of the head terminates abruptly at the occiput, while it gradually passes into the colour of the back in H. hanapepe.  The anal region and under tail-coverts are yellowish green, whilst in H. hanapepe they are white."   (Rothschild 1893) (‡Hemignathus).
● "Dendrocolaptes affinis, de La Fr. — Valde affinis Picolapti guttato Lessonii [= Picolaptes guttata = syn. Lepidocolaptes fuscus], ab illo differt hæc species, statura majore et præsertim cauda alisque longioribus, maculisque totis colli pectoris et abdominis stramineis distincte nigro limbatis, quasi oculatis, his in Picolapte guttato majoribus, albidioribus, minus distinctis, lateribus tantum fusco marginatis." (de La Fresnaye 1839) (Lepidocolaptes).
● "Trichastoma, Nobis; n.g.   ...   *Tr. rostratum, Nobis.   ...   *Tr. affine, Nobis.  So like the other in plumage as to cause some doubt, on a first view, whether it be specifically distinct; but the much smaller size, and different colour, of the legs and feet, and also the much shorter bill, have decided me to adopt  the present course with it.  ...  General colour rather paler than in the preceding, excepting on the head; the nape much paler; and rump inclining to fulvous more than rufous: tail and its coverts brighter rufous than in the other; and breast crossed with pale fuscous." (Blyth 1842) (Malacopteron).
● "7. Eidopsarus affinis. — Capite, genis, gulaque nigerrimis; corpore supra luteo-olivacea, albo griseoque tincto infra; collo et thorace albidis; alis et cauda brunneo griseis.  Hab. Nova-Wallia meridionalis.    8. Meliphaga reticuloides [= syn. Melithreptus affinis].— Capite bruneo; corpore supra bruneo-olivaceo, sordide fusco, bruneo striato infra; alarum et caudæ pennis brunneis, luteo-olivaceo marginatis.  Long. 5 poll.  Hab. Nova-Wallia meridionalis." (Lesson 1839) (Melithreptus).
● "HESPERIPHONA AFFINIS, n. s.*   ...   *HESPERIPHONA AFFINIS, nobis.   Nearly affined to H. ICTERIOIDES (Coccothraustes icterioides, Vigors) [= Mycerobas icterioides].  ...  The adult male so nearly resembles that of H. ICTERIOIDES, that its distinctness would scarcely have been suspected, had it not been for the great difference of the other sex." (Blyth 1855) (Mycerobas).
● "42.  Nilaus affinis. Bocage.  N. indig. Caporo.  Hesitámos por muito tempo em estabelecer uma especia nova n'um genero que é ha muito conhecido por ter uma só especie; porém a constancia com que se nos apresentam os exemplares de Caconda distinctos do N. brubru pela ausencia total de malhas ferruginosas nos lados do peito e por outras variantes de côres, anima-nos a separal-os especificamente d'este.   ...   5. Nilaus affinis.  Ad. N. brubru [= subsp. Nilaus afersimilis, sed diversus; superciliis albis brevioribus; gastraeo toto albo, maculis pectoralibus castaneis nullis; fascia alari alba vix rufescente tincta; rostro nigricante; pedibus ardesiacis; iride fusca." (Barboza du Bocage 1878) (subsp. Nilaus afer).
● "10.  NINOX AFFINIS, Tytler, sp. nov.?  Andaman Hawk-Owl.  ...  Closely allied to Ninox scutellatus (Raffles) [= N. scutulata] but very considerably smaller, and differing also in being much more rufous on the under parts, and generally darker above." (Beavan 1867) (Ninox).
● "Sp. 39.  Melilestes affinis, nov. sp.   Melilestes M. ILIOLOPHO simillimus, sed capite supra cinerascentiore, dorso olivaceo paullo obscuriore, collo antico magis cineraceo." (Salvadori 1876) (syn. Oedistoma iliolophus).
● "263. Oriolus viridis [= syn. Oriolus sagittatus]   ...   264. Oriolus affinis, Gould.  Inhabits the neighbourhood of Port Essington, and only differs from the preceding species in having a smaller body, a shorter wing, a much larger bill, and in the white spots at the tip of the lateral tail-feathers being much smaller in extent." (Gould 1848) (subsp. Oriolus sagittatus).
● "Penelopides affinis, sp. n.   ♂. Like P. Panini, but differs by wanting the perpendicular grooves on the thick lateral plates of the maxilla, which are smooth, by the grooves at the base of the mandible not being recurved, but straight, by the whole bill being much less massive, by the abdominal region and under tail-coverts being of the same colour as the breast, and not rufous, by the upper tail-coverts being black, and not rufous, and by the rectrices having a black band at their insertion." (Tweeddale 1877) (Penelopides).
● "30. MOTACILLA OFFINIS.  Olive Willow Wren, T.  (Willow Wren? [= Phylloscopus trochilus])  5½ inches.  Male.  Upper parts dark olivaceous ashy-brown.  Beneath, brownish yellow ochre.  Clear yellow streak over eye.  Upper mandible dark, lower pale horn: legs horn, eyes hazle.  Killed in high-timbered jungle, on the banks of a stream." (Tickell 1833) (Phylloscopus).
● "536.  ABRORNIS AFFINIS, Hodgson.  ...  This species is closely allied to A. poliogenys [= Phylloscopus poliogenys (formerly Seicercus poliogenys)], but differs from it in having the lores, base of lower mandible, lower portion of the ear-coverts, chin and throat, the same bright yellow as the rest of the under-parts; the feathers of the crown are pale shafted, which does not appear in poliogenys" (Hodgson 1854) (syn. Phylloscopus intermedius (formerly Seicercus affinis)).
● "Barbatula affinis sp. n.   B. uropygiali [= subsp. Pogoniulus pusillus] simillima sed uropygio sulphureo; abdomine albido; pectore stramineo lavato." (Reichenow 1879) (subsp. Pogoniulus pusillus).
● "Zosterornis affinis sp. nov.  ...  Specific characters.—Similar to Zosterornis nigrocapitata (Steere) but slightly larger; chestnut of chin and upper throat diffused and not forming a patch on each side." (McGregor 1907) (subsp. Sterrhoptilus nigrocapitatus).
● "3. Elaenea pagana Licht.   ...   4. Elaenea affinis Lund.  ...  Dieser Vogel ist an seinem zur Hälfte blaßgelben und dann tief schwarzgefärbten Schwanz scharf von der vorigen, ähnlichen Art verschieden; er bewohnt die lichten Campos im Innern Brasiliens" (Burmeister 1856) (Suiriri).
● "Taccocua affinis, nobis.  ...  I find that the Sirkeer of the Rajmahl and Monghyr hills requires further to be distinguished from that of the Cawnpore district, higher up the Ganges in the WNW. direction.  ...  It combines the size of T. sirkee with the colouring of T. infuscata; but has the bill rather more abruptly curved over than in either, and coloured as in all its congeners." (Blyth 1846) (syn. Taccocua leschenaultii infuscata).
● "1. Tch. paradisi, (L.) [= Terpsiphone paradisi]   ...   2. Tch. affinis, A. Hay, MS.: Malayan Tch. paradisi, auctorum; Muscipeta castanea (?), Temminck.  In any state of plumage, this species may be distinguished from the last by having the crest never more than seven-eighths of an inch in length (generally less), and the feathers which compose the crest are broader and much more commingled into a uniform smooth surface than in the other.  The middle tail-feathers of the male rarely, if ever, attain a foot in length; whereas in the Indian species, they often exceed fifteen inches; in form, too, they are very much narrower than in Tch. paradisi (vera)." (Blyth 1846) (Terpsiphone).
● "CRINON ANALOGUE (Criniger affinis).  Femelle.  Partie supérieure vert olivâtre, plumes de la tête hastées; nuque pourvue d'un petit nombre de soies très fines et peu longues  ...  Habite Warou (Ceram)." (Hombron & Jacquinot 1841) (Thapsinillas).
● "POGONORHYNCHUS AFFINIS, n. sp.  In size and colouring this species resembles P. leucomelas, excepting that the entire forehead and crown are black as in P. melanocephalus [= Tricholaema melanocephala].  In the bill and rictal bristles it resembles P. leucomelas, but the tooth on the upper mandible is barely indicated and the culmen between the nostrils is not quite so wide." (Shelley 1880) (subsp. Tricholaema leucomelas).
● "15. G. variegatus; Cincl. variegatum, Vigors, P. Z. S. 1831, p. 55 [= Trochalopteron variegatum], and figured in Gould's Century, Pl. XVI.  Nepâl.   16. G. affinis, Hodgson. M. S.  Nearly allied both to the last, and (judging from description) to the next species.  ...  Inhabits Nepâl.    17. G. capistratus; Cincl. capistratum, Vigors, P. Z. S. 1831, p. 55 [= Heterophasia capistrata].  Himalaya." (Blyth 1843) (Trochalopteron).
● "Yarrell and others extend the range of S. flammea [= Tyto alba] to South Africa; but a Cape specimen we have is certainly distinct, and is Strix affinis, nobis (Strix flammea apud nos, J. A. S. xxix. 100).  It is rather larger than Strix flammea, with the general colouring much deeper, the back being of a more prevalent and darker ashy, the lower parts more strongly fulvous, and especially the primaries and tail much more broadly and distinctly banded, the dark markings being greatly more developed than even in the true S. flammea of Europe and N. Africa." (Blyth 1862) (subsp. Tyto alba).
● "Catarractes affinis, sp. nov.   A new species of Catarractes, somewhat larger than C. lomvia Linn., may be based upon a right humerus, which is entire, and in an excellent state of preservation.  This specimen was referred to by the writer in the description of Catarractes antiquus, from the Tertiary of North Carolina, and the latter is evidently a nearly related species." (Marsh 1872) (‡Uria).
● "PICUS affinis,  Golden-naped Woodpecker.  ...  ORNITHOLOGISTS have either entirely overlooked this bird, or have slightly noticed it as a variety of Picus icterocephalus [= syn. Piculus flavigula], the golden-headed Woodpecker, from which it is nevertheless quite distinct." (Swainson 1821) (Veniliornis).
● "ORTYGOMETRA AFFINIS.  ...  This species is most like R. palustris [= subsp. Zapornia pusilla] of Mr. Gould, but it has not any white spots on the primaries, and the bill appears to be rather longer." (J. Gray 1846) (subsp. Zapornia pusilla).

Buff-thighed Puffleg (assimilis)
SCI Name: Haplophaedia assimilis assimilis
assimile / assimilis
L. assimilis  similar, like.  Indicates a close resemblance or relationship to another, but not necessarily congeneric, species.  Over forty forms have been given this epithet; only some examples follow.
● "4. Collocalia francica assimilis subsp. n.   Rücken und Unterseite etwas heller als bei den beiden vorhergehenden Formen [Collocalia francica towsendi [sic]] und mit der typischen Form übereinstimmend; von dieser ist C. fr. assimilis indessen durch die dunklere Färbung des Oberkopfes und die durchschnittlich geringere Grösse wohl unterschieden." (Stresemann 1912) (subsp. Aerodramus spodiopygius).
● "Tanagra (Arrémon, Vieillot; Embernagra, Lesson) assimilis, Boiss. — Cette espèce est très-voisine par sa coloration de l'Arrémon à collier de Vieillot, ou oiseau silencieux de Buffon [Arremon taciturnus], mais elle est d'un tiers plus forte et n'a pas de collier noir sur la poitrine." (Boissonneau 1840) (Arremon).
● "91. CUCULUS ASSIMILIS.   Allied to C. flavus [= syn. Cacomantis merulinus].  ...  Hab. Aru Islands.  ♀ in Mr. Wallace's Collection." (G. Gray 1858) (syn. Cacomantis variolosus infaustus).
● "Alcyone Assimilis (allied kingfisher).—The specific name which I have applied to this species has reference to the similarity which exists between our A. Pusilla and itself, but the general dulness of color throughout, and the absence of the slightest tinge of green sufficiently distinguish it." (Diggles 1873) (syn. Ceyx pusillus).
● "41. Chlorostilbon assimilis, sp. nov.  ...  This species is somewhat like C. melanorhynchus, Gould, but is smaller; the bill is much shorter and comparatively weaker; the crown is uniform in color with the back, not brilliant as in melanorhynchus, the latter species is also more golden on the abdomen, and has the tail less forked with the feathers narrower." (Lawrence 1861) (Chlorostilbon).
● “CIRCUS ASSIMILIS, (NOBIS).  ...  In general form and colour it closely resembles the females of the true Circi, particularly of our own British species, that of the C. ranivorus of Africa, and of the C. histrionicus.  It is, however, a larger and more powerful bird than any of these.” (Jardine & Selby 1828) (Circus).
● "Genus Picus, L., as restricted to the pied species forming the division Dendrocopus of Swainson.  The Indian species of this group are treated of in XIV, 916, so far as we were then cognisant of them.  We have since learned of two others described from the "Himalaya," viz. P. assimilis, Natterer,—like P. himalayanus (No. 287), but with the scapulary feathers white, and some other distinctions,—and P. scintilla, Lichtenstein" (Blyth 1849) (Dendrocopos).
● "5 GERYGONE ASSIMILIS, Buller. — In form and color this bird is hardly distinguishable from G. flaviventris, although somewhat larger." (Buller 1865) (syn. Gerygone igata).
● "Eriocnemis assimilis.  ...  Elle est très-voisine de l'E. aureliæ. Bourc. et Mulsant, mais elle a les plumes duveteuses des tarses, d'un jaune-brunâtre uni, tandis que celles d'aureliæ sont blanches avec quelques-unes carnées ou roussâtres à la base.  Il y a entre ces deux espèces la même différence qui existe avec l'Eriocnemis lugens et l'E. squamata de Gould, et celles-ci ont généralement été acceptées par les naturalistes comme de bonnes espèces." (Elliot 1876) (Haplophaedia).
● "MUNIA CASTANEOTHORAX ASSIMILIS, subsp. n.   Differs from M. castaneothorax (Gould) in having the chestnut band on the chest much darker in colour, and the upper tail-coverts rich chestnut-brown." (Mathews 1910) (syn. Lonchura castaneothorax).
● "MALURUS ASSIMILIS, sp. nov.  ...  The above-described species belongs to that section of the genus Malurus in which the adult males are distinguished by their chestnut shoulders, and is more closely allied to M. lamberti." (North 1901) (subsp. Malurus lamberti).
● "As the species now exhibited closely assimilates to the M. macroptera, I propose to designate it as  MICRŒCA ASSIMILIS.  ...  Nearly allied to but much less in size than M. macroptera, Vig. and Horsf., and from which it may also be distinguished by the base of the outer tail-feathers being brown." (Gould 1841) (subsp. Microeca fascinans).
● "Myrmotherula assimilis Pelzeln. N. 931. partim.  ...  M. Hauxwellii Sclater persimilis sed cauda longiore rectricibus 12 predita, secundariis et tectricibus caudae superioribus albo haud maculatis, differt" (von Pelzeln 1868) (Myrmotherula).
● "26.  Pachycephala assimilis (J. Verr. et O. des Murs.)  ...  Cette espèce se rapproche beaucoup du Pachycephala falcata [= subsp. P. rufiventris] de Gould, qui provient de la Nouvelle-Hollande; mais, en les comparant, il est impossible de les confondre, ce qui nous a décidés à lui imposer le nom d'assimilis." (J. Verreaux & des Murs 1860) (syn. Pachycephala rufiventris xanthetraea).
● "On a former occasion, (S. F. Vol. I., p. 429, Dec. 1873) I discriminated the Ceylon Phodilus and pointed out clearly wherein it differed from the Himalayan birds.  I did not then name it, because I was under the impression that Malayan specimens differed similarly.  This, however, does not seem to be the case, and having now seen a second Ceylon specimen, presenting the same specific characters as the first, I desire to propose for it provisionally the name of PHODILUS ASSIMILIS." (Hume 1877) (Phodilus).
● "1274.  Meliornis novaehollandiae assimilis subsp. n.   Victorian White-bearded Honey Eater.  Mathews, Handlist No. 799 (pars).  Differs from M. n. novaehollandiae in its darker coloration on the head and with fewer stripes on the belly..  Type: Victoria, No. 9062." (Mathews 1912) (syn. Phylidonyris novaehollandiae campbelli).
● "BROADBENTIA FLAVA.  YELLOW HONEY-EATER.   ...   Collected near Cairns, North Queensland, in July, 1911, and is the type of B. f. assimilis."(Mathews 1925). Perhaps only a lapsus for addenda (syn. Stomiopera flava addenda).
● "Rhynchocyclus assimilis Pelzeln N. 220?  ...  Rh. sulphurescente (Spix.) similis sed minor et rostro breviore, latiore, magis acuminato." (von Pelzeln 1868) (Tolmomyias).
● "TROGON ASSIMILIS.  ...  Nearly allied to Trogon personata, but differing from that species in the tail being nearly black, in the transverse markings being very slight and in the extremities more largely tipped with white; the freckled markings of the wing are also much more minute." (Gould 1846) (subsp. Trogon personatus).