Dulit Partridge

Dulit Partridge / Rhizothera dulitensis

Dulit Partridge

Here the details of the Dulit Partridge named bird below:

SCI Name:  Rhizothera dulitensis
Protonym:  Rhizothera dulitensis Bull.Br.Orn.Club 4 p.27
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  lobpar2
Type Locality:  Mt. DuHt, 4000 ft., Sarawak, Borneo.
Publish Year:  1895
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Long-billed Partridge R. longirostris) Gr. ῥιζα rhiza  root; -θηρας -thēras  -hunter  < θηραο thēraō  to hunt  < θηρ thēr,  θηρος thēros  beast, animal; "RHIZOTHERA, G. R. Gray (1841).  Perdix, Temm. Tetrao, Raffl.  Francolinus, Steph.  R. longirostris, (Temm.) G. R. Gray.  T. curvirostris, Raffl. Ill. Ind. Zool. II, pl. f. 2." (G. Gray 1841); "Rhizothera G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., ed. 2, 1841, p. 79. Type, by monotypy, Perdix longirostris Temminck." (Peters 1934, II, 90).

dulitense / dulitensis
Mt. Dulit, Sarawak, Borneo.