Ancient Murrelet

Ancient Murrelet / Synthliboramphus antiquus

Ancient Murrelet

Here the details of the Ancient Murrelet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Synthliboramphus antiquus
Protonym:  Alca antiqua Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.554
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Alcidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ancmur
Type Locality:  West of North America to Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands, i.e. Bering Sea.
Publish Year:  1789
IUCN Status:  


(Alcidae; Ϯ Ancient Murrelet S. antiquus) Gr. συνθλιβω sunthlibō  to compress  < συν sun, συμ sum  together; θλιβω thlibō  to squeeze; ῥαμφος rhamphos  bill; "b. Subgen. Synthliboramphus Nob.  Rostrum breve, altum dilatatum, a latere inspectum fere ovale.   Spec. 5. Synthliboramphus antiquus Nob. — Alca antiqua Lath.; Uria antiqua Pall.   Spec. 6. Synthliboramphus Temminckii Nob. — Uria Wumizusume Temm. planch. col. tab. 579." (Brandt 1837); "Synthliboramphus M. Brandt, Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Pétersb., 2, 1837, col. 347. Type, by subsequent designation, Alca antiqua Gmelin. (G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 77.)" (Peters 1934, II, 356).
Var. Synthliborhamphus, Syntliborhamphus.
Synon. Endomychura, Micruria, Rhamphosynthlipsis.

L. antiquus  ancient, old, primitive  < ante (old form anti)  before. 
● "Derivatio nominis: du latin antiquus qui signifie antique.  ...  Forme primitive de faucon qui se rapproche à la fois des deux espèces actuelles Falco rusticolus L., faucon gerfaut et Falco cherrug GRAY, faucon sacre." (Mourer-Chauviré 1975) (Falco).
● ex “Antient Auk” of Pennant 1785 ("on the hind part of the neck are numbers of white, long, loose and very narrow feathers, which give it an aged look"), and “Ancient Auk” of Latham 1785 (Synthliboramphus).


Ancient Murrelet (antiquus)
SCI Name: Synthliboramphus antiquus antiquus
L. antiquus  ancient, old, primitive  < ante (old form anti)  before. 
● "Derivatio nominis: du latin antiquus qui signifie antique.  ...  Forme primitive de faucon qui se rapproche à la fois des deux espèces actuelles Falco rusticolus L., faucon gerfaut et Falco cherrug GRAY, faucon sacre." (Mourer-Chauviré 1975) (Falco).
● ex “Antient Auk” of Pennant 1785 ("on the hind part of the neck are numbers of white, long, loose and very narrow feathers, which give it an aged look"), and “Ancient Auk” of Latham 1785 (Synthliboramphus).

Ancient Murrelet (microrhynchos)
SCI Name: Synthliboramphus antiquus microrhynchos
microrhynchon / microrhynchos / microrhynchum
Gr. μικρος mikros  small; ῥυγχος rhunkhos  bill.