White-whiskered Hermit

White-whiskered Hermit / Phaethornis yaruqui

White-whiskered Hermit

Here the details of the White-whiskered Hermit named bird below:

SCI Name:  Phaethornis yaruqui
Protonym:  Trochilus Yaruqui Compt.Rend. 32 p.187
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whwher1
Type Locality:  Vicinity of Yaruqui, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1851
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Long-tailed Hermit P. superciliosus) Gr. φαεθων phaethōn  sun  < φαω phaō  to shine; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "97. Cynanthus bifurcatus.   ...   This is an aberrant species, touching the genus Phæthornis, Sw., or that group of which Troch. superciliosus of Authors forms the type." (Swainson 1827 (Philos. Mag., 1, 441)); "PHÆTHORNISRostrum elongatum, arcuatum. Cauda elongata, gradata vel cuneata.   Types. 1. T. superciliosus, L.   2. Col. tacheté? Temm., Pl. col. 120. f. 3.   3. T. chrysobronchos, Shaw." (Swainson 1827 (Zool. Journ., III, 357)); "Phæthornis Swainson, Philos. Mag. (n.s.). 1, June, 1827, p. 441.  Type, by original designation, "Troch. superciliosus of Authors" i.e. Trochilus superciliosus Linné." (Peters, 1945, V, 7).   
Var. Phaetornis, Phoethornis, Phoetornis, Phaethornus, Phaedornis, Phrethornis.   
Synon. Anisoterus, Eremita, Guyornis, Mesophila, Milornis, Ptyonornis, Pygmornis, Toxoteuches.
• (Trochilidae; syn. Thaumastura † Peruvian Sheartail T. cora) "5. Subgen.  Phaetornis Swains.   204. 7. Tr. Cora.   Orthorhynchus Cora Less. Garn. Zool. Coq. pl. 31. 4.   Ornismya Cora Man. Ornith. II. p. 82." (von Tschudi 1844); "Phaethornis von Tschudi, 1844, Archiv für Naturgesch., X, p. 297.  Type, by subsequent designation (Elliot, 1879, Smithsonian Contrib. Knowledge, 317, Classif. Synop. Trochilidae, p. 122), Orthorhynchus cora Lesson, 1827." (JAJ 2020).
• (Trochilidae; syn. Trochilus † Red-billed Streamertail T. polytmus) "Phœthornis, Swainson.  ...  La tête est sans ornament ou munie de huppes.   ESP. 13.  OISEAU-MOUCHE A TÊTE NOIRE.  Ornismya cephalatra. N.  ...  Trochilus polytmus, L. sp. 4   ...   ESP. 14. OISEAU-MOUCHE A OREILLES D'AZUR.  Ornismya aurita. N.   ...   ESP. 15.  OISEAU-MOUCHE AUX HUPPES D'OR.  Ornismya chrysolopha. N.  ...  Trochilus cornutus, prince de Wied   ...   ESP. 16.  OISEAU-MOUCHE LANGSDORFF.  Ornismya Langsdorffii. N.   ...   ESP. 17.  OISEAU-MOUCHE CORA.  Ornismya Cora. N.   ...   ESP. 18.  OISEAU-MOUCHE A QUEUE SINGULIÈRE.  Ornismya heteropygia. N.  ...  Trochilus enicurus, Vieill." (Lesson 1829); "Phaethornis Lesson, 1829, Hist. Nat. Oiseaux-Mouches, p. xviij.  Type, by subsequent designation (G. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 14), Ornismya cephalatra Lesson, 1829 = Trochilus polytmus Linnaeus, 1758." (JAJ 2020).

"Habite les bois très-chauds des environs d'Yaruqui" (Bourcier 1851). The only Yaruquí listed in Paynter 1993, is in Pichincha, central/eastern Ecuador, which seems to be at odds with the known distribution of the White-whiskered Hermit, found in western Colombia and western Ecuador (Phaethornis).