Dusky-blue Flycatcher

Dusky-blue Flycatcher / Bradornis comitatus

Dusky-blue Flycatcher

Here the details of the Dusky-blue Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Bradornis comitatus
Protonym:  Butalis comitatus Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 9 p.35
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  dubfly2
Type Locality:  Muni River, Western Africa = Gabon.
Publish Year:  1857
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Mariqua Flycatcher B. mariquensis) Gr. βραδυς bradus  slow, sluggish; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "BRADORNIS* MARIQUENSIS.  — SMITH.   ...   Having failed to discover a proper place for this bird in any of the constituted groups of Brachypodinæ, I have considered it and another species, a little larger, as typical of a new group in the short-legged thrushes. The manners and mode of feeding of both species are much alike; they seek their food generally in dense thickets, and when in quest of it, move languidly from branch to branch. They usually observe a horizontal course, and unless the underwood in which they are discovered be limited, they are rarely noticed either to ascend or descend to any great extent. Their food consists of insects." (A. Smith 1847); "Bradornis H. [sic] Smith, Illustr. Zool. S. Afr., Aves, pl. 113, 1847.  Type by original designation, Bradornis mariquensis Smith." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 405).
Var. Bradyornis.
Synon. Artomyias, Myopornis, Pedilorhynchus, Sericolius.

comitata / comitatus
L. comitatus  accompanying  < comitari  to attend.
● “intimately allied to, and resembling the preceding. Much resembling B. epulatus, but larger and easily distinguished” (Cassin 1857) (Bradornis).


Dusky-blue Flycatcher (aximensis)
SCI Name: Bradornis comitatus aximensis
Axim, Gold Coast / Ghana.

Dusky-blue Flycatcher (camerunensis)
SCI Name: Bradornis comitatus camerunensis
cameroonensis / camerunensis / camerunensus
Cameroons, West Africa (German Cameroon (= Kamerun) 1884-1919, when divided into French Cameroun and British Cameroons; upon independence in 1961 southern British Cameroons joined with French Cameroun to become a republic (Cameroun), and northern British Cameroons became a part of Nigeria) (Rio dos Camerões, river of prawns, the name given to the River Wouri by the Portuguese explorer Fernão do Póo in 1492).
● Mt. Cameroon, German Cameroon (subsp. Bradypterus lopesi, Pternistis).
● Between Nola and Mbaiki, French Cameroun (= Ubangi Shari) (Vidua).

Dusky-blue Flycatcher (comitatus)
SCI Name: Bradornis comitatus comitatus
comitata / comitatus
L. comitatus  accompanying  < comitari  to attend.
● “intimately allied to, and resembling the preceding. Much resembling B. epulatus, but larger and easily distinguished” (Cassin 1857) (Bradornis).