American Tree Sparrow

American Tree Sparrow / Spizelloides arborea

American Tree Sparrow

Here the details of the American Tree Sparrow named bird below:

SCI Name:  Spizelloides arborea
Protonym:  Fringilla arborea Am.Orn. 2 p.123 pl.16 fig.3
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Passerellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  amtspa
Type Locality:  Pennsylvania.
Publish Year:  1810
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Passerella Ϯ American Tree Sparrow P. arborea) Genus Spizella Bonaparte, 1831, sparrow; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "Spizella arborea has been previously placed in seven other genera: Emberiza, Fringilla, Passer, Passerella, Passerina, Spinites, and Zonotrichia  ...  However, S. arborea is not the type species of any of these genera  ...  Because no generic name is currently available for the American Tree Sparrow, we describe a new genus:  Spizelloides, gen. nov.  Type species. Fringilla arborea Wilson, currently Spizella arborea.  ...  Etymology: The generic epithet Spizelloides is formed from the sparrow genus Spizella and the Greek suffix -oidēs (resembling; Brown 1956). The name alludes to the evolutionary convergence in plumage, morphology, and behavior that led to Spizelloides arborea being considered a Spizella sparrow for many years. The gender of Spizelloides is feminine" (Slager & Klicka 2014).

arborea / arboreus
L. arboreus  arboreal, of a tree  < arbor, arboris  tree.
● "61  ANAS.  ...  arborea.  38. A. grisea, capite subcristato, abdomine albo nigroque maculato.  Anas fistularis rufus, rostro nigro, occidentalis. Edw. av. 193. t. 193.  Anas fistularis arboribus insidens. Sloan. jam. 2. p. 324. t. 272. Raj. av. 192.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Dendrocygna).
● "93. ALAUDA.  ...  arborea.  3. A. capite vitta annulari alba cincto.  Alauda rectricibus fuscis: prima oblique dimidiato-alba, secunda tertia quarta macula alba cuneiformi. Fn. svec. 192.  Alauda arborea. Will. orn. 149. Raj. av. 69. n. 2.  Habitat in Europa, gregaria volitans." (Linnaeus 1758) (Lullula).
● "TREE SPARROW.  FRINGILLA ARBOREA.  ... If disturbed takes to trees, like the White-throated Sparrow, but contrary to the habit of most of the others, who are inclined rather to dive into thickets" (A. Wilson 1810) (Passerella).


American Tree Sparrow (arborea)
SCI Name: Spizelloides arborea arborea
arborea / arboreus
L. arboreus  arboreal, of a tree  < arbor, arboris  tree.
● "61  ANAS.  ...  arborea.  38. A. grisea, capite subcristato, abdomine albo nigroque maculato.  Anas fistularis rufus, rostro nigro, occidentalis. Edw. av. 193. t. 193.  Anas fistularis arboribus insidens. Sloan. jam. 2. p. 324. t. 272. Raj. av. 192.  Habitat in America." (Linnaeus 1758) (Dendrocygna).
● "93. ALAUDA.  ...  arborea.  3. A. capite vitta annulari alba cincto.  Alauda rectricibus fuscis: prima oblique dimidiato-alba, secunda tertia quarta macula alba cuneiformi. Fn. svec. 192.  Alauda arborea. Will. orn. 149. Raj. av. 69. n. 2.  Habitat in Europa, gregaria volitans." (Linnaeus 1758) (Lullula).
● "TREE SPARROW.  FRINGILLA ARBOREA.  ... If disturbed takes to trees, like the White-throated Sparrow, but contrary to the habit of most of the others, who are inclined rather to dive into thickets" (A. Wilson 1810) (Passerella).

American Tree Sparrow (ochracea)
SCI Name: Spizelloides arborea ochracea
Mod. L. ochraceus ochraceous, ochreous < L. ochra ochre < Gr. ωχρα ōkhra yellow-ochre.