Crimson-fronted Cardinal

Crimson-fronted Cardinal / Paroaria baeri

Crimson-fronted Cardinal

Here the details of the Crimson-fronted Cardinal named bird below:

SCI Name:  Paroaria baeri
Protonym:  Paroaria baeri Bull.Br.Orn.Club 19 p.43
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thraupidae /
Taxonomy Code:  crfcar1
Type Locality:  Rio Araguaya [near Leopoldina, fide Hellmayr, 1938, Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 11, p. 65], Goias.
Publish Year:  1907
IUCN Status:  


(Thraupidae; Ϯ Red-crested Cardinal P. coronata) Tupí name Tiéguacú paroára for a small yellow, red and grey bird; de Buffon 1770-1783, selected 'Paroare' from the Tupí autochthonym (mentioned by Marcgrave) because, where possible, he preferred to retain local names. Brisson 1760, had given the Red-cowled Cardinal P. dominicana the name “Cardinal Dominiquain,” in allusion to its red head and black and white plumage; "19. Paroaria, Nob. (typ. Fringilla cucullata, Vieill.)  Am. m." (Bonaparte 1832); "Paroaria Bonaparte, 1831 [= 1832], Giorn. Arcad. Sci. Lett. Arti [Rome], 52, p. 206. Type, by original designation, Fringilla cucullata Vieillot = Loxia coronata Miller." (Paynter in Peters 1970, XIII, 212).
Var. Paroria.
Synon. Calyptrophorus, Coccopsis.

● Prof. Karl Ernst von Baer Edler von Huthorn (1792-1876) Prussian embryologist, anti-Darwinist, geographer, explorer in Siberia under Russian auspices (Aythya).
● Gustave Adolphe Baer (1838-1918) French natural history dealer, collector in Peru, Chile and Brazil (Asthenes, Leucippus, Paroaria, subsp. Patagioenas plumbea, Poospiza, syn. Syndactyla dimidiata, subsp. Thalurania furcata, syn. Upucerthia ruficaudus).


Crimson-fronted Cardinal (Araguaia)
SCI Name: Paroaria baeri baeri
● Prof. Karl Ernst von Baer Edler von Huthorn (1792-1876) Prussian embryologist, anti-Darwinist, geographer, explorer in Siberia under Russian auspices (Aythya).
● Gustave Adolphe Baer (1838-1918) French natural history dealer, collector in Peru, Chile and Brazil (Asthenes, Leucippus, Paroaria, subsp. Patagioenas plumbea, Poospiza, syn. Syndactyla dimidiata, subsp. Thalurania furcata, syn. Upucerthia ruficaudus).

Crimson-fronted Cardinal (Xingu)
SCI Name: Paroaria baeri xinguensis
Rio Xingú, Brazil.