Harris’s Sparrow

Harris\'s Sparrow / Zonotrichia querula

Harris's Sparrow

Here the details of the Harris's Sparrow named bird below:

SCI Name:  Zonotrichia querula
Protonym:  Fringilla querula Man.Orn.U.S.Can.ed.2 ed.2, 1 p.555
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Passerellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  harspa
Type Locality:  few miles west of Independence, Missouri.
Publish Year:  1840
IUCN Status:  


(Passerellidae; Ϯ White-throated Sparrow Z. albicollis) Gr. ζωνη zōnē  band; θριξ thrix, τριχος trikhos  hair; "superciliis aurantiis  ...  Rostrum fasciaque ocularis atra" (J. Gmelin 1789); "Sub-genus, ZONOTRICHIA.   Bill as in Fringilla.  Wings rather short; the first quill shorter than the four next, which are nearly equal.  Tail rather lengthened, slightly divaricated; the lateral feathers shortened.  Lateral toes unequal.  Types.— Z. leucophrys, Pennsylvanica, melodia, &c." (Swainson 1832); "Zonotrichia Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor.-Amer., 2 (1831), p. 493. Type, by subsequent designation (Bonaparte, 1832, Giorn. Arcad. Sci. Lett. Arti [Rome], 52 (1831), p. 206), Fringilla pensylvanica Latham = Fringilla albicollis Gmelin." (Paynter in Peters, 1970, XIII, p. 41).
Var. Zonitrichia, Zonotrachia.
Synon. Brachyspiza, Hortulanus.

(Cotingidae; Ϯ Purple-throated Fruitcrow Q. purpurata) L. querulus  noisy, plaintive  < queri  to lament, to complain; "PIAUHAU, Querula.  Muscicapa, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec garni à la base de soies et de plumes dirigées en avant, très-déprimé, trigone, convexe dessus et dessous, échancré et crochu vers le bout; mandibule inférieure à pointe retrousséee, très-grêle, très-aiguë.   Esp. Piauhau, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Querula Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 37. Type, by monotypy, "Piauhau" Buffon = Muscicapa purpurata P. L. S. Müller." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 302).
Synon. Threnoedus.

L. querulus  plaintive, noisy  < queri  to complain.