Hume’s Pheasant

Hume\'s Pheasant / Syrmaticus humiae

Hume's Pheasant

Here the details of the Hume's Pheasant named bird below:

SCI Name:  Syrmaticus humiae
Protonym:  Callophasis humiae Str.Feath. 9 p.461
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  humphe1
Type Locality:  Manipur.
Publish Year:  1881
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Reeves's Pheasant S. reevesii) Gr. συρμα surma, συρματος surmatos  robe with a long train; "21. Genus, Syrmaticus Wagl.  Schleppfasan.   Character Phasiani; rostrum rectiusculum, gracilius, depressiusculum; cauda enormi longitudine, lanceolata Phasiani, exclusis rectricibus quatuor intermediis tectiformibus; rectrices (18) angustae, acuminatae, rhachide longitudinaliter exarata.  Ptilosis: plumae Phasiani sed uropygii et tectrices caudae superiores compactae, squamiformes; cornicula plumarum ad occipitis latera nulla.   Species: 1. Syrmat. Reevesii (Phas. Reev. Hardw. et GrayPhas. venerat. Temm. Pl. col. 485)" (Wagler 1832); "Syrmaticus Wagler, Isis von Oken, 1832, col. 1229. Type, by monotypy, Phasianus reevesii J. E. Gray." (Peters 1934, II, 128).
Synon. Calophasis, Cyanophasis, Graphephasianus, Neocalophasis.

Mary Anne Hume née Grindall (?1824-1890) wife of English ornithologist Allan O. Hume (Syrmaticus).


Hume's Pheasant (humiae)
SCI Name: Syrmaticus humiae humiae
Mary Anne Hume née Grindall (?1824-1890) wife of English ornithologist Allan O. Hume (Syrmaticus).

Hume's Pheasant (burmanicus)
SCI Name: Syrmaticus humiae burmanicus
burmae / burmana / burmanica / burmanicus / burmannica / burmannicus
Burma, named after the indigenous B’mar peoples (= Myanmar, a recently readopted older name for the country).