Taiwan Bamboo-Partridge

Taiwan Bamboo-Partridge / Bambusicola sonorivox

Taiwan Bamboo-Partridge

Here the details of the Taiwan Bamboo-Partridge named bird below:

SCI Name:  Bambusicola sonorivox
Protonym:  Bambusicola sonorivox Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1862) (1862), Pt3 p.285
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  taibap1
Type Locality:  Formosa.
Publish Year:  1863
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Chinese Bamboo Partridge B. thoracicus) Botanical genus Bambusa von Schreber, 1789, bamboo  < Malay bambu  bamboo; L. -cola  dweller  < colere  to inhabit; "Genus BAMBUSICOLA, Gould.  Generic Characters.— Bill moderately long, and very similar in form to that of Perdix; nostrils covered by an operculum; wings moderately long, round, and concave, the fifth primary the longest; tail somewhat more lengthened than in Perdix, rounded or inclined to a wedge-shape; tarsi rather long, and armed with a well-defined but blunt spur; toes longer than in Perdix, the two lateral ones equal in length, and united at their base by a membrane; hind toe rather long and free.  Sexes alike, as in Caccabis, but the female destitute of a spur.  This is a very distinct form among the Gallinaceæ, the species of which, so far as we yet know, are only two in number, namely the present bird and the Galloperdix sphenurus of China. Both evince a predilection for forests of bamboo, which circumstance has suggested the generic appellation. In point of affinity they equally approach the members both of the genera Perdix and Caccabis.   BAMBUSICOLA SONORIVOX, Gould." (Gould 1863); "Bambusicola Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1862 (1863), p. 285. Type, by subsequent designation, [Perdix sphenura Gray =] Perdix thoracica Temminck. (Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. Bds. Brit.Mus., 22, 1893, p. 257)." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 105).

Botanical genus Bambusa von Schreber, 1789, bamboo  < Malay bambu  bamboo; L. -cola  -dweller  < colere  to inhabit.

L. sonor, sonoris  noise  < sonare  to make a noise  < sonus  noise; vox, vocis  voice.