Hawaii Elepaio
Hawaii Elepaio
Here the details of the Hawaii Elepaio named bird below:
SCI Name:
Protonym: Muscicapa sandwichensis Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.945
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Monarchidae / Chasiempis
Taxonomy Code: elepai
Type Locality: Sandwich Islands; Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii, suggested by Henshaw, 1902, Auk, 19, p. 230.
Author: Gmelin, JF
Publish Year: 1789
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
(Monarchidae; Ϯ Hawaii Elepaio C. sandwichensis) Gr. χαινω khainō to gape, to long for; εμπις empis, εμπιδος empidos mosquito, gnat; "Gen. Chasiempis n. gen. (χαινω, inhiare; εμπις, ιδος Mücke). Die Muscicapa sandvicensis Lath., welche wir als Typus dieser Gattung hinstellen, liefert den höchst interessanten Beweis, dass die echten Muscicapiden der alten Welt von den fälschlich sogenannten der neuen Welt im Flügelbau und in der Fussbildung constant verschieden sind. Während M. sandvicensis in der Schnabelbildung, den höheren Läufen und entwickelteren Zehen, selbst annäherungsweise in der Färbung, Aehnlichkeit mit einigen amerikanischen Fluvicolinen zeigt, bekundet die 1ste kurze Schwinge und die gestiefelte Laufsohle auf den ersten Blick einen Singvogel, mithin einen Fliegenschnäpper der alten Welt 1). 1. Ch. sandvicensis. Muscicapa sandvicensis Lath. ... 1) Die Verbreitung der Fliegenschnäpper über die dem amerikanischen Continente zunächst gelegenen Inselgruppen möchte auch in geographischer Hinsicht von Interesse sein. Da in Amerika kein Fliegenschnäpper mit kurzer 1ster Schwinge vorkommt (falls nicht die Bombycillinae zu den Muscicapiden gehören), beweist Chasiempis, dass die Sandwichs-Inseln mit Amerika in keinem Zusammenhange gestanden haben können. Die Fliegenschnäpper der Gallapagos-Inseln hingegen stimmen mit denen des amerikanischen Festlandes vollkommen überein." (Cabanis 1847); "Chasiempis Cabanis, 1847, Archiv. Naturgeschichte, 13, pt. 1, p. 207. Type, by monotypy, Muscicapa sandwichensis Gmelin." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 491).
Var. Chasciempis (Gr. χασκω khaskō to gape, to yawn), Chasiempsis.
sandvicensis / sandvichensis / sandwichensis
● Sandwich I. (= Faté = Efaté), New Hebrides (subsp. Chalcophaps longirostris).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.) (named after John Montagu 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) First Lord of the Admiralty 1771-1782); ex “Sandwich Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Chasiempis).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex “Sandwich Thrush” (= ☼) of Latham 1783 (syn. Chasiempis sandwichensis).
● Unalaska I. and Sandwich Sound, Alaska (cf. “Named after Sandwich Island, one of the Kurile or Aleutian Archipelago” (Coues 1882)); ex “Unalaska Bunting” of Pennant 1785, and “Sandwich Bunting” of Latham 1785 (Passerculus).
● Sandwich, Kent, England; ex “Sandwich Tern” of Latham 1785 (Thalasseus).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex "Sandwich Rail" of Latham 1785 (‡Zapornia).
Hawaii Elepaio (Kona coast)
SCI Name: Chasiempis sandwichensis sandwichensis
sandvicensis / sandvichensis / sandwichensis
● Sandwich I. (= Faté = Efaté), New Hebrides (subsp. Chalcophaps longirostris).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.) (named after John Montagu 4th Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792) First Lord of the Admiralty 1771-1782); ex “Sandwich Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Chasiempis).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex “Sandwich Thrush” (= ☼) of Latham 1783 (syn. Chasiempis sandwichensis).
● Unalaska I. and Sandwich Sound, Alaska (cf. “Named after Sandwich Island, one of the Kurile or Aleutian Archipelago” (Coues 1882)); ex “Unalaska Bunting” of Pennant 1785, and “Sandwich Bunting” of Latham 1785 (Passerculus).
● Sandwich, Kent, England; ex “Sandwich Tern” of Latham 1785 (Thalasseus).
● Sandwich Is. (= Hawaiian Is.); ex "Sandwich Rail" of Latham 1785 (‡Zapornia).
Hawaii Elepaio (Mauna Kea)
SCI Name: Chasiempis sandwichensis bryani
● Prof. William Alanson Bryan (1875-1942) US zoologist, Curator of Bishop Mus., Honolulu 1900-1907, Director of Los Angeles Mus. 1919-1939 (syn. Ixobrychus sinensis).
● Edwin Horace Bryan, Jr. (1898-1985) US zoologist, collector in the Pacific 1920-1924, Curator of Bishop Mus., Honolulu 1919-1968 (subsp. Chasiempis sandwichensis (Michael Grayson in litt.), Puffinus).
Hawaii Elepaio (Hilo coast)
SCI Name: Chasiempis sandwichensis ridgwayi
ridgway / ridgwayi
Robert Ridgway (1850-1929) US ornithologist, Smithsonian Curator of Birds 1880-1929 (Aegolius, syn. Amazona leucocephala, subsp. Anous stolidus, Antrostomus, subsp. Arremonops rufivirgatus, Baeolophus, syn. Basileuterus culicivorus, Buteo, subsp. Buteogallus urubitinga, subsp. Camptostoma imberbe, subsp. Certhidea fusca, subsp. Chasiempis sandwichensis, subsp. Cochlearius cochlearius, subsp. Colinus virginianus, Cotinga, subsp. Cyanocitta stelleri, subsp. Dendrocincla fuliginosa, syn. Dendrocolaptes certhia concolor, syn. Dryobates scalaris parvus, subsp. Fregata minor, subsp. Geothlypis poliocephala, Glaucidium, subsp. Icterus icterus, subsp. Jacamerops aureus, subsp. Lagopus muta, subsp. Leiothlypis ruficapilla (ex Helmithophaga ruficapilla gutturalis Ridgway, 1874), subsp. Loxigilla noctis, syn. Megascops trichopsis, subsp. Myiobius atricaudus, Nesotriccus, subsp. Pandion haliaetus, syn. Passerella iliaca insularis, subsp. Pheugopedius coraya, Plegadis, subsp. Psarocolius wagleri, subsp. Scardafella squammata, Stelgidopteryx, Thalurania, subsp. Thryorchilus browni, subsp. Xenops genibarbis).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)