Black Eagle

Black Eagle / Ictinaetus malaiensis

Black Eagle

Here the details of the Black Eagle named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ictinaetus malaiensis
Protonym:  Falco malayensis Pl.Col. livr.20 pl.117
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  blaeag1
Type Locality:  Indian Archipelago; restricted to Java by Swann, 1922, Synop. Accipitres, ed. 2, p. 115.
Publish Year:  1822
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Black Eagle I. malaiensis perniger) Gr. ικτιν iktin or ικτινος iktinos  kite; αετος aetos  eagle; "In the Journal of the Society for April, 1836, p. 227, I described a species of Eagle as Aquila pernigra, but without noticing its singular peculiarities of form, as especially the unique foot, of which the outermost fore digit is even smaller, in proportion to the innermost, than in the human hand. There is no such foot heretofore described in the whole family. The rest of its structure, as the feeble legs and vast floating wings, agrees with Milvus; and, in sooth, our genus Heteropus should stand inter Aquilinarum et Milvinarum stirpes" (Hodgson 1843); "Mr. Jerdon describes the female, and mentions having examined three specimens of this "curious eagle," which he there classes as Nisäetus ovivorus, but with a double mark of doubt as to the genus; and he has since transmitted specimens of both sexes to the Society's Museum by the title of Ictinäetus ovivorus  ...  its prey chiefly the Pheasants of the region it frequents, as well as their eggs.  ...  In the three specimens I have examined, I found that eggs and nestlings formed its only food." (Blyth 1843); "Ictinaëtus Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Bengal, 12, 1843, p. 128. Type, by monotypy, Ictinaëtus ovivorus Blyth = Aquila pernigra Hodgson." (Peters 1931, I, 256).
Synon. HeteropusNeopus, Onichaaetus.

malaiensis / malaisiae
Malaya or Malaysia.
● TL Indian Archipelago (= Malay Archipelago = Java) (Ictinaetus).
● TL. Celebes (syn. Trichoglossus ornatus).


Black Eagle (perniger)
SCI Name: Ictinaetus malaiensis perniger
perniger / pernigra
L. perniger  very black  < per-  very, all; niger  black.

Black Eagle (malaiensis)
SCI Name: Ictinaetus malaiensis malaiensis
malaiensis / malaisiae
Malaya or Malaysia.
● TL Indian Archipelago (= Malay Archipelago = Java) (Ictinaetus).
● TL. Celebes (syn. Trichoglossus ornatus).