Ridgetop Swiftlet

Ridgetop Swiftlet

Ridgetop Swiftlet

Here the details of the Ridgetop Swiftlet named bird below:

SCI Name:  Collocalia isonota
Protonym:  Collocalia linchi isonota Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia 58 p.182,208
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Apodidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ridswi1
Type Locality:  Irisan, Benguet, Luzon.
Publish Year:  1906
IUCN Status:  


(Apodidae; Glossy Swiftlet C. esculenta) Gr. κολλα kolla  glue; καλια kalia  nest; the nests of cave swiftlets are made from a cement formed in the salivary glands of breeding birds, and form the base of the Chinese delicacy birds-nest soup.  However, the hard, fibrous nests of the Glossy Swiftlet are considered useless for culinary purposes; "COLLOCALIA, n.  Hirundo, L.  C. esculenta, (L.) n. Briss., II. t. 46. f. 2. A." (G. Gray 1840); "Collocalia G. R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p. 8.  Type, by original designation, Hirundo esculenta Linné." (Peters, 1940, IV, p. 220). 
Var. CollicaliaColocalia.
Synon. Salangana.

Gr. ισος isos  equal, similar; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.


Ridgetop Swiftlet (isonota)
SCI Name: Collocalia isonota isonota
Gr. ισος isos  equal, similar; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.

Ridgetop Swiftlet (bagobo)
SCI Name: Collocalia isonota bagobo
Bagobo or Bagabo, an indigenous people of Mindanao, Philippines.