Stubble Quail

Stubble Quail / Coturnix pectoralis

Stubble Quail

Here the details of the Stubble Quail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Coturnix pectoralis
Protonym:  Coturnix pectoralis Syn.BirdsAustr. pt2 pl.29
Taxonomy:  Galliformes / Phasianidae /
Taxonomy Code:  stuqua1
Type Locality:  New South Wales.
Publish Year:  1837
IUCN Status:  


(Phasianidae; Ϯ Common Quail C. coturnix) L. coturnix, coturnicis  quail; "40e  GENRE. { Caille. Le bec court, en cône-recourbé: les narines ovales, demi-fermées: la langue entière, pointue: point d'espace nud derrière les yeux: les pieds sans éperons.   Coturnix.  Rostrum breve, conico-incurvum: nares ovatæ, semi-tectæ: lingua integra, acuta: area pone oculos nulla: pedes mutici." (Bonnaterre 1791); "Coturnix Bonnaterre, Tabl. Encyc. Méth., Orn., pt. 1, 1791, p. lxxxvii. Type, by tautonymy, "Caille" = Tetrao coturnix Linné." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 91). The Common Quail was formerly an abundant migrant summer visitor to Europe, but its numbers are now declining (see quelea and quiscula).
Var. Coturuix.
Synon. Compsortyx, Maroturnia, Ortygion, Palaeoperdix, Palaeortyx, Perdortyx, Pseudortigion, Schaubortyx, Zecoturnix.

L. coturnix, coturnicis  quail; “91. TETRAO.  ...  Coturnix.  13. T. pedibus nudis, corpore griseo-maculato, superciliis albis, rectricibus margine lunulaque ferruginea. Fn. svec. 173.  Coturnix. Gesn. av. 353. Aldr. orn. l. 13. c. 22. Jonst. av. 69. t. 28. Raj. av. 58. Alb. av. I. p. 28. t. 30.  Tetrao israelitarum. Hasselq. it. 279. n. 44.  Habitat in Europa, Asia, Africa.  Pennæ corporis ferrugineæ linea longitudinali albida.  Chinenses vivum portanda manus calefaciunt. Osb. itin. 190." (Linnaeus 1758) (Coturnix).

pectorale / pectoralis
L. pectoralis  of the breast, pectoral  < pectus, pectoris  breast.
● ex “Engoulevent à collier” of Levaillant 1806 (Caprimulgus).
● ex “Janfréderic” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 111 (syn. Cossypha caffra).
● ex “Austral Quail” of Latham 1823 (Coturnix).
● ex “Gold-breasted Manakin” of Latham 1801 (Euphonia).
● ex “Petit Merle brun à gorge rousse de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 644, fig. 2, and “Yellow-breasted Thrush” of Latham 1785 (syn. Gymnopithys rufigula).
● ex “Red-breasted Snipe” of Montagu 1813 (syn. Limnodromus griseus).
● ex “Black-breasted Flycatcher” of Latham 1787 (Pachycephala).
● ex “Mbatuitui pecho listado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 389 (syn. Pluvialis dominica).
● ex “Tachurí pecho amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 165 (Polystictus).
● ex “Black-breasted Grosbeak” of Latham 1783 (syn. Sporophila americana).
● ex “Cordon Noir” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 150 (artefact).
● ex “Hausse-Col Noir” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 110 (artefact).