Kurrichane Thrush

Kurrichane Thrush / Turdus libonyana

Kurrichane Thrush

Here the details of the Kurrichane Thrush named bird below:

SCI Name:  Turdus libonyana
Protonym:  Merula libonyanus Rep.Exped.Centr.Afr. p.45
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Turdidae /
Taxonomy Code:  kurthr1
Type Locality:  near Kurrichane, western Transvaal.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Turdidae; Ϯ Mistle Thrush T. viscivorus) L. turdus  thrush; "95. TURDUS.  Rostrum tereti-cultratum, maxilla superiore apice deflexo.  Nares nudæ, superne membranula semitectæ.  Lingua lacero-emarginata." (Linnaeus 1758); "Turdus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 168. Type, by subsequent designation (Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 27), Turdus viscivorus Linnaeus." (Ripley in Peters 1964, X, 177). Linnaeus's Turdus comprised sixteen species (T. viscivorus, T. pilaris, T. iliacus, T. musicus, T. Canorus, T. rufus, T. polyglottos, T. Orpheus, T. plumbeus, T. crinitus, T. roseus, T. Merula, T. torquatus, T. solitarius, T. arundinaceus, T. virens).   
Var. TurusTrudus, Turtus, Curdus.     
Synon. Afrocichla, Arceuthornis, Cichlherminia, Cichloides, Cichloselys, Copsichus, Copsicus, Cossyphopsis, Galeoscoptes, Haplocichla, Hodoiporus, Iliacus, Ixocossyphus, Lamprophonus, Melizocincla, Meridiocichla, Merula, Merulissima, Mimocichla, Mimokitta, Nesocichla, Peliocichla, Petrocincla, Planesticus, Platycichla, Semimerula, Thoracocincla, Turdela, Turdicus.

L. turdus  thrush.
● ex “Grivetin” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 118 < French Grive thrush (syn. Erythropygia leucophrys).
● "89. Loxia Turdus F.  ...  Habitat in insula australi Novae Zeeelandiae, simillima Turdo, statura, colore, pedibus.  Corpus magnitudine Turdi viscivori, supra fuscum." (Forster 1844) (syn. Turnagra capensis).

Tswana name Lebonyana for the Red-billed Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis niger, given erroneously to the Kurrichane Thrush which also has a red bill; "The names given by the Natives to the objects above described, I have adopted as the trivial ones" (A. Smith 1836) (Turdus).


Kurrichane Thrush (verreauxii)
SCI Name: Turdus libonyana verreauxii
verreauxii / verreauxius / verreauxorum
● Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) French natural history dealer, collector (subsp. Alcedo meninting, Aquila, Carpodacus, ?syn. Graminicola bengalensis, syn. Hypargos margaritatus, subsp. Tauraco macrorhynchus, subsp. Turdus libonyanus, syn. Vidua paradisaea).
● Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) and his brothers, Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) and Joseph Aléxis Verreaux (d. 1868) French natural history dealers (Maison Verreaux in Paris) (subsp. Aviceda cuculoides).
● Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) and Jules Pierre Verreaux (1807-1873) French natural history dealers (syn. Campylopterus hemileucurus, Trichoglossus x Glossopsittacus hybrid, syn. Verreauxia africana).
● Jean Baptiste Édouard Verreaux (1810-1868) French natural history dealer, collector (subsp. Celeus grammicus, Lophornis).
● see also veroxii

Kurrichane Thrush (libonyana)
SCI Name: Turdus libonyana libonyana
Tswana name Lebonyana for the Red-billed Buffalo Weaver Bubalornis niger, given erroneously to the Kurrichane Thrush which also has a red bill; "The names given by the Natives to the objects above described, I have adopted as the trivial ones" (A. Smith 1836) (Turdus).

Kurrichane Thrush (peripheris)
SCI Name: Turdus libonyana peripheris
Gr. περιφερης peripherēs  surrounded, rounded, curved  < περιφερω peripherō  to turn round.

Kurrichane Thrush (tropicalis)
SCI Name: Turdus libonyana tropicalis
Mod. L. tropicalis  tropical  < Late L. tropicus  tropical  < L. tropicus  of turning  < Gr. τροπικος tropikos  of the solstice  < τροπη tropē  turning  < τρεπω trepō  to change.