Oriole Whistler

Oriole Whistler / Pachycephala orioloides

Oriole Whistler

Here the details of the Oriole Whistler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pachycephala orioloides
Protonym:  Pachycephala orioloides Voy.PoleSudZool. 3, Mamm. et Ois. p. 57
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pachycephalidae /
Taxonomy Code:  oriwhi1
Type Locality:  'lies Solomon (San Jorge),'' based on op. cit., Atlas Zool., pi. 5, fig. 3.
Publish Year:  1853
IUCN Status:  


(Pachycephalidae; Ϯ Golden Whistler P. pectoralis) Gr. παχυς pakhus  large, thick; κεφαλη kephalē  head; from the appearance of their large rounded heads the Indomalayan and Australasian whistlers were formerly known as 'thickheads'; "The interval betweeen the present groups and those of the Pari, where we entered on the family [Pipridæ], appears to be filled up by a race of birds peculiar to New Holland, and hitherto uncharacterized, of which the Muscicapa pectoralis, Lath. is the type*. These, uniting many external characters, at least, both of the Berry-Eaters and Flycatchers, exhibit also in general appearance a considerable resemblance to the Pari, and will be found, I conjecture, to be the connecting bond between all these groups.  ...  * Mr. Swainson has lately formed this group into a genus by the name of Pachycephala.  Nov. 1824." (Vigors 1825); "Genus. PACHYCEPHALA*. Swains. MSS.  ... Caput tumidiusculum.  ...  In their general appearance some of the species exhibit a resemblance to the birds of the genus Procnias, Ill., while by the puffed-out appearance of the feathers about the head, we trace an approximation to some of the Linnean Pari.  ...  * παχυς crassus, and κεφαλη caput" (Vigors & Horsfield 1827). 
Var. Pachycephalus
Synon. Alisterornis, Gilbertornis, Hylocharis, Hyloterpe, Lewinornis, Malacolestes, Mattingleya, Musciterpe, Muscitrea, Mutevodia, Pachycilodryas, Psaltricephus, Pucherania, Timixos.

Genus Oriolus Linnaeus, 1766, oriole; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling.
● "11.  PACHYCÉPHALE LORIOT. — PACHYCEPHALA ORIOLOIDES.   Pl. 5, fig. 2.  Dessus de la tête, bande du côté du cou, plastron  cervical antérieur et rectrices de couleur noire.  Dos vert olive: menton, gorge, thorax, abdomen de couleur jaune.   Syn. PIE-GRIÈCHE LORIOT, Homb. et Jacq., Voyage au Pôle sud, pl. 5, fig. 3.   ...   Le Pachycéphale loriot est originaire des îles Salomon (San-Jorge).  Son bec, gros et fort, le rapproche du Pachycephala lanoides, de M. Gould: il s'en éloigne par toute sa coloration, soit en dessus, soit en dessous.” (Pucheran 1853) (Pachycephala).
● See: oriolides


Oriole Whistler (whitneyi)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides whitneyi
● Gertrude Whitney née Vanderbilt (1877-1942) US sculptress, patroness of the arts (syn. Ardenna pacifica).
● Harry Payne Whitney (1872-1930) US philanthropist who sponsored a series of expeditions to the Pacific 1921-1922 for AMNH (Megalurulus, subsp. Myiagra castaneigularis, syn. Pachycephala melanura x P. orioloides (according to Mathews 1930, p. 666, this form was named for Whitney I., Solomon Is., but the original description refers neither to a type nor its habitat), Pomarea, subsp. Turdus poliocephalus).
● Prof. Josiah Dwight Whitney (1819-1896) US geologist, explorer (Micrathene).
● Bret Meyers Whitney (b. 1955) US ornithologist (Scytalopus, syn. Synallaxis cinerea).

Oriole Whistler (bougainvillei)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides bougainvillei
Bougainville I., Solomon Is.

Oriole Whistler (orioloides)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides orioloides
Genus Oriolus Linnaeus, 1766, oriole; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling.
● "11.  PACHYCÉPHALE LORIOT. — PACHYCEPHALA ORIOLOIDES.   Pl. 5, fig. 2.  Dessus de la tête, bande du côté du cou, plastron  cervical antérieur et rectrices de couleur noire.  Dos vert olive: menton, gorge, thorax, abdomen de couleur jaune.   Syn. PIE-GRIÈCHE LORIOT, Homb. et Jacq., Voyage au Pôle sud, pl. 5, fig. 3.   ...   Le Pachycéphale loriot est originaire des îles Salomon (San-Jorge).  Son bec, gros et fort, le rapproche du Pachycephala lanoides, de M. Gould: il s'en éloigne par toute sa coloration, soit en dessus, soit en dessous.” (Pucheran 1853) (Pachycephala).
● See: oriolides

Oriole Whistler (cinnamomea)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides cinnamomea
Mod. L. cinnamomeus  cinnamon-coloured, cinnamomeus  < L. cinnamomum or cinnamum  cinnamon  < Gr. κινναμωμον kinnamōmon or κινναμον kinnamon  cinnamon.
● ex “Merle à cravate de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 560, fig. 2, and “Black-breasted Thrush” of Latham 1783 (syn. Myrmoderus ferrugineus).

Oriole Whistler (sanfordi)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides sanfordi
Dr Leonard Cutler Sanford (1868-1950) US zoologist, Trustee of AMNH, organised Whitney-Sanford South Pacific expeditions, sponsor of AMNH Mt Hagen Expedition (subsp. Archboldia papuensis, subsp. Asio flammeus, syn. Cinnyrorhyncha longirostra, subsp. Crateroscelis robusta, Cyornis, Diomedea, subsp. Erythrura trichroa, Haliaeetus, subsp. Lagopus muta, subsp. Micrathene whitneyi, subsp. Mino kreffti, subsp. Myzomela cardinalis, subsp. Pachycephala orioloides, syn. Perisoreus canadensis nigricapillus, subsp. Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus, syn. Rhamphomantis megarhynchus).

Oriole Whistler (pavuvu)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides pavuvu
Pavuvu I., Russell Group, Solomon Is.

Oriole Whistler (centralis)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides centralis
L. centralis, centrale  central, in the middle  < centrum  middle point, centre  < Gr. κεντρον kentron  sharp point, stationary point of a pair of compasses.  A good proportion of the names here refer to forms collected in "Central Africa," i.e. the eastern Congo and the Rift Valley lakes (e.g. subsp. Bradypterus baboecala, subsp. Chlorocichla flaviventris, subsp. Malimbus rubricollis, subsp. Sarothrura pulchra, subsp. Turdus pelios).  Some further examples follow.
• "Dieselbe steht in Bezug auf Grösse zwischen cardinalis und massaicus in der Mitte." (Neumann 1900) (subsp. Dendropicos fuscescens).  
• "Distribution. Endemic to Peru on east Andean slope from Río Huallaga through Pasco to Junín west of the Río Ene and north of the Río Mantaro  ...  The scientific name reflects the range of this species near the geographic center of Peru." (Hosner et al. in M. Isler et al. 2020) (Grallaria).
• "Intermediate in size between N. f. flavicollis (Vieill.) and N. f. melanoxantha (Lcht.)" (Hellmayr 1907) (subsp. Hemithraupis flavicollis).
• "These birds are intermediate between N. famosa and N. cupreonitens, and resemble birds labelled by Neumann in the Tring Museum with the MS. name Nectarinia famosa centralis" (van Someren 1916) (subsp. Nectarinia famosa).
• "RANGE. —Eastern part of the central Solomon Islands (Kulambangra, New Georgia, Vangunu, and Gatukai)." (Mayr 1932) (subsp. Pachycephala pectoralis).
• "zentralbrasilianischen Hochlandes (Matto-grosso.  S. Goyaz.  N.-São Paulo.  W.-Minas Geraës)" (Hellmayr 1920) (subsp. Ramphocelus carbo).
• "the Central American form is named CICCABA VIRGATA CENTRALIS, subsp. nov.  ...  Chivela, Oaxaca, Mexico." (Griscom 1929) (subsp. Strix virgata).
• "Tang- (Dang-) la Range, Central Tibet, Tang-la Pass" (Sushkin 1926) (subsp. Tetraogallus tibetanus).               

Oriole Whistler (melanoptera)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides melanoptera
Gr. μελανοπτερος melanopteros  black-winged  < μελας melas, μελανος  melanos  black; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron wing.
● “The correct name of this bird is somewhat difficult to determine. It was first obtained by Dr A. von Nordmann in south Russia, and sent to the Imperial Society of Naturalists of Moscow under the manuscript name of G. melanoptera. This was altered by the editor of the Society’s publications - Fischer - with the approbation of the Society, to nordmanni, but the original description was drawn up by Nordmann himself” (BOU 1915) (syn. Glareola nordmanni).
● ex “Grand Martin-pêcheur de Madagascar” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 232 (syn. Halcyon smyrnensis).
● ex “Paloma montés” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 319 (syn. Patagioenas cayennensis sylvestris).
● ex “Muscicapa senegalensis torquata” of Brisson 1760, “Gobe-mouche à gorge rousse du Sénégal” of d’Aubenton 1765-1782, pl. 567, fig. 3, “Gobe-mouche à gorge brune du Sénégal” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Collared Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (syn. Platysteira cyanea).

Oriole Whistler (melanonota)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides melanonota
melanonota / melanonotus
Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; -νωτος -nōtos  -backed  < νωτον nōton  back.
● ex “Pico de punzon azul y canala” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 104 (Pipraeidea).

Oriole Whistler (christophori)
SCI Name: Pachycephala orioloides christophori
● San Cristobal I. (Spanish Cristobal Christopher), Solomon Is. (subsp. Hypotaenidia philippensis, subsp. Pachycephala orioloides).
● Etymology undiscovered (cf. Lake Christopher, Western Australia); "672A. Gerygone tenebrosa christophori subsp. n.  Allied Dusky Flyeater.  Mathews, Handlist No. 464 (pars).  Differs from G. t. tenebrosa in being more buffy brown on the back, especially on the rump.  Type: Carnarvon, West Australia, No. 9632.  Range: Mid Westralia." (Mathews 1912, Novitates Zool., 18 (1911), 311) (subsp. Gerygone tenebrosa).