White-tailed Flycatcher

White-tailed Flycatcher / Cyornis concretus

White-tailed Flycatcher

Here the details of the White-tailed Flycatcher named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cyornis concretus
Protonym:  Muscicapa concreta Tijdschr.Nat.Gesch.Phys. 2(1835) p.351
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Muscicapidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whtfly2
Type Locality:  interior of west coast of Sumatra.
Publish Year:  1836
IUCN Status:  


(Muscicapidae; Ϯ Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher C. rubeculoides) Gr. κυανος kuanos  dark-blue; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "The following species I separate by the appellation  Cyornis, Nobis: having the bill less compressed, the tarsi shorter and together with the toes more feeble, and altogether partaking more of the Flycatcher form; they also have not the brilliant cœrulean spot on the sides of the neck conspicuous in the foregoing group [Chaitaris].    1. C. rubeculoides; Phœnicura rubeculoides, Vigors, P. Z. S. 1831, p. 35; Chaitaris brevipes, Hodgson.  Himalaya   ...   2. C. banyumas; Muscicapa banyumas, Horsfield; M. cantatrix, Temminck; M. aurea? Lev., which name would hold precedence; M. rubecula, Swainson, Nat. Libr., the female.  Southern India and Malay countries.   ...   3. C. Tickelliae, Nobis; M. hyacintha, Tem., apud Tickell, J. A. S. II. 574.  ...  Inhabits Central India.†   ...   † Add 4. C. unicolor, Nobis." (Blyth 1843); "Cyornis Blyth, 1843, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 12, p. 940. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Birds Brit. Mus., p. 53), Phoenicura rubeculoides Vigors." (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 355).
Var. Cynornis, Cyanornis.
Synon. AddoecaOlcyornis, Rhinomyias, Rileyornis, Schwaneria.

concreta / concretus
Mod. L. concretus  large, sturdy, strong  < Med. L. concretus  concrete   < L. concretus  hard, thickened  < concrescere  to grow.


White-tailed Flycatcher (cyaneus)
SCI Name: Cyornis concretus cyaneus
cyaneum / cyaneus
L. cyaneus  dark-blue, sea-blue, greenish-blue  < Gr. κυανεος kuaneos  dark-blue, glossy.
● ex “Blue Hawk” of Edwards 1758 (Circus).
● ex “Black and Blue Creeper” of Edwards 1751, and “Grimpereau bleu du Brésil” of Brisson 1760 (Cyanerpes).
● ex “Merle à tête noire du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 392 (syn. Donacobius atricapillus).

White-tailed Flycatcher (concretus)
SCI Name: Cyornis concretus concretus
concreta / concretus
Mod. L. concretus  large, sturdy, strong  < Med. L. concretus  concrete   < L. concretus  hard, thickened  < concrescere  to grow.

White-tailed Flycatcher (everetti)
SCI Name: Cyornis concretus everetti
everetti / everettii
Alfred Hart Everett (1848-1898) English administrator in Sarawak 1872-1890, naturalist, collector in the Philippines and East Indies (Arachnothera, syn. Bradypterus castaneus, subsp. Cacomantis vaiolosus, subsp. Cyornis concretus, Dicaeum, syn. Dicaeum hypoleucum pontifex, Dinopium, syn. Ducula pickeringii, subsp. Edolisoma mindanense, syn. Eudynamys orientalis picatus, syn. Gerygone inornata, subsp. Horornis flavolivaceus, Hypsipetes, subsp. Lonchura leucogastra, subsp. Mixornis bornensis, syn. Ninox spilocephala reyi, Otus, subsp. Pachycephala fulvotincta, subsp. Phyllergates cucullatus, subsp. Phylloscopus poliocephalus, subsp. Pnoepyga pusilla, subsp. Ptilinopus cinctus, Rhyticeros, syn. Sasia abnormis, Symposiachrus, Tanygnathus, Tesia, subsp. Treron axillaris, Turnix, syn. Tyto alba delicatula, Yuhina, Zoothera, Zosterops).