White-throated Fantail

White-throated Fantail / Rhipidura albicollis

White-throated Fantail

Here the details of the White-throated Fantail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Rhipidura albicollis
Protonym:  Platyrhynchos albicollis Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 27 p.13
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Rhipiduridae /
Taxonomy Code:  whtfan1
Type Locality:  Bengal.
Publish Year:  1818
IUCN Status:  


(Rhipiduridae; Ϯ New Zealand Fantail R. fuliginosa) Gr. ῥιπις rhipis, ῥιπιδος rhipidos  fan; ουρα oura  tail; “Fan-tailed Fly-catcher  ... flies always with its tail spread in shape of a fan.” (Latham 1783); "Genus. RHIPIDURA*.  Rostrum breve, depressum, basi latum, apice compressum, culmine arcuato; mandibula superiore apice emarginata; naribus basalibus, ovalibus, setis plumulisque fere obtectis; rictu vibrissis confertis mandibulas longitudine fere superantibus instructo.  Alæ mediocres, subacuminatæ; remige prima brevissima, secunda duplo longiore, tertia et quarta, quæ est longissima, gradatim longioribus.  Cauda elongata, patula, apice rotundata.  Pedes mediocres, graciles, acrotarsiis paratarsiisque integris.  This group may be at once recognised as offering strong marks of distinction from the true Muscicapa in the fan-like structure of the tail.   ...   *'Pιπις flabellum, and ουρα cauda.   ...   1. FLABELLIFERA. ...  Muscicapa flabellifera. Gmel. i. 943. no. 67.  Fan-tailed Flycatcher. Lath. Gen. Hist. vi. p. 184. no. 44. pl. 99.  ...  Fantail.—There is something singular in the habits of this bird. It frequents the small trees and bushes, from whence it suddenly darts at its prey, spreading out its tail like a fan, and to appearance turning over like a tumbler Pigeon, and then immediately returning to the same twig or bough from whence it sprang.   ...   2. MOTACILLOIDES.  ...  It bears a great resemblance to the description of Dr. Latham's Motacilla atricapilla, or the Black-topped Flycatcher of his "General History," but differs in the colour of the bill, back and throat.   ...   3. RUFIFRONS.  ...  Muscicapa rufifrons. Lath. Ind. Orn. Supp. p. 1. no. 5.  Rufous-fronted Flycatcher.  Id. Gen. Hist. vi. p. 213. no. 95." (Vigors & Horsfield 1827); "Rhipidura Vigors and Horsfield, 1827, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 15, p. 246. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 32), Muscicapa flabellifera Gmelin [= Muscicapa fuliginosa Sparrman]." (Mayr in Peters 1986, XI, 530).
Var. Ripidura, Rhipadura, Rhissidura.
Synon. Cyanonympha, Howeavis, Leucocirca, Muscylva, Neomyias, Rhipidicidura, Ripidicala, Rupicula, Sauloprocta, Setosura.

rhipidura / rhipidurus
Gr. ῥιπις rhipis, ῥιπιδος rhipidos  fan; -ουρος -ouros  -tailed  < ουρα oura  tail.

albicolle / albicollis
L. albus white; Mod. L. -collis -necked, -throated < L. collum neck.
● ex “Gavilan de estero chorreado” (= ☼) of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 12 (syn. Circus buffoni).
● ex “South-Sea Raven” of Latham 1787 (Corvus).
● ex “Ficedula dominicensis. Figuier de S. Domingue” of Brisson 1760, “Figuier à gorge blanche” of de Buffon 1760-1783, and “St Domingo Warbler” of Latham 1783 (subsp. Dendroica petechia).
● ex “Suirirí chorreado sin roxo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 186 (syn. Legatus leucophaius).
● ex “Guêpier à Gorge Blanche” or “Guêpier Cuvier”of Levaillant 1807 (Merops).
● ex “White-throated Goatsucker” of Latham 1783 (Nyctidromus).
● ex “Cravatte Blanche” of Levaillant 1804, pl. 115 (syn. Pachycephala pectoralis).
● ex “Ypacahá aplomado y pardo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 374 (Porzana).
● ex “White-necked Falcon” of Latham 1787 (Pseudastur).
● ex “Cravatte Blanche” of Levaillant 1802 (Streptocitta).
ex “Courlis à col blanc de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 976, “Grand Courlis de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “White-necked Ibis” of Latham 1785 (syn. Theristicus caudatus).
● ex “White-throated Sparrow” of Edwards 1760 (Zonotrichia).


White-throated Fantail (canescens)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis canescens
L. canescens, canescentis  greyish  < canescere  to become hoary or white  < canere  to be grey  < canus grey.
● ex “Van Diemen’s Warbler” of Latham 1787 (subsp. Phylidonyris novaehollandiae).
● ex “Cinereous Godwit” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Tringa nebularia).

White-throated Fantail (albicollis)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis albicollis
albicolle / albicollis
L. albus white; Mod. L. -collis -necked, -throated < L. collum neck.
● ex “Gavilan de estero chorreado” (= ☼) of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 12 (syn. Circus buffoni).
● ex “South-Sea Raven” of Latham 1787 (Corvus).
● ex “Ficedula dominicensis. Figuier de S. Domingue” of Brisson 1760, “Figuier à gorge blanche” of de Buffon 1760-1783, and “St Domingo Warbler” of Latham 1783 (subsp. Dendroica petechia).
● ex “Suirirí chorreado sin roxo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 186 (syn. Legatus leucophaius).
● ex “Guêpier à Gorge Blanche” or “Guêpier Cuvier”of Levaillant 1807 (Merops).
● ex “White-throated Goatsucker” of Latham 1783 (Nyctidromus).
● ex “Cravatte Blanche” of Levaillant 1804, pl. 115 (syn. Pachycephala pectoralis).
● ex “Ypacahá aplomado y pardo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 374 (Porzana).
● ex “White-necked Falcon” of Latham 1787 (Pseudastur).
● ex “Cravatte Blanche” of Levaillant 1802 (Streptocitta).
ex “Courlis à col blanc de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 976, “Grand Courlis de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “White-necked Ibis” of Latham 1785 (syn. Theristicus caudatus).
● ex “White-throated Sparrow” of Edwards 1760 (Zonotrichia).

White-throated Fantail (orissae)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis orissae
Orissa State (= Odisha), India.

White-throated Fantail (stanleyi)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis stanleyi
stanleii / stanleyanus / stanleyi / stanleyii / stanlii
● Edward Smith Stanley 13th Earl of Derby (1775-1851) zoologist, collector and founder of Derby Mus., Knowsley Park (syn. Accipiter cooperii, syn. Anthropoides paradisea, syn. Gallus lafayettii, subsp. Neotis denhami, syn. Platycercus icterotis, syn. Podargus strigoides, ‡syn. Porphyrio albus, syn. Spinus barbatus).
Edward Henry Stanley 15th Earl of Derby (1826-1893) traveller in North America, the West Indies, Ecuador and Bengal (Chalcostigma).
● Stanley Cramp OBE (1913-1987) English civil servant, ornithologist, editor of 'British Birds' 1960-1987, founding editor of  'Birds of the Western Palearctic' 1977 (Fred Ruhe in litt.) (subsp. Corvus rhipidurus).
● Dr Stanley Wells Kemp (1882-1945) British marine biologist, Superintendent of the Zoological Survey of India 1910-1924, Director of Plymouth Marine Laboratory 1936-1945 (subsp. Rhipidura albicollis).

White-throated Fantail (celsa)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis celsa
celsa / celsum
L. celsus  high, lofty  < obsolete cello  to rise high.

White-throated Fantail (atrata)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis atrata
atrata / atratus
L. atratus  clothed in mourning  < ater  black.
● ex “Black Vulture or Carrion Crow” of Bartram 1791 (Coragyps).
● ex “Black Swan” of Phillip 1789 (Cygnus).
● ex “Black Red-tail” of Latham 1783 (?syn. Phoenicurus ochruros).

White-throated Fantail (sarawacensis)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis sarawacensis
sarawacense / sarawacensis
Sarawak, Borneo.

White-throated Fantail (kinabalu)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis kinabalu
kinabalu / kinabaluensis
Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo.

White-throated Fantail (cinerascens)
SCI Name: Rhipidura albicollis cinerascens
Late L. cinerescens, cinerescentis  ashen  < cinerescere  to turn to ashes  < L. cinis, cineris  ashes.
● ex “Mésange Grisette” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 138 (Melaniparus).