Western Bearded-Greenbul

Western Bearded-Greenbul / Criniger barbatus

Western Bearded-Greenbul

Here the details of the Western Bearded-Greenbul named bird below:

SCI Name:  Criniger barbatus
Protonym:  Trichophorus barbatus Pl.Col. livr.15 pl.88
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wesbeg1
Type Locality:  Sierra Leone.
Publish Year:  1821
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Western Bearded Greenbul C. barbatus) L. criniger  long-haired  < crinis  hair; -gera  -carrying  < gerere  to carry; "12. CRINON, Criniger.  (Temm.)  —  Caract. Bec court, fort, longicone, comprimé à la pointe, un peu élargi à la base; mandibule supérieure fléchie vers la pointe qui est un peu échancrée; base du bec garnie de très-fortes et longues soies   ...   Formé de cinq espèces nouvelles qui n'ont point de type parmi celles connue; toutes sont des côtes occidentales d'Afrique; plusieurs ont un bouquet de crins à la nuque" (Temminck 1820); "The genus Criniger may be known from all the other Bulbuls by the presence of a long pointed crest and numerous very long hairs springing from the nape or hind neck.  ...  the rictal bristles are well-developed" (Oates 1889); "Criniger Temminck, 1820, Man. d'Orn., éd. 2, pt. 1, p. lx.  Type, by subsequent designation, Criniger barbatus Temminck. (Idem, 1821, Pl. col., livr. 15, cover, and 1822, ibid., livr. 15, pl. 88.)" (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 275).  Temminck later rejected the name Criniger in favour of Trichophorus, but no name, once created, can be arbitrarily rejected, even by the original author (see Trichophorus).
Var. Griniger.
Synon. Cometes, Hypotrichas, Trichas, Trichophorus.
• (Dicruridae; syn. Dicrurus Hair-crested Drongo D. hottentottus) "14. CRINIGER SPLENDENS, T.  (Irena Puella,? Horsf.  Edolius? of Natterer.)   The bill totally dissimilar to the Drongo, with which Irena and Edolius are grouped.  It is long, hooked equally in both mandibles, nostrils denuded, and more like the bill of the Chough than any other bird.  The chief peculiarity of the bird is a crest, composed of long recumbent hairs, which ride from the head and fall back on the shoulders.  The tail is long, slightly forked; the ends of the outer feathers turned up, in the shape of a scoop.  In other respects it resembles the Drongo." (Tickell 1833); "Criniger Tickell, 1833, Journal Asiatic Soc. Bengal, II (23), p. 574 (not of Temminck, 1820).  Type, by monotypy, Criniger splendens Tickell, 1833 = Corvus hottentottus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).

criniger / crinigera
L. criniger  long-haired  < crinis  hair; -gera  -carrying  < gerere  to carry.
● ex “Péristère crinigère” of Hombron & Jacquinot 1845 (Gallicolumba).

L. barbatus  bearded  < barba  beard (see barbata).
● "There are two South-African specimens of a Swift in the Leyden Museum labelled "Cypselus barbatus," which differs from European examples principally in their lighter colour above, particularly on the secondaries and scapulars, in the white feathers of the gular patch presenting a narrow black central line, and in the feathers of the lower back, belly, and under wing-coverts being narrowly margined with white.  Two specimens from Natal, collected by Mr. Ayres are similar.  It is possible that this form may be entitled to rank as a species, to which Temminck's MS. name may be applied." (P. Sclater 1865) (Apus).
● "DENDRORTYX BARBATUS.  Bearded Partridge.  ...  Head slightly crested, the feathers of which are dark brown; forehead brownish buff; stripe above and behind the eye, throat and sides of the neck leaden grey" (Gould 1846) (Dendrortyx).
● "40. VULTUR.  ...  barbatus.  5. V. albidus, dorso fusco, jugulo barbato, rostro incarnato, capite linea nigra cincto.  Vultur aureus. Gesn. av. 783. t. 781.  Vultur barbatus. Edv. av. 106. t. 106.  Habitat in Africa.  Ad basin maxillæ inferioris barba dependet; frons oculorumque regio atra." (Linnaeus 1758) (Gypaetus). This epithet is the fifth name and first adjectival in avian nomenclature.
● ex “Barbichon de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 830, and “Whiskered Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Myiobius).
● ex “Bearded Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula alexandri).
● ex “Merle barbu” of Desfontaines 1789: “Le bec est noir, un peu arqué, long de six à sept lignes; de sa base naissent cinq à six petites soies brunes, roides, de la grosseur d’un crin de cheval” (Pycnonotus).
● ex “Pic à Doubles Moustaches” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 251 (syn. Thripias namaquus).


Western Bearded-Greenbul (barbatus)
SCI Name: Criniger barbatus barbatus
L. barbatus  bearded  < barba  beard (see barbata).
● "There are two South-African specimens of a Swift in the Leyden Museum labelled "Cypselus barbatus," which differs from European examples principally in their lighter colour above, particularly on the secondaries and scapulars, in the white feathers of the gular patch presenting a narrow black central line, and in the feathers of the lower back, belly, and under wing-coverts being narrowly margined with white.  Two specimens from Natal, collected by Mr. Ayres are similar.  It is possible that this form may be entitled to rank as a species, to which Temminck's MS. name may be applied." (P. Sclater 1865) (Apus).
● "DENDRORTYX BARBATUS.  Bearded Partridge.  ...  Head slightly crested, the feathers of which are dark brown; forehead brownish buff; stripe above and behind the eye, throat and sides of the neck leaden grey" (Gould 1846) (Dendrortyx).
● "40. VULTUR.  ...  barbatus.  5. V. albidus, dorso fusco, jugulo barbato, rostro incarnato, capite linea nigra cincto.  Vultur aureus. Gesn. av. 783. t. 781.  Vultur barbatus. Edv. av. 106. t. 106.  Habitat in Africa.  Ad basin maxillæ inferioris barba dependet; frons oculorumque regio atra." (Linnaeus 1758) (Gypaetus). This epithet is the fifth name and first adjectival in avian nomenclature.
● ex “Barbichon de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 830, and “Whiskered Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (Myiobius).
● ex “Bearded Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Psittacula alexandri).
● ex “Merle barbu” of Desfontaines 1789: “Le bec est noir, un peu arqué, long de six à sept lignes; de sa base naissent cinq à six petites soies brunes, roides, de la grosseur d’un crin de cheval” (Pycnonotus).
● ex “Pic à Doubles Moustaches” of Levaillant 1808, pl. 251 (syn. Thripias namaquus).

Western Bearded-Greenbul (ansorgeanus)
SCI Name: Criniger barbatus ansorgeanus
ansorgeanus / ansorgei / ansorgii
Prof. Dr William John Ansorge (1850-1913) British physician in Mauritius, Uganda and Nigeria, zoologist, collector, explorer in tropical Africa (subsp. Acrocephalus rufescens, subsp. Anthoscopus caroli, subsp. Anthus leucophrys, syn. Apalis rufogularis angolensis, syn. Apus caffer, subsp. Calendulauda sabota, syn. Chlorophoneus bocagei, syn. Cinnyris reichenowi, subsp. Cisticola rufilatus, subsp. Criniger barbatusDyaphorophyia, syn. Eremomela atricollis, syn. Erythropygia leucophrys munda, subsp. Euplectes gierowii, syn. Euplectes progne delacouri, Eurillas, subsp. Indicator willcocksi, subsp. Lagonosticta rhodopareia, syn. Melaenornis infuscatus benguellensis, syn. Myioparus griseigularis, Nesocharis, syn. Numida meleagris reichenowi, subsp. Ortygospiza atricollis, subsp. Parisoma subcaeruleum, subsp. Parmoptila woodhousei, subsp. Plocepasser mahali, subsp. Prinia flavicans, subsp. Pterocles bicinctus, syn. Sarothrura rufa, subsp. Sylvia abyssinica, syn. Sylvia subcoerulea iohannis, subsp. Sylvietta rufescens, subsp. Tchagra australis, subsp. Treron calvus, subsp. Tricholaema hirsuta, Xenocopsychus).