Black-mantled Goshawk

Black-mantled Goshawk / Accipiter melanochlamys

Black-mantled Goshawk

Here the details of the Black-mantled Goshawk named bird below:

SCI Name:  Accipiter melanochlamys
Protonym:  Urospizias melanochlamys Ann.Mus.Civ.Stor.Nat.Genova 7(1875) p.905
Taxonomy:  Accipitriformes / Accipitridae /
Taxonomy Code:  blmgos1
Type Locality:  Mt. Arfak, New Guinea.
Publish Year:  1876
IUCN Status:  


(Accipitridae; Ϯ Eurasian Sparrowhawk A. nisus) L. accipiter, accipitris  hawk  < accipere  to grasp (the original meaning was “to understand” rather than “to seize”) (cf. Med. L. accipiter  Sparrowhawk; ancipiter  Goshawk; "another possible origin is from the Greek aci for 'swift' and pertrum [?πτερον] for 'wing'." (Clark & Davies 2018)); "Accipiter. Genus 8.  ...  Les femelles des Oiseaux de ce genre sont plus grandes que leurs mâles. Elles sont aussi mieux faites, plus fortes & plus courageuses. Pour cette raison on appelle les mâles Tiercelets; parce qu'ils sont d'environ un tiers plus petits que leurs femelles.  ...  **1. L'EPERVIER.  ...  ACCIPITER." (Brisson 1760): based on "Accipiter minor" of Gessner 1555, "Accipiter fringillarius" of Gessner 1555, Schwenckfeld 1603, Jonston 1650-1653, and Charleton 1668, "Nisus" of Willughby 1676, and Sibbald 1684, and numerous other references; "Accipiter Brisson, Orn., 1, 1760, p. 28, 310. Type, by tautonymy, Accipiter Brisson = Falco nisus Linné." (Peters, 1931, I, 205). 
Synon. Aerospiza, Aesalon, Asterias, Astur, Chirospizias, Cooperastur, Daedalion, Dinospizias, Erythrospiza, Eunisus, Eusparvius, Hieraspiza, Ierax, Leptohierax, Leucospiza, Lophospiza, Neonisus, Nisastur, Nisuoides, Nisus, Paraspizias, Phabotypus, Scelospiza, Sparvius, Spilospiza, Tachyspiza, Teraspiza, Urospiza.

Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos  cloak, mantle.


Black-mantled Goshawk (melanochlamys)
SCI Name: Accipiter melanochlamys melanochlamys
Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; χλαμυς khlamus, χλαμυδος khlamudos  cloak, mantle.

Black-mantled Goshawk (schistacinus)
SCI Name: Accipiter melanochlamys schistacinus
Mod. L. schistacinus  slaty, bluish-grey  < Late L. schistaceus  slate-grey  < schistus  slate  < L. lapis schistos  fissile stone  < Gr. σχιστος skhistos  cloven  < σχιζω skhizō  to split.