Blue-mantled Thornbill

Blue-mantled Thornbill / Chalcostigma stanleyi

Blue-mantled Thornbill

Here the details of the Blue-mantled Thornbill named bird below:

SCI Name:  Chalcostigma stanleyi
Protonym:  Trochilus Stanleyi Compt.Rend. 32 p.187
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Trochilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blmtho1
Type Locality:  Cold regions of Pichincha and Cotopaxi.
Publish Year:  1851
IUCN Status:  


(Trochilidae; Ϯ Bronze-tailed Thornbill C. heteropogon) Gr. χαλκος khalkos  bronze, copper; στιγμα stigma, στιγματος stigmatos  mark  < στιζω stizō   to tattoo. "Dessus d'un vert émeraude à reflets un peu cuivreux, avec les couvertures supérieures de la queue d'un cuivreux rouge  ...  queue fourchue, large, d'un vert sombre à reflets cuivreux" (Boissoneau 1839); "*Rhamphomicron  ...  *γ.  Chalcostigma heteropogon (Orn. — BOISSON. 1839.) BP. — St. Fé de Bog.    * —— Stanleyi (Tr. — BOURC. 1850.) BP. — Pichincha.    * —— Herrani (Tr. — BOURC. & DELATTRE 1846.) GOULD. — Ecuador.    * —— ruficeps (Tr. — GOULD 1846.) GOULD. — Bolivia.    —— Vulcani (Tr. — GOULD 1849.) GOULD — Bolivia." (Reichenbach 1854); "Rhamphomicron γ Chalcostigma Reichenbach, Journ. f. Orn., 1, 1854, Beil. zu Extrah., p. 12. Type, by subsequent designation, Ornismya heteropogon Boissoneau. (Gray, Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds., 1855, p. 141.)" (Peters, 1945, V, p. 121).   
Synon. Chloropogon, Eupogonus, Lampropogon, Selatopogon.

stanleii / stanleyanus / stanleyi / stanleyii / stanlii
● Edward Smith Stanley 13th Earl of Derby (1775-1851) zoologist, collector and founder of Derby Mus., Knowsley Park (syn. Accipiter cooperii, syn. Anthropoides paradisea, syn. Gallus lafayettii, subsp. Neotis denhami, syn. Platycercus icterotis, syn. Podargus strigoides, ‡syn. Porphyrio albus, syn. Spinus barbatus).
Edward Henry Stanley 15th Earl of Derby (1826-1893) traveller in North America, the West Indies, Ecuador and Bengal (Chalcostigma).
● Stanley Cramp OBE (1913-1987) English civil servant, ornithologist, editor of 'British Birds' 1960-1987, founding editor of  'Birds of the Western Palearctic' 1977 (Fred Ruhe in litt.) (subsp. Corvus rhipidurus).
● Dr Stanley Wells Kemp (1882-1945) British marine biologist, Superintendent of the Zoological Survey of India 1910-1924, Director of Plymouth Marine Laboratory 1936-1945 (subsp. Rhipidura albicollis).


Blue-mantled Thornbill (stanleyi)
SCI Name: Chalcostigma stanleyi stanleyi
stanleii / stanleyanus / stanleyi / stanleyii / stanlii
● Edward Smith Stanley 13th Earl of Derby (1775-1851) zoologist, collector and founder of Derby Mus., Knowsley Park (syn. Accipiter cooperii, syn. Anthropoides paradisea, syn. Gallus lafayettii, subsp. Neotis denhami, syn. Platycercus icterotis, syn. Podargus strigoides, ‡syn. Porphyrio albus, syn. Spinus barbatus).
Edward Henry Stanley 15th Earl of Derby (1826-1893) traveller in North America, the West Indies, Ecuador and Bengal (Chalcostigma).
● Stanley Cramp OBE (1913-1987) English civil servant, ornithologist, editor of 'British Birds' 1960-1987, founding editor of  'Birds of the Western Palearctic' 1977 (Fred Ruhe in litt.) (subsp. Corvus rhipidurus).
● Dr Stanley Wells Kemp (1882-1945) British marine biologist, Superintendent of the Zoological Survey of India 1910-1924, Director of Plymouth Marine Laboratory 1936-1945 (subsp. Rhipidura albicollis).

Blue-mantled Thornbill (versigulare)
SCI Name: Chalcostigma stanleyi versigulare
versigulare / versigularis
L. versi- changing < vertere to change; Mod. L. gularis throated < L. gula throat.

Blue-mantled Thornbill (vulcani)
SCI Name: Chalcostigma stanleyi vulcani
Mod. L. vulcani  of the volcano, of Vulcan  < Roman myth. Volcanus or Vulcanus  Vulcan, god of fire.
• Bolivia (subsp. Chalcostigma stanleyi).
• Gedeh Volcano, western Java, Indonesia (subsp. Ficedula hyperythra).
• Volcán de Irazú, Costa Rica (Junco).
• Volcán de Santa María, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala (subsp. Vireo huttoni).
• Vulcan I., New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago (subsp. Tanysiptera galatea).
• Mount Apo, Mindanao, Philippines (subsp. Zosterops montanus).