Savi’s Warbler

Savi\'s Warbler / Locustella luscinioides

Savi's Warbler

Here the details of the Savi's Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Locustella luscinioides
Protonym:  Sylvia Luscinioides Nuov.GiornaleLett. 7 p.341
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Locustellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  savwar1
Type Locality:  Pisa.
Publish Year:  1824
IUCN Status:  


(Locustellidae; Ϯ Common Grasshopper Warbler L. naevia) Specific name Sylvia locustella Latham 1790  < Mod. L. locustella  little grasshopper  < dim. L. locusta  grasshopper; from the whirring, high-pitched, insect-like song of the Common Grasshopper Warbler; "3. Sylvia locustella.   ...   3. Heuschreckensänger. Locustella.   E[ntwickelung]. Wie gewöhnlich.   Ch[arakter]. Rohrsänger mit geflecktem Kopf, Rücken und unteren Schwanzdeckfedern.   L[ebensart]. Sie gleichen den Rohrsängern, leben aber sehr versteckt." (Kaup 1829); "Locustella Kaup, 1829, Skizzirte Entwickelungs-Geschichte Europäisch. Thierwelt, p. 115. Type, by tautonymy, Sylvia locustella Latham = Motacilla naevia Boddaert." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 50) (see Salicaria).
Synon. Acridiornis, Aedonops, Aedonopsis, Dilara, Luscinioides, Lusciniopsis, Parnopia, Philomelopsis, Potamodus, Pseudoluscinia, Psithyroedus, Salicaria, Sibilatrix, Threnetria.

Mod. L. locustella  little grasshopper   < dim. L. locusta grasshopper.
● ex “Locustelle” of de Buffon 1770-1785 (syn. Locustella naevia).
● ex “Grasshopper Warbler” of Latham 1783 (syn. Locustella naevia).

L. luscinia   nightingale, glorious songstress  < cluere   to be famous; canere  to sing; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling.
● "155.  Die Bastardnachtigall.  Hypolais luscinioides, mihi.  (Sylvia hippolais, Lath.  Mot. hippolais, Linn.  ...  Dieser herrliche Sänger, der den Namen: Bastard-Nachtigall mit vollem Rechte verdient, ist in manchen Gegenden Würtembergs, besonders in Laubwaldungen und Baumgärten, nicht selten" (Landbeck 1835) (syn. Hippolais icterina).
● (Locustella).
● "Luscinia megarhynchos luscinioides subsp. n.   Starke Reduzierung der Braunfärbung, an deren Stelle dunkles Grau tritt.  Oberseite dunkel graubraun ohne rötlichen Ton, Schwanz ebenso.  Darin und in den Schwingenverhältnissen Sprosser ähnlich.  Kurzflüglig, kurzschwänzig. — 26 Exemplare. — Typus: ♂ 22. 4. 1913 Arta, Mallorca." (von Jordans 1923) (syn. Luscinia megarhynchos). 

(syn. Locustella Ϯ Savi's Warbler L. luscinioides) L. luscinia  nightingale, great songstress  < cluere  to be famous; canere  to sing; Gr. οψις opsis  appearance; "La silenziosa Salciauola (Lusciniopsis savii, Bp.) figurata nella grande Opera di Egitto non fu nominata che dal Savi" (Bonaparte 1841); "LUSCINIOPSIS, Bp.  Pseudo-luscinia, Bp. 1834.  153. L. FLUVIATILIS, Bp.   ...  153. L. SAVII, Bp." (Bonaparte 1842).  Var. Luscinioides (Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling), Lusciniopais.

(Locustellidae; syn. Locustella Savi's Warbler L. luscinioides) L. luscinia  nightingale, great songstress  < cluere  to be famous; canere  to sing; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "240.  Salicaria luscinioïdes.  K. u. Bl.    ...    Luscinioïdes.  Bp.    — Savii. Bp.   240    ...    Lusciniopsis. Bp.  ...  — Savii. Bp.   240" (Rey,  1872, Synonomik Europ. Brutvögel u. Gäste, p. 208).  According to the Richmond Card Index this name is a lapsus for Lusciniopsis Bonaparte, 1841.  Following a reading of Rey's text, where the two names are distinct and separated, some readers may consider this to be another name for that genus, with Sylvia luscinioides Savi, 1824, the type by tautonymy.


Savi's Warbler (luscinioides)
SCI Name: Locustella luscinioides luscinioides
L. luscinia   nightingale, glorious songstress  < cluere   to be famous; canere  to sing; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling.
● "155.  Die Bastardnachtigall.  Hypolais luscinioides, mihi.  (Sylvia hippolais, Lath.  Mot. hippolais, Linn.  ...  Dieser herrliche Sänger, der den Namen: Bastard-Nachtigall mit vollem Rechte verdient, ist in manchen Gegenden Würtembergs, besonders in Laubwaldungen und Baumgärten, nicht selten" (Landbeck 1835) (syn. Hippolais icterina).
● (Locustella).
● "Luscinia megarhynchos luscinioides subsp. n.   Starke Reduzierung der Braunfärbung, an deren Stelle dunkles Grau tritt.  Oberseite dunkel graubraun ohne rötlichen Ton, Schwanz ebenso.  Darin und in den Schwingenverhältnissen Sprosser ähnlich.  Kurzflüglig, kurzschwänzig. — 26 Exemplare. — Typus: ♂ 22. 4. 1913 Arta, Mallorca." (von Jordans 1923) (syn. Luscinia megarhynchos). 

Savi's Warbler (sarmatica)
SCI Name: Locustella luscinioides sarmatica
sarmatica / sarmaticus
L. Sarmaticus Sarmatian < Sarmatia a country of the Slavs (roughly equivalent to modern Ukraine).

Savi's Warbler (fusca)
SCI Name: Locustella luscinioides fusca
L. fuscus  dusky, black, brown. Despite its classical meaning this epithet is used in ornithology to indicate a very wide spectrum of colours from black, grey and brown to a range of dark tints including slate-blue and dusky-orange (see also fuscus).
ex “Héron brun de Cayenne” (= ☼) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 858, and “Héron brun” of de Buffon 1770-1786 (syn. Agamia agami).
● ex “Gobe-mouche brun de la Martinique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 568, fig. 2 (Allenia).
● ex “Brown Sandpiper” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1787 (syn. Calidris minuta).
● ex “Brown Tern” of Latham 1785 (syn. Chlidonias niger).
● ex “Promérops de la nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 638, “Promérops brun à ventre rayé” of de Buffon 1770-1783, “Promérops brun de la nouvelle Guinée” of Sonnerat 1776, and “New Guinea brown Promerops” of Latham 1782 (syn. Epimachus fastuosus).
● ex “White-breasted Barbet” of Latham 1782 (Malacoptila).
● "61. ANAS.  ...  fusca.  5. A. nigricans, macula pone oculos lineaque alarum albis.  Anas corpore obscuro, macula alba pone oculos, lineaque alba. Fn. svec. 106. It. gotl. 215. 271.  Anas fera fusca. Jonst. av. t. 44.  Anas niger. Will. orn. 278. t. 10. Raj. av. 141.  Habitat in oceano Europæo.  Mas ad basin rostri gibbositate notatus." (Linnaeus 1758) (Melanitta).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 663 (= ♀), and “Great Brown Kingsfisher” of Latham 1782 (syn. Melidora macrorrhina).
● ex “Tangara brun d’Amérique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 155, fig. 2 (syn. Paroaria gularis).
● ex “Coot-footed Tringa” of Edwards 1743-1751, “Phalaropus fuscus” of Brisson 1760, and “Brown Phalarope” of Pennant 1785, and Latham 1785 (syn. Phalaropus lobatus).
● ex “Brown Creeper from the South Seas” of Latham 1782 (syn. Phylidonyris undulata).
● ex “Golondrina parda” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 301 (subsp. Progne tapera).
● ex "Figuier étranger" of d'Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 58, fig. 3 (Setophaga).
● ex “Bouveron” of de Buffon 1770-1783: “J’appelle ainsi cet oiseau ... parce qu’il me paroît faire la nuance entre les bouvreuils [bullfinches] d’Europe et les bec-ronds [seedeaters] d’Amérique” (syn. Sporophila lineola).
● ex “Barge brune” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 875 (syn. Tringa erythropus).
● ex “Rasle brun des Philippines” of Brisson 1760 (Zapornia).
● ex “Tourterelle de la Caroline” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 175 (syn. Zenaida macroura carolinensis).
● "96. LOXIA.  ...  fusca.  25. L. fusca, subtus albida, remigibus a tertia ad nonam basi omnino albis. Chin. Lagerstr. 19.  Habitat in Benghala." (Linnaeus 1758) (unident.).
● ex “Figuier brun-olive” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Olive-brown Warbler” of Latham 1783, and Pennant 1785 (unident.).
● ex “Gobe-mouche brun de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 574, fig. 1 (unident.; has been linked with Cnemotriccus fuscatus and with Contopus cinereus).