Blyth’s Rosefinch

Blyth\'s Rosefinch / Carpodacus grandis

Blyth's Rosefinch

Here the details of the Blyth's Rosefinch named bird below:

SCI Name:  Carpodacus grandis
Protonym:  Carpodacus grandis J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal Vol. 18, Part 2, N° 32 p. 810-811
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Fringillidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blyros1
Type Locality:  range beyond Simla, near snow line.
Publish Year:  1849
IUCN Status:  


(Fringillidae; Ϯ Pallas's Rosefinch C. roseus) Gr. καρπος karpos  fruit; δακος dakos  biter  < δακνω daknō  to bite; "6. Pyrrhula rosea, longicauda, erythrina.   ...   6. Karminfink. Carpodacus *).   E[ntwickelung]. Wie bei Coccothraustes, Chloreus und Pyrrhula.   Ch[arakter]. Hänflinge mit dickem, gewölbtem Schnabel.   L[ebensart]. Sie leben nur von Beeren und Samereien, und haben wenig natürlichen Gesang.   ...   *) Von καρπος, Frucht und δακνω, beißen." (Kaup 1829); "Carpodacus Kaup, 1829, Skizz. Entw. Nat. Syst., 1, p. 161. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1842, List Genera Birds, ed. 2, appen., p. 11), Fringilla rosea Pallas." (Paynter in Peters, 1968, XIV, p. 267).   
Var. CarpodagusCardopagus.   
Synon. Chaunoproctus, Erythrina, Erythrothorax, Haematospiza, Kozlowia, Papa, Phoenicospiza, Propasser, Propyrrhula, Pyrrhospiza, Pyrrhulinota, Rubicilla, Uragus.

L. grandis  large.
● ex “Lori de la Nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 683, “Purpur-roode Lori” of Vosmaer 1769, “Grand Lori” of de Buffon 17770-1783, and “Grand Lory” of Latham 1781 (syn. Eclectus roratus).
● ex “Great Jacamar” of Latham 1782 (syn. Jacamerops aurea).
● ex “Ibijau” or “American Goatsucker” of Ray 1713, “Grand Tette-chèvre tacheté du Brésil” of Brisson 1760, “Grand Crapaud volant de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 325, “Grand Ibijau” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Grand Goatsucker” of Latham 1783 (Nyctibius).
● ex “Grand Barbu de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 871, “Grand Barbu” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Grand Barbet” of Latham 1783 (syn. Psilopogon virens).