Western Tinkerbird

Western Tinkerbird / Pogoniulus coryphaea

Western Tinkerbird

Here the details of the Western Tinkerbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Pogoniulus coryphaea
Protonym:  Barbatula coryphaea Sitz.Allg.Deutsch.Orn.Ges.Berlin p.3
Taxonomy:  Piciformes / Lybiidae /
Taxonomy Code:  westin1
Type Locality:  Buea, 950 met., Cameroon Mt.
Publish Year:  1892
IUCN Status:  


(Lybiidae; Ϯ Red-fronted Tinkerbird P. pusillus) Dim. < genus Pogonias Illiger, 1811, barbet; "BARBION (Pogoniulus, Nob.) ayant pour type le Barbion de Levaillant (Bucco parvus Gmel.)" (de La Fresnaye 1843); "Pogoniulus Lafresnaye, Dict. Univ. Hist. Nat., 2, 1844 (1842), p. 463. Type, by original designation, Barbion de Levaillant (Bucco parvus Gmel.) [i.e. Bucco parvus auct., not of Gmelin] = Bucco pusillus Dumont.2   ...   2 Bucco nanus Boddaert, 1783, and Bucco parvus Gmelin, 1788, are based chiefly on the "Barbu du Sénégal" of Daubenton, Pl. enlum. no. 746, f. 1.  I am unable to reocognize in Daubenton's figure any of the so-called African "tinker birds"; nor are either of the names based on his figure in current use." (Peters 1948, VI, 44).
Var. Pogoniolus.
Synon. Barbatula, Barbatulides, Lignobucco, Microbucco, Micropogonius, Viridibucco, Xylobucco.

coryphaea / coryphaeus
● Gr. myth. Coryphaea, an epithet of the goddess Diana; ex “Coriphée” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 120 (syn. Erythropygia coryphoeus).
● Gr. κορυφαια koruphaia  of the head, tuft on the head  < κορυφη koruphē  crown, top of the head  < κορυς korus, κορυθος koruthos  helmet (Pogoniulus, syn. Tachyphonus coronatus).


Western Tinkerbird (Western)
SCI Name: Pogoniulus coryphaea coryphaea
coryphaea / coryphaeus
● Gr. myth. Coryphaea, an epithet of the goddess Diana; ex “Coriphée” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 120 (syn. Erythropygia coryphoeus).
● Gr. κορυφαια koruphaia  of the head, tuft on the head  < κορυφη koruphē  crown, top of the head  < κορυς korus, κορυθος koruthos  helmet (Pogoniulus, syn. Tachyphonus coronatus).

Western Tinkerbird (Eastern)
SCI Name: Pogoniulus coryphaea hildamariae
Female eponym; dedicatee not yet identified; "He also proposed new names  for the following pre-occupied ones  ...  Barbatula hildamariæ for B. jacksoni, Sclater, 1930, not Sharpe, 1897." (Mathews 1934, Bull. British Ornith. Club, 55, 24) (subsp. Pogoniulus coryphaea).

Western Tinkerbird (Angola)
SCI Name: Pogoniulus coryphaea angolensis
angolae / angolense / angolensis / angolica / angolicus
Angola (Portuguese Angola  <  Ngola a title of the kings of Ndongo).
● ex “Rollier d’Angola” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Coracias caudatus).
● ex “Angola Vulture” of Latham 1781 (Gypohierax).
● ex “Apiaster angolensis” of Brisson, “Petit Guêpier vert et bleu à queue étagée” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Angola Bee-eater” of Latham 1782 (?syn. Merops pusillus).
● ex “Linotte d’Angola” of Brisson 1760, and “Angola Finch” of Latham 1783 (syn. Ochrospiza atrogularis).
● ex “Fringilla ventre caeruleo. Blue-belly’d Finch” of Edwards 1750 (Uraeginthus).
● Erroneous TL. Angola (= Brazil); ex “Black Gros-beak” of Edwards 1764 (Sporophila).