Rwenzori Turaco

Rwenzori Turaco / Ruwenzorornis johnstoni

Rwenzori Turaco

Here the details of the Rwenzori Turaco named bird below:

SCI Name:  Ruwenzorornis johnstoni
Protonym:  Gallirex johnstoni Bull.Br.Orn.Club 11 p.57
Taxonomy:  Musophagiformes / Musophagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ruwtur2
Type Locality:  Mt. Ruwenzori, 7000 feet.
Publish Year:  1901
IUCN Status:  


(syn. Gallirex Ϯ Ruwenzori Turaco G. johnstoni) Ruwenzori Mts., Belgian Congo/Uganda (= Rwenzori Mts., DR Congo/Uganda); Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos bird; "Mr. OSCAR NEUMANN made some remarks on Gallirex johnstoni, Sharpe, from the Ruwenzori Mts., and pointed out that this bird was not a true Gallirex but the type of a new genus, which he proposed to call RUWENZORORNIS, n. gen.  This genus was intermediate in many respects between Musophaga and Gallirex, having the area between the bill and the eye and below the latter bare, but having the region above the eye feathered. This bare space was about intermediate in extent between that of M. violacea and M. rossæ. The bill was high, with the culmen rounded, starting from above the eyes, very much compressed and showing a distinct ridge, far more pronounced than in any genus of Musophagidæ, not excepting Corythæola. The nostrils in Ruwenzorornis were not rounded as in Gallirex, but were longitudinal, as in Musophaga." (Neumann 1903).  Var. Rurvenzorornis.

● Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston (1858-1927) English explorer in tropical Africa 1882-1884, colonial administrator, Vice Consul Cameroon and Niger Delta 1885, Consul to Portuguese East Africa 1889, Commissioner for South Central Africa 1891-1896, Consul-Gen. to Tunisia 1897-1899, Special Commissioner for Uganda 1899-1901 (syn. Aplopelia larvata, Dendropicos, syn. Melaenornis fischeri, Nectarinia, subsp. Phylloscopus ruficapilla, syn. Pogonocichla stellata orientalis, subsp. Pternistis hildebrandtiRuwenzorornis, syn. Turdus olivaceus baraka).
● Johnston River, northern Queensland, Australia (syn. Gerygone palpebrosa flavida, syn. Philemon citreogularis sordidus, syn. Xanthotis macleayanus).


Rwenzori Turaco (Rwenzori)
SCI Name: Ruwenzorornis johnstoni johnstoni
● Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston (1858-1927) English explorer in tropical Africa 1882-1884, colonial administrator, Vice Consul Cameroon and Niger Delta 1885, Consul to Portuguese East Africa 1889, Commissioner for South Central Africa 1891-1896, Consul-Gen. to Tunisia 1897-1899, Special Commissioner for Uganda 1899-1901 (syn. Aplopelia larvata, Dendropicos, syn. Melaenornis fischeri, Nectarinia, subsp. Phylloscopus ruficapilla, syn. Pogonocichla stellata orientalis, subsp. Pternistis hildebrandtiRuwenzorornis, syn. Turdus olivaceus baraka).
● Johnston River, northern Queensland, Australia (syn. Gerygone palpebrosa flavida, syn. Philemon citreogularis sordidus, syn. Xanthotis macleayanus).

Rwenzori Turaco (Mt. Kabobo)
SCI Name: Ruwenzorornis johnstoni bredoi
Hans Joseph Brédo (1903-1991) Belgian government entomologist, collector in the Congo and Rhodesia (syn. Chloropeta gracilirostris bensoni, subsp. Gallirex johnstoni).

Rwenzori Turaco (Kivu)
SCI Name: Ruwenzorornis johnstoni kivuensis
kivuense / kivuensis
Kivu Volcanoes, Kivu Province, Belgian Congo / DR Congo.