Bare-legged Owl

Bare-legged Owl / Margarobyas lawrencii

Bare-legged Owl

Here the details of the Bare-legged Owl named bird below:

SCI Name:  Margarobyas lawrencii
Protonym:  Gymnoglaux lawrencii Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt2 p.327 pl.29
Taxonomy:  Strigiformes / Strigidae /
Taxonomy Code:  balowl
Type Locality:  Cuba; ex Lawrence, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 7, 1860, p. 257.
Publish Year:  1868
IUCN Status:  


(Strigidae; Ϯ Bare-legged Owl M. lawrencii) Gr. μαργαριτης  margaritēs  pearl; βυας buas  owl; "Gymnoglaux Cabanis 1855 is a straightforward junior objective synonym of Gymnasio Bonaparte, 1854, despite the fact that no one in the last 153 years has treated it as such   ...   Because no other generic name is available for Gymnoglaux lawrencii Sclater and Salvin, we propose the following as a replacement   ...   Genus Margarobyas Olson et Suárez, nomen novum   pro "Gymnoglaux Cabanis" auctorum.  Type and only included species— Gymnoglaux lawrencii Sclater and Salvin, 1868.   Etymology— Gr. f. margarites, a pearl, plus Gr. m. byas, an owl, in allusion to Cuba, Pearl of the Antilles. The name is masculine in gender" (Olson & Suárez 2008).
Synon. Gymnoglaux

George Newbold Lawrence (1806-1895) US businessman, collector, ornithologist (subsp. Cichlherminia lherminieri, subsp. Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus, syn. Gymnocichla nudiceps (ex Myrmelastes corvinus Lawrence, 1863), subsp. Icterus leucopteryx, Margarobyas, syn. Mimus gilvus gracilis, syn. Nesoctites micromegas, syn. Pelagodroma marina (ex Thalassidroma fregetta Lawrence, 1852), subsp. Peucaea ruficaudaPheugopedius, Pseudocolaptes, syn. Sclerurus caudacutus umbretta, syn. Tachyphonus luctuosus (ex Tachyphonus atricapillus Lawrence, 1868), Turdus, syn. Vermivora pinus x chrysoptera, Zentrygon).


Bare-legged Owl (exsul)
SCI Name: Margarobyas lawrencii exsul
L. exsul  exile  < ex  out of; solum  country, land (i.e. remote, isolated, insular).

Bare-legged Owl (lawrencii)
SCI Name: Margarobyas lawrencii lawrencii
George Newbold Lawrence (1806-1895) US businessman, collector, ornithologist (subsp. Cichlherminia lherminieri, subsp. Cyphorhinus phaeocephalus, syn. Gymnocichla nudiceps (ex Myrmelastes corvinus Lawrence, 1863), subsp. Icterus leucopteryx, Margarobyas, syn. Mimus gilvus gracilis, syn. Nesoctites micromegas, syn. Pelagodroma marina (ex Thalassidroma fregetta Lawrence, 1852), subsp. Peucaea ruficaudaPheugopedius, Pseudocolaptes, syn. Sclerurus caudacutus umbretta, syn. Tachyphonus luctuosus (ex Tachyphonus atricapillus Lawrence, 1868), Turdus, syn. Vermivora pinus x chrysoptera, Zentrygon).