Siberian Crane

Siberian Crane / Leucogeranus leucogeranus

Siberian Crane

Here the details of the Siberian Crane named bird below:

SCI Name:  Leucogeranus leucogeranus
Protonym:  Grus Leucogeranus ReiseVersch.Provin.Russ.Reichs 2 p.714
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Gruidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sibcra1
Type Locality:  Swamps bordering the Ischim, Irtysh and Ob rivers.
Publish Year:  1773
IUCN Status:  


(Gruidae; Ϯ Siberian Crane L. leucogeranus) Specific name Grus leucogeranus Pallas, 1773. "LEUCOGERANUS, Bp.  Albae; remigibus nigris: caput collumque parum denudata. Mediae quasi inter GRUES et CICONIAS.  1. GRUS leucogeranos, Pall." (Bonaparte 1854). The Siberian Crane is a critically endangered bird, breeding in remote marshes of Siberia, and wintering in Iran and eastern China.
Synon. Sarcogeranus.

Gr. λευκος leukos white; γερανος geranos crane.

(Gruidae; Ϯ Siberian Crane L. leucogeranus) Specific name Grus leucogeranus Pallas, 1773. "LEUCOGERANUS, Bp.  Albae; remigibus nigris: caput collumque parum denudata. Mediae quasi inter GRUES et CICONIAS.  1. GRUS leucogeranos, Pall." (Bonaparte 1854). The Siberian Crane is a critically endangered bird, breeding in remote marshes of Siberia, and wintering in Iran and eastern China.
Synon. Sarcogeranus.

Gr. λευκος leukos white; γερανος geranos crane.