Piping Crow

Piping Crow / Corvus typicus

Piping Crow

Here the details of the Piping Crow named bird below:

SCI Name:  Corvus typicus
Protonym:  Gazzola typica Compt.Rend. 37 p.828
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Corvidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pipcro1
Type Locality:  'Nouvelle Caledonie;'' error for Butung Island (see Stresemann, 1953, Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, 29, p. 95).
Publish Year:  1853
IUCN Status:  


(Corvidae; Ϯ Common Raven C. corax) L. corvus  raven. In fable the Raven was originally white but, despite its supposed gift of prophecy, was turned into a black bird for its treachery. The Common or Northern Raven is the largest species of passerine bird; "48. CORVUS.  Rostrum convexum, cultratum, basi pennis setaceis tectum.  Lingua cartilaginea bifida." (Linnaeus 1758); "Corvus Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 1, p. 105. Type, by tautonymy, "Corvus", i.e. Corvus corax Linnaeus." (Blake & Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 261).  This is the ninth diagnosed genus in avian taxonomy.  Linnaeus's Corvus comprised twelve species (C. Corax, C. Corone, C. frugilegus, C. Cornix, C. Monedula, C. benghalensis, C. glandarius, C. cristatus, C. Caryocatactes, C. Pica, C. paradisi, C. infaustus).     
Var. CervusCoruus.   
Synon. Amblycorax, Anomalocorax, Archicorax, Coloeus, Corax, Corone, Corvultur, Frugilegus, Gymnocorax, Gymnocorvus, Heterocorax, Macrocorax, Microcorax, Monedula, Nesocorax, Palaeocorax, Physocorax, Pterocorax, Rhinocorax, Sitocorax, Trypanocorax.

L. corvus raven.
● From a local name Caa Maa crow gull, for the Black-legged Kittiwake in the Shetlands (syn. Rissa tridactyla).

typica / typicum / typicus
L. typicus  typical, type  < Gr. τυπικος tupikos  typical, conforming to type  < τυπος tupos  type. Epithet refers to a type species or, less frequently and not recorded here, to a specimen from the type locality. The following list is not exhaustive.
● Type species of genus Abeillia Bonaparte, 1850, hummingbird (syn. Abeillia abeillei).
● Type species of genus Saucerottia Bonaparte, 1850, beryl (syn. Amazilia saucerrottei).
● Type species of genus Hemistilbon Gould, 1861, beryl (syn. Amazilia saucerrottei).
● Type species of genus Barnardius Bonaparte, 1854, ringneck (syn. Barnardius barnardi).
● Type species of genus Coeligena Lesson, 1833, inca (syn. Coeligena coeligena).
● Type species of genus Helianthea Gould, 1848, star-frontlet (syn. Coeligena helianthea).
● Type species of genus Gazzola Bonaparte, 1853, crow (Corvus).
● Type species of genus Deconychura Cherrie, 1891, woodcreeper.
● Type species of genus Juliamyia Bonaparte, 1854, hummingbird (syn. Juliamyia julie).
● Type species of genus Oxynotus Swainson, 1832, cuckooshrike (Lalage).
● Type species of genus Melanodera Bonaparte, 1850 (syn. Melanodera melanodera).
● Type species of genus Ellisia Hartlaub, 1860, warbler (Nesillas).
● Type species of genus Pristoptera Bonaparte, 1857, saw-wing swallow (syn. Psalidoprocne pristoptera).
Type species of genus Pyrilia Bonaparte, 1856, parrot (syn. Pyrilia pyrilia).
● Type species of genus Helotarsus A. Smith, 1830, bateleur (syn. Terathopius ecaudatus).