Red-rumped Swallow

Red-rumped Swallow / Cecropis daurica

Red-rumped Swallow

Here the details of the Red-rumped Swallow named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cecropis daurica
Protonym:  Hirundo daurica MantissaPlant. p.528
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Hirundinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rerswa1
Type Locality:  Siberia.
Publish Year:  1769
IUCN Status:  


(Hirundinidae; Ϯ Greater Striped Swallow C. cucullata) Gr. Κεκροπις Kekropis  Athenian woman. Seemingly despite its generic appellation the Greater Striped Swallow breeds in southern Africa, but the epithet reflects the use of Attic place names and proper names for swallows (see Atticora); "I. Fam. Hirundinidae Vigors.  Hirundo Lin.  ...   Cecropis. Hir. capensis Gm.; rustica Gm. u.s.w." (Boie 1826); "Cecropis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, Heft 10, col. 971. Type, by subsequent designation, Hirundo capensis Gmelin = Hirundo cucullata Boddaert (Salvadori, 1881, Orn. Pap. Mol., pt. 2, p. 1)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 113).    
Var. Acropis, Cercropis.   
Synon. Baruwaia, Herophilus, Lillia, Phoenichelidon.

daurica / dauricus
Dauria, south-eastern Siberia (after the Dauuri or Dağuuri, a nomadic Mongolian tribe that inhabited the area).


Red-rumped Swallow (Red-rumped)
SCI Name: Cecropis daurica [daurica Group]
(Hirundinidae; Ϯ Greater Striped Swallow C. cucullata) Gr. Κεκροπις Kekropis  Athenian woman. Seemingly despite its generic appellation the Greater Striped Swallow breeds in southern Africa, but the epithet reflects the use of Attic place names and proper names for swallows (see Atticora); "I. Fam. Hirundinidae Vigors.  Hirundo Lin.  ...   Cecropis. Hir. capensis Gm.; rustica Gm. u.s.w." (Boie 1826); "Cecropis Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, Heft 10, col. 971. Type, by subsequent designation, Hirundo capensis Gmelin = Hirundo cucullata Boddaert (Salvadori, 1881, Orn. Pap. Mol., pt. 2, p. 1)." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 113).    
Var. Acropis, Cercropis.   
Synon. Baruwaia, Herophilus, Lillia, Phoenichelidon.

Red-rumped Swallow (West African)
SCI Name: Cecropis daurica domicella
Med. L. domicella  damsel  < dim. L. domina  lady, mistress  < dominus  master  < domus  house.
● "44. PSITTACUS.  ...  Domicella.  23. P. brachyurus ruber, pileo fusco, alis viridibus, humeris genibusque cæruleis.  Psittacus coccineus orientalis, vertice nigro. Edw. av. 171. t. 171.  Psittacus brasiliensis. Alb. av. I. p. 13. t. 13?  Habitat in Asia." (Linnaeus 1758) (Lorius).
● "LANIUS.   ...   502. L. domicella N.  L. totus ater humeris candidis, tectricibus alae apice candidis.  Mas. Longit. 7".  Bahia . . . .E. Thlr. 2½     503. L. domicella N.  Fem. supra fusca, cauda nigra, subtus cinerascente-olivacea . . . .E. Thlr. 2     Obs. Huic simillimis L. funebris N. e Cayana, sed minor, subcristatus, dorso medio pectore abdomineque nigro-schistaceis." (Lichtenstein 1823) (syn. Pyriglena leucoptera).