Bangwa Warbler

Bangwa Warbler / Bradypterus bangwaensis

Bangwa Warbler

Here the details of the Bangwa Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Bradypterus bangwaensis
Protonym:  Bradypterus cinnamomeus bangwaensis Ibis 85 (1) p. 39
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Locustellidae /
Taxonomy Code:  banscw1
Type Locality:  
Publish Year:  1943
IUCN Status:  


(Locustellidae; Ϯ Little Rush-warbler B. baboecala) Gr. βραδυς bradus  slow, sluggish; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing; "BRADYPTETUS, Sw.  General size and habit of Curuca. The bill distinctly notched. Wings short; the three first quills equally graduated. Tail rounded; the feathers remarkably broad and soft. Feet large, strong, and robust; the lateral toes equal. Claws slender, slightly curved.   Africa.  B. platyurus. Ois. d'Af. pl. 122.   ...   [Index] Bradypterus, Sw." (Swainson 1837); "Bradyptetus [sic] Swainson, 1837, Nat. Hist. Class. Birds, 2, p. 241, Bradypterus in index, p. 379. Type, by monotypy, Bradyptetus platyurus Swainson = Sylvia baboaecala Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters 1986, XI, 17).   
Var. Bradyptetus (original spelling), ?Bradyptetes.   
Synon. Androphilus, Caffrillas, Dromaeocercus, Dumeticola, Pseudotharrhaleus, Sathrocercus, Stasiasticus, Sylvaticus, Tribura.
● (Muscicapidae; syn. Hodgsonius White-bellied Redstart H. phaenicuroides). "Bradypterus phænicuroides, [drawing no.] 817." (Hodgson 1844); "Bradypterus Hodgson, 1844, in Gray's Zool. Miscellany, p. 83 (nom. nud.) (not of Swainson, 1837).  Type, by monotypy, Bradypterus phaenicuroides  "Hodgs." Gray, 1847." (JAJ 2021) (see Bradybates).
Var. Brachypterus.

Bangwa, north-western Cameroon.