White-breasted Robin

White-breasted Robin / Eopsaltria georgiana

White-breasted Robin

Here the details of the White-breasted Robin named bird below:

SCI Name:  Eopsaltria georgiana
Protonym:  Muscicapa georgiana Voy.AstrolabeZool. 1 p.175 AtlasOis. pl.3 fig.4
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Petroicidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whbrob1
Type Locality:  King George Sound, southwestern Australia.
Publish Year:  1830
IUCN Status:  


(Petroicidae; Ϯ Eastern Yellow Robin E. australis) Gr. εως eōs or ηως ēōs dawn; ψαλτρια psaltria singer  < ψαλλω psallō  to sing, to play the lyre; the loud, whistled calls of the Eastern Yellow Robin are the first of the dawn chorus; "32. Sub-genus, EÖPSALTRIA *.  (Generis Pachycephalæ, Sw.)   Rostrum Pachycephalæ sed majus elongatum, rectum; apice adunca, gonyde recta; basi vibrissis paucis cinctum.  Alæ longiusculæ, remigibus tribus prioribus gradatis.  Pedes graciles.  Tarsi elevati.  Ungues longi.  Digiti laterales valde inæquales; duo exteriores basi connexi.  Hallux elongatus sed digito medio brevior.  Cauda longiuscula, æqualis.    Type.—Yellow-breasted Thrush. LEWIN, Birds of N. S. W., pl. 23. (Muscicapa Australis, AUCT.)  ...  * Th. εως Aurora, et ψαλτρια cantatrix." (Swainson 1831); "Eopsaltria Swainson, 1832, in Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Americana, 2 (1831), p. 492.  Type, by original designation, Motacilla australis J. White." (Mayr in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 571). 
Var. Eoepsaltria, Eiopsaltria, Eöpsaltria.

georgi / georgia / georgiae / georgiana / georgianus / georgica / georgicum / georgicus / georgii
● South Georgia I., Southern Ocean (named after George III King of Great Britain (1738-1820; reigned 1760-1820)) (Anas (ex “Georgia Duck” of Latham 1785), syn. Diomedea exulans chionoptera, syn. Pachyptila desolata banksi, Pelecanoides, Phalacrocorax, subsp. Sterna vittata).
● King George’s Sound, Western Australia (named after George III King of Great Britain (1738-1820; reigned 1760-1820)) (syn. Cereopsis novaehollandiae, subsp. Larus pacificusQuoyornis (ex “Gobe-mouche géorgien” of Quoy & Gaimard 1830)).
● Georgia, formerly part of the Russian Empire, then a republic of the USSR, now an independent republic, located in the Caucasus (Old Persian name gorgan land of wolves, for the area) (syn. Cyanistes caeruleus satunini).
● Interior of Georgia, North America (named after George II King of Great Britain (1683-1760; reigned 1727-1760) (Melospiza).
● L. georgicus  agricultural  < Gr. γεωργικος geōrgikos  farmer (syn. Passer diffusus). Note that George III King of Great Britain (see above) was popularly known as 'Farmer George.'
● Southern Georgia, USA (named after George II King of Great Britain (1683-1760; reigned 1727-1760)) (subsp. Strix varia).
● Georges River, New South Wales, Australia (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Tringa nebularia).
● George Creek, Victoria River, Northern Territory, Australia (syn. Tyto longimembris).