Common Green-Magpie

Common Green-Magpie / Cissa chinensis

Common Green-Magpie

Here the details of the Common Green-Magpie named bird below:

SCI Name:  Cissa chinensis
Protonym:  Coracias chinensis TablePlanchesEnlum. p.38
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Corvidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gremag1
Type Locality:  China; error corrected to southern Thailand by Robinson and Kloss (1923, Journ. and Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, new ser., 18 (1922), p. 561); and further corrected to Mergui, Tenasserim bv Stresemann (1952, Ibis, 94, pp.516; 521).
Publish Year:  1783
IUCN Status:  


(Corvidae; Ϯ Common Green Magpie C. chinensis) Gr. κισσα kissa  magpie. The Greeks applied this name both to the jay and to the magpie, equally noisy and familiar. In Gr. myth. Cissa was one of the Pierides, who, having failed to best the Muses in a singing contest, was transformed into a chattering magpie; "XVIII. Fam. Melliphagidae Vigors. ...  2 Unter der Benennung Cissa könnten ferner zur Gattung erhoben werden: Cor. sinensis Gm. und verwandte Arten." (Boie 1826); "Cissa Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 975. Type, by monotypy, Coracias sinensis Gmelin, 1788 = Coracias chinensis Boddaert, 1783.  ...  The name Kitta Temminck, 1826, in Temminck and Laugier, Pl. Col., 395, livr. 67 (= Ptilonorhynchus Kuhl, 1820, Beitr. Zool. Vergl. Anat., p. 150) has been used in error by some authors for this genus." (Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 242). 
Synon. Chlorisoma, Corapica.

L. cissa  magpie or jay  < Gr. κισσα kissa  magpie (i.e. pied black and white) (syn. Dendrocopos major).

Mod. L. Chinensis of China, Chinese. This toponym was frequently amended to sinensis.
● ex “Poule-Sultane de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 896 (syn Amaurornis phoenicurus).
● Erroneous TL. China (= Tenasserim); ex “Rollier de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 620, “Rolle de la Chine” of de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Chinese Roller” of Latham 1781 (Cissa).
● China Sea; ex “Albatros de la Chine” (= ☼) of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 963 (syn. Diomedea albatrus).
● ex “Petit Geay de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782 (Dryonastes).
● Erroneous TL. China (= Amboina, Moluccas) (syn. Eos rubra).
● ex “Perdrix de la Chine” of Brisson 1760 (syn. Francolinus pintadeanus).
● ex “Chinese Jacana” of Latham 1785 (syn. Hydrophasianus chirurgus).
● Erroneous TL. China (= Philippines); ex “Loriot de la Cochinchine” of Brisson 1760 (Oriolus).
● ex “Béccassine de la Chine” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 881 (syn. Rostratula benghalensis).
● ex “Tourterelle grise de la Chine” of Sonnerat 1782 (Spilopelia).
● China and the Philippines; ex “Chinese Quail” of Edwards 1758 and "Coturnix philippensis" of Brisson 1760 (Synoicus).


Common Green-Magpie (Common)
SCI Name: Cissa chinensis [chinensis Group]
(Corvidae; Ϯ Common Green Magpie C. chinensis) Gr. κισσα kissa  magpie. The Greeks applied this name both to the jay and to the magpie, equally noisy and familiar. In Gr. myth. Cissa was one of the Pierides, who, having failed to best the Muses in a singing contest, was transformed into a chattering magpie; "XVIII. Fam. Melliphagidae Vigors. ...  2 Unter der Benennung Cissa könnten ferner zur Gattung erhoben werden: Cor. sinensis Gm. und verwandte Arten." (Boie 1826); "Cissa Boie, 1826, Isis von Oken, col. 975. Type, by monotypy, Coracias sinensis Gmelin, 1788 = Coracias chinensis Boddaert, 1783.  ...  The name Kitta Temminck, 1826, in Temminck and Laugier, Pl. Col., 395, livr. 67 (= Ptilonorhynchus Kuhl, 1820, Beitr. Zool. Vergl. Anat., p. 150) has been used in error by some authors for this genus." (Vaurie in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 242). 
Synon. Chlorisoma, Corapica.

Common Green-Magpie (Yellow-crowned)
SCI Name: Cissa chinensis margaritae
● Margarita Nikandrovna Zilova (fl. 1897) common-law wife of Russian ornithologist Konstantin Davydof (Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Alectoris chukar sinaica).
● Margaret Kernochan Pulitzer née Leech (1893-1974) US author, historian, wife of publisher and sponsor Ralph Pulitzer (Batis).
● Margarethe Koenig née Westphal (1865-1943) German field-naturalist, collector, wife of zoologist Prof. A. Koenig (subsp. Chersophilus duponti).
● Gabrielle Maud Vassal née Candler (fl. 1919) collector in tropical China and Indochina (subsp. Cissa chinensis).
● Subsequent spelling by author of subspecific name Coeligena torquata margaretae Zimmer, 1948 (syn. Coeligena torquata margaretae).
● Margaret Hall Holt née Lander (b. 1894) wife of US ornithologist Ernest G. Holt (Conirostrum).
● Isla Margarita, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela (subsp. Crypturellus erythropus, subsp. Megascops choliba, subsp. Phalaenopsis brasiliana, subsp. Rallus longirostris, subsp. Xiphorhynchus susurrans).
● Hon. Margaret Mary Fraser (1881-1973) sister of explorer Simon Fraser 14th Lord Lovat (syn. Estrilda paludicola ochrogaster).
● Amelia ‘Daisy’ Woolworth Smith née Smith (b. 1858) US preparator, collector in the Neotropics, wife of naturalist Herbert Huntington Smith (Spanish name margarita for the daisy flower) (subsp. Lampornis amethystinus, subsp. Sporathraupis cyanocephala, subsp. Tangara flava).
● Margaret Fitzell Gilliard née Tifft (1918-2008) wife of US ornithologist E. Thomas Gilliard (subsp. Paradisornis rudolphi).
● Isla Santa Margarita, Baja California, Mexico (subsp. Polioptila californica).
● Anne Louise Marguerite Dorst née Larpent (fl. 1956) wife of French ornithologist Jean Dorst (subsp. Psilopsiagon aurifrons).
● Marguerite Delacour (1860-1954) mother of French ornithologist Jean Delacour (Psittiparus).
● Margaret Boardman Conover (b. 1888) sister of US ornithologist Henry Boardman Conover (subsp. Zentrygon frenata).