Connecticut Warbler

Connecticut Warbler / Oporornis agilis

Connecticut Warbler

Here the details of the Connecticut Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Oporornis agilis
Protonym:  Sylvia agilis Am.Orn. 5 p.64 pl.39 fig.4
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Parulidae /
Taxonomy Code:  conwar
Type Locality:  Connecticut.
Publish Year:  1812
IUCN Status:  


(Parulidae; Ϯ Connecticut Warbler O. agilis) Gr. οπωρα opōra  autumn; ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "OPORORNIS,1 Baird.  ...  This group of American warblers is very distinct from any other. The typical species is quite similar in color to Geothlypis philadelphia, but is at once to be distinguished by much larger wings, more even tail, and larger toes and claws. It is also very similar to Seiurus, differing chiefly in the longer wings, larger claws, and absence of spots beneath  ...  1 This name is used in reference to the abundance of O. agilis in autumn, compared with its excessive rarity in spring" (Baird 1858).  Like most migrant Nearctic warblers, the Connecticut Warbler is said to be more common in the autumn or fall, at least formerly, when young of the year have swollen its numbers (see autumnalis ●). According to some authorities this genus should be included in Geothlypis, whence certain of its members have already been transferred.
Synon. Cinerosa.

agile / agilis
L. agilis  nimble, active  < agere  to set in motion.
● "44. PSITTACUS.  ...  agilis.  15. P. submacrourus viridis, tectricibus remigum primorum cærulescentium fulvis, cauda subtus rubra.  Psittacus minor viridis. Edw. av. 168. t. 168.  Habitat in America.  Magnitudo Coccothraustis. Cauda cuneiformis, sed non elongata." (Linnaeus 1758) (Amazona).
● ex “Gobe-mouche olive de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 574, fig. 2, and de Buffon 1770-1786, and “Active Fly-catcher” of Latham 1783 (?Empidonax sp. or Myiobius sp.).