Gray-throated Leaftosser

Gray-throated Leaftosser / Sclerurus albigularis

Gray-throated Leaftosser

Here the details of the Gray-throated Leaftosser named bird below:

SCI Name:  Sclerurus albigularis
Protonym:  Sclerurus albigularis Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1868) (1868), Pt3 p.627,630
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  grtlea1
Type Locality:  Venezuela; Cumbre de Valencia suggested as restricted type locality by Hellmayr, 1925, p. 247.
Publish Year:  1869
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Black-tailed Leaftosser S. caudacutus) Gr. σκληρος sklēros  stiff; ουρα oura  tail; "The shaft of the tail feathers is stiff and its tip is very sharp" (Vaurie 1980); "SCLERURUS.  Rostrum sub-elongatum vel longiusculum, emarginatum, obtusum; culmine versusapicem leviter arcuato.  Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ, remigibus 1ma et 2da gradatis, 3tia, 4ta et 5ta æqualibus, longissimis.  Cauda lata, rigida, rotundata.  Pedes graciles, breves, digito exteriore prima phalange tenus medio conjuncto, interiore ad basin connexo; halluce gracili, subcurvato, leviter emarginato." (Swainson 1827); "Sclerurus Swainson, Zool. Journ., 3, 1827, p. 356. Generic characters only; species added,2 Cabanis, Arch. Naturg., 13, 1847, Bd. 1, p. 231. Type, by subsequent designation, Thamnophilus caudacutus Vieillot (Cabanis, loc. cit.).   ...   2 The two specific names associated with this genus by Swainson in Classif. Bds., 2, 1837, p. 315 are both nomina nuda." (Peters 1951, VII, 148).
Var. Scelurus.
Synon. Geooecia, Oxypyga, Tinactor.

albigulare / albigularis
L. albus  white; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.
● “Hellmayr proposed Automulus roraimae as a new name for Philydor albigularis Salvin and Godman on grounds that it was a homonym of Philydor albogularis Spix ... 1824 ... however under the International Rules albigularis and albogularis are different names” (Peters VII 1951); “Under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Art. 58 (8) these two names are homonymous variable spellings and under Arts. 57 and 59 (a) primary homonyms, so Hellmayr was correct and Vaurie was wrong” (Eisennann in Vaurie 1980) (syn. Automolus roraimae).


Gray-throated Leaftosser (canigularis)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis canigularis
L. canus  grey; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.

Gray-throated Leaftosser (propinquus)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis propinquus
propinqua / propinquatus / propinquus
L. propinquus  related, similar, neighbouring  < prope  near  < pro  like.
● Lawrence 1867, felt obliged to give this new name to his Tachyphonus rubrifrons because the red on the forehead was caused by fruit pulp still adhering to the feathers (syn. Heterospingus rubrifrons).
● "Cette forme du T. personatus ne diffère de la forme typique de Bogota que par les dimensions un peu moins fortes, et plus sensiblement par le bec plus large et plus long.  ...  Toutes ces races sont très proches entre elles." (von Berlepsch & Taczanowski 1884) (syn. Trogon personatus assimilis).

Gray-throated Leaftosser (albigularis)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis albigularis
albigulare / albigularis
L. albus  white; Mod. L. gularis  throated  < L. gula  throat.
● “Hellmayr proposed Automulus roraimae as a new name for Philydor albigularis Salvin and Godman on grounds that it was a homonym of Philydor albogularis Spix ... 1824 ... however under the International Rules albigularis and albogularis are different names” (Peters VII 1951); “Under the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature Art. 58 (8) these two names are homonymous variable spellings and under Arts. 57 and 59 (a) primary homonyms, so Hellmayr was correct and Vaurie was wrong” (Eisennann in Vaurie 1980) (syn. Automolus roraimae).

Gray-throated Leaftosser (kunanensis)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis kunanensis
Kunana, Sierra de Perijá, Zulia, Venezuela.

Gray-throated Leaftosser (zamorae)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis zamorae
Río Zamora, eastern Ecuador.

Gray-throated Leaftosser (kempffi)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis kempffi
Prof. Noel Kempff Mercado (1924-1986) Bolivian ornithologist, conservationst (subsp. Sclerurus albigularis).

Gray-throated Leaftosser (albicollis)
SCI Name: Sclerurus albigularis albicollis
albicolle / albicollis
L. albus white; Mod. L. -collis -necked, -throated < L. collum neck.
● ex “Gavilan de estero chorreado” (= ☼) of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 12 (syn. Circus buffoni).
● ex “South-Sea Raven” of Latham 1787 (Corvus).
● ex “Ficedula dominicensis. Figuier de S. Domingue” of Brisson 1760, “Figuier à gorge blanche” of de Buffon 1760-1783, and “St Domingo Warbler” of Latham 1783 (subsp. Dendroica petechia).
● ex “Suirirí chorreado sin roxo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 186 (syn. Legatus leucophaius).
● ex “Guêpier à Gorge Blanche” or “Guêpier Cuvier”of Levaillant 1807 (Merops).
● ex “White-throated Goatsucker” of Latham 1783 (Nyctidromus).
● ex “Cravatte Blanche” of Levaillant 1804, pl. 115 (syn. Pachycephala pectoralis).
● ex “Ypacahá aplomado y pardo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 374 (Porzana).
● ex “White-necked Falcon” of Latham 1787 (Pseudastur).
● ex “Cravatte Blanche” of Levaillant 1802 (Streptocitta).
ex “Courlis à col blanc de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 976, “Grand Courlis de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “White-necked Ibis” of Latham 1785 (syn. Theristicus caudatus).
● ex “White-throated Sparrow” of Edwards 1760 (Zonotrichia).