Gray-capped Shrike

Gray-capped Shrike / Lanius validirostris

Gray-capped Shrike

Here the details of the Gray-capped Shrike named bird below:

SCI Name:  Lanius validirostris
Protonym:  Lanius validirostris Bull.Br.Orn.Club 3 p.49
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Laniidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gycshr1
Type Locality:  mountains of northern Luzon.
Publish Year:  1894
IUCN Status:  


(Laniidae; Ϯ Great Grey Shrike L. excubitor) L. lanius  butcher  < laniare  to tear to pieces. The shrikes were formerly known as ‘butcher-birds,’ from their habit of storing prey by impaling it on thorns and sharp twigs, giving the resemblance to a butcher’s shambles or slaughterhouse (Mod. L. Lanius (Ray 1713) shrike, butcher-bird); “I reject the compound-name of Butcher-Bird, and retain the old English name of Shrike, from the noise” (Pennant 1773). In nomenclature lanius is used in a variety of combinations for birds with stout, hooked or toothed bills or with the general appearance of a shrike; "43. LANIUS.  Rostrum rectiusculum, dente utrinque versus apicem, basi nudum.  Lingua lacera." (Linnaeus 1758); "Lanius Linnaeus, 1758, Syst. Nat., 10th ed., 1, p. 93. Type, by subsequent designation, Lanius excubitor Linnaeus (Swainson, 1824, Zool. Journ., 1 (1825), p. 294)." (Rand in Peters 1960, IX, 342). This is the fourth diagnosed genus in avian taxonomy. Linnaeus's Lanius comprised ten species (L. cristatus, L. Excubitor, L. Collurio, L. Tyrannus, L. Carnifex, L. Schach, L. Senator, L. cærulescens, L. jocosus, L. Garrulus).   
Var. Lanii, Larius.   
Synon. Caudolanius, Cephalophoneus, Collurio, Creurgus, Enneoctonus, Fiscus, Lanioides, Leucometopon, Neolanius, Neofiscus, Otomela, Phoneus.

L. lanius  butcher  < laniare  to tear to pieces.

L. validus  strong, stout  < valere  to be strong; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.


Gray-capped Shrike (validirostris)
SCI Name: Lanius validirostris validirostris
L. validus  strong, stout  < valere  to be strong; -rostris  -billed  < rostrum  beak.

Gray-capped Shrike (tertius)
SCI Name: Lanius validirostris tertius
L. tertius  third  < tres  three.

Gray-capped Shrike (hachisuka)
SCI Name: Lanius validirostris hachisuka
hachisuka / hachisukae / hachisukai
Masauji Marquis Hachisuka (1903-1953) Japanese ornithologist (subsp. Chloroceryle americana (ex Chloroceryle americana leucosticta Van Rossem & Hachisuka, 1938), syn. Cinnyris asiaticus intermedius, syn. Cinnyris jugularis frenatus, subsp. Lanius validirostris, syn. Luscinia obscura, subsp. Pycnonotus plumosus).