Shy Heathwren

Shy Heathwren / Hylacola cauta

Shy Heathwren

Here the details of the Shy Heathwren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Hylacola cauta
Protonym:  Hylacola cauta Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1842) (1842), Pt10 no.117 p.135
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acanthizidae /
Taxonomy Code:  shyhea1
Type Locality:  Belts of the Murray, South Australia.
Publish Year:  1843
IUCN Status:  


(Acanthizidae;  Chestnut-rumped Heathwren H. pyrrhopygia) Gr. ὑλη hulē  woodland, forest; L. -cola  dweller  < colere  to dwell; "Mr. Gould then mentioned, that having obtained another species of the same form as the Acanthiza pyrrhopygia of Messrs. Vigors and Horsfield, which latter differs considerably from the other members of that group, he proposed to form the two birds into a new genus, under the name of Hylacola, with the following characters:— Genus HYLACOLA.  Gen. Char.—Rostrum capite brevius, compressum, ad basin æque altum atque latum; culmen gradatim ad apicem mandibulæ superioris declive; apex leviter emarginatus; rictus vibrissis raris instructus.  Nares basales, oblongæ, magis grandes, et operculo tectæ.  Alæ breves, admodum rotundatæ concavæ; primariæ prima, secunda et tertia, longitudine dissimili, quarta, quinta, et sexta coæquales, et longissimæ.  Cauda magis elongata, et rotundata.  Tarsi mediocres.  Digiti magis elongati; externi coæquales.   Typus, Acanthiza pyrrhopygia, Vig. and Horsf.    HYLACOLA CAUTA   ...   Hab. Western Belts of the Murray in South Australia." (Gould 1843); "Hylacola Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1842, p. 135, Feb. 1843.  Type (by original designation): Acanthiza pyrrhopygia V. & H." (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, p. 561).

L. cautus  careful, wary  < cavere  to beware.
● “The present bird differs from all the other species in the extreme caution with which it avoids rather than approaches the neighbourhood of vessels at sea” (Gould 1841) (Thalassarche).


Shy Heathwren (macrorhyncha)
SCI Name: Hylacola cauta macrorhyncha
macrorhyncha / macrorhynchos / macrorhynchus
Gr. μακρορρυγχος makrorrhunkhos long-billed < μακρος makros long; ῥυγχος rhunkhos bill.
● ex “Great-billed Tody” of Latham 1782 (Cymbirhynchus).
● ex “Perroquet de la nouvelle Guinée” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 713, “Perroquet à bec couleur de sang” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Great-billed Parrot” of Latham 1781 (syn. Tanygnathus megalorhynchos).
● ex “Plus grand Barbu à gros bec de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 689, “Plus grand Tamatia noir et blanc” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Greater Pied Barbet” of Latham 1782 (Notharchus).

Shy Heathwren (cauta)
SCI Name: Hylacola cauta cauta
L. cautus  careful, wary  < cavere  to beware.
● “The present bird differs from all the other species in the extreme caution with which it avoids rather than approaches the neighbourhood of vessels at sea” (Gould 1841) (Thalassarche).

Shy Heathwren (halmaturina)
SCI Name: Hylacola cauta halmaturina
halmaturina / halmaturinus
Mod. L. Insula Halmaturorum  Kangaroo I., South Australia  < Mammalian genus Halmaturus Illiger, 1811, kangaroo  < Gr. ἁλμα halma, ἁλματος halmatos  leap, jump  < ἁλλομαι hallomai  to leap; ουρα oura  tail.

Shy Heathwren (whitlocki)
SCI Name: Hylacola cauta whitlocki
Frederick Bulstrode Lawson Whitlock (1860-1953) English ornithologist, entomologist, field naturalist, collector who settled in Australia 1901 (subsp. Acanthiza apicalis, syn. Daphoenositta chrysoptera pileata, syn. Gerygone tenebrosa christophori, syn. Glossoptila porphyrocephala, subsp. Hylacola cauta, syn. Melithreptus lunatus chloropsis, syn. Ocyphaps lophotes, syn. Pardalotus punctatus, syn. Peltohyas australis, syn. Platycercus icterotis).