Rufous Fieldwren

Rufous Fieldwren / Calamanthus campestris

Rufous Fieldwren

Here the details of the Rufous Fieldwren named bird below:

SCI Name:  Calamanthus campestris
Protonym:  Praticola campestris Proc.Zool.Soc.London(1840) (1840), Pt8 no.95 p.171
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Acanthizidae /
Taxonomy Code:  ruffie2
Type Locality:  Port Augusta, South Australia.
Publish Year:  1841
IUCN Status:  


(Acanthizidae; Ϯ Striated Fieldwren C. fuliginosus) Gr. καλαμαια kalamaia   grasshopper; genus Anthus Bechstein, 1805, pipit; "It carries its tail erect, like the Maluri, but differs from the members of that group in moving that organ in a lateral direction whenever it perches, and at the termination of a succession of hops on the ground, over which it passes with great celerity, depending at all times for safety more on this power than on that of flight" (Gould 1865); "Genus CALAMANTHUS.  GEN. CHAR.  Bill shorter than the head, dilated at the base, compressed laterally towards the tip; culmen sharp and advancing upon the forehead; nostrils lateral, large, oval, and covered by an operculum; rictus destitute of bristles; wings short, round, the fourth quill the longest, the third, fifth, sixth, and seventh equal; tail rather short and round; tarsi moderately long, defended anteriorly with indistinct scales; hind toe rather long, with a long claw; lateral toes uneven, the outer one the shortest.  Type. Anthus fuliginosus, Vig. and Horsf." (Gould 1838); "Calamanthus Gould, 1838, Synop. Birds Australia, pt. 4, app., p. 4. New name for Praticola Swainson, 1837, preoccupied by Praticola Kaup, 1829." (Mayr in Peters 1986, XI, 427) (Praticola Kaup, 1829, is an incorrect subsequent spelling of Pratincola Koch, 1816 (see Pratincola)).  
Var. Calantanthus, Calamoanthus.
Synon. Eremianthus, Praticola.

L. campester, campestris of the fields or plains < campus, campi field.
● "93. ALAUDA.  ...  campestris.  4. A. rectricibus fuscis inferiori medietate, exceptis intermediis duabus, albis, gula pectoreque flavescente. Fn. svec. 193.  Alauda minor campestris. Will. orn. 150. Raj. av. 70. n. 6.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Anthus).
● ex “Chorlito ribetes blancos acanelados” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 398 (syn. Bartramia longicauda).
● ex “Gavilan del campo pardo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 33 (syn. Circus cinereus) (=☼).
● ex “Carpintero campestre” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 253 (Colaptes).
● ex “American Hedge-Sparrow” of Edwards 1750 (Euneornis).
● ex “Chorlito campesino” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 397 (syn. Numenius borealis).
● ex “Ñacundá ” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 312 (syn. Podager nacunda).


Rufous Fieldwren (winiam)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris winiam
winiam / winiamida
Winiam or Winiam East, Victoria, Australia.

Rufous Fieldwren (campestris)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris campestris
L. campester, campestris of the fields or plains < campus, campi field.
● "93. ALAUDA.  ...  campestris.  4. A. rectricibus fuscis inferiori medietate, exceptis intermediis duabus, albis, gula pectoreque flavescente. Fn. svec. 193.  Alauda minor campestris. Will. orn. 150. Raj. av. 70. n. 6.  Habitat in Europa." (Linnaeus 1758) (Anthus).
● ex “Chorlito ribetes blancos acanelados” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 398 (syn. Bartramia longicauda).
● ex “Gavilan del campo pardo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 33 (syn. Circus cinereus) (=☼).
● ex “Carpintero campestre” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 253 (Colaptes).
● ex “American Hedge-Sparrow” of Edwards 1750 (Euneornis).
● ex “Chorlito campesino” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 397 (syn. Numenius borealis).
● ex “Ñacundá ” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 312 (syn. Podager nacunda).

Rufous Fieldwren (rubiginosus)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris rubiginosus
rubiginosa / rubiginosus
L. rubiginosus  rusty, ferruginous  < rubigo, rubiginis  rust  < rubeus  reddish.
● ex “Ardea naevia” of Miller 1776, and “Rusty-crowned Heron” of Pennant 1785, and Latham 1785 (syn. Nycticorax nycticorax).

Rufous Fieldwren (hartogi)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris hartogi
Dirk Hartog I., Shark Bay, Western Australia (named for Dirk Hartog (1580-1621) Dutch mariner, explorer and trader, who made landfall at the island in October 1616).

Rufous Fieldwren (dorrie)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris dorrie
Dorrie I. (= Dorré I.), Shark Bay, Western Australia.

Rufous Fieldwren (wayensis)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris wayensis
Lake Way, Western Australia.

Rufous Fieldwren (isabellinus)
SCI Name: Calamanthus campestris isabellinus
isabellina / isabellinus
Mod. L. isabellinus  isabelline-coloured, greyish-yellow  < French  Isabelle  < Spanish  Isabella. The origin of the colour term ‘isabelline’ is now unknown. The most likely candidate is Isabel I Queen of Castile and Spain (reigned 1474-1504), said to have promised not to change her undergarments until Spain was freed from the Moors (Granada, the last Moorish ta’ifa, fell in 1492). In 1600, a gown of isabella colour is referred to in an inventory of the wardrobe of Elizabeth I Queen of England (Macleod 1954). The link with the Archduchess Isabella, daughter of Philip II of Spain, who vowed not to change her linen until Ostend (beseiged 1601-1604) was taken, is discounted by SOED 1944 (cf. "I came across an alternative explanation, that the word 'isabelline' is actually a corruption of the Italian word zibellino. This name was given to a pelt of an animal such as a marten or Sable, worn by wealthy women during the 16th century. It may originally derive from an Arabic word meaning 'lion' and therefore mean 'lion-coloured'" (Stephen Moss 2017, Birdwatch, 299, 77)). 
● ex “Isabelle” of Levaillant 1802 (syn. Acrocephalus baeticatus).
● ex “Emerillon de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (subsp. Falco sparverius).