Scrub Nightjar

Scrub Nightjar / Nyctidromus anthonyi

Scrub Nightjar

Here the details of the Scrub Nightjar named bird below:

SCI Name:  Nyctidromus anthonyi
Protonym:  Setopagis anthonyi Am.Mus.Novit. no.67 p.4
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Caprimulgidae /
Taxonomy Code:  scrnig1
Type Locality:  Portovelo, 2400 feet, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1923
IUCN Status:  


(Caprimulgidae; Ϯ Common Pauraque N. albicollis derbyanus) Gr. νυκτι- nukti-  night-  < νυξ nux, νυκτος nuktos  night; -δρομος -dromos  -racer  < τρεχω trekhō  to run; "Genus NYCTIDROMUS, Gould.   CHARACTERES GENERICI.  Rostrum mediocre, ad basin latissimum, hiatu amplissimo, rictu setis elongatis instructo.  Nares sub-basales, elevate, transversim subovales, apertæ.  Alæ mediocres, remige tertio cæteris præstante.  Cauda elongata, ampla, subrotundata.  Tarsi nudi, elongati, antice scutellati.  Digitorum externus et internus breves, intermedius elongatus, ungue pectinato; digitus posticus liber, parvus, et ungue parvulo instructus.  NYCTIDROMUS DERBYANUS, Gould.   ...   THE members of this group are confined to South America; they run much on the ground, and are remarkable for the great dilatation of the base of the under maxillary bones. There are at least ten species of this peculiar form, among which has hitherto reigned the greatest confusion." (Gould 1838); "Nyctidromus Gould, Icones Av., pt. 2, 1838, pl. [12] and text. Type, by monotypy, Nyctidromus derbyanus Gould." (Peters 1940, IV, 192).
Var. Nyctydromus.
Synon. Eucapripodus.

● Alfred Webster Anthony (1865-1939) US mining engineer, ornithologist, collector (subsp. Butorides striata, subsp. Cinclus mexicanus, Dicaeum, subsp. Lanius ludovicianus, syn. Thryomanes bewickii leucophrys).
● Dr Harold Elmer Anthony (1890-1970) US zoologist, collector, Associate Curator of Mammals at AMNH (syn. Icterus pectoralis, Nyctidromus, ‡Scolopax, syn. Zentrygon albifacies).