Bat-like Spinetail

Bat-like Spinetail / Neafrapus boehmi

Bat-like Spinetail

Here the details of the Bat-like Spinetail named bird below:

SCI Name:  Neafrapus boehmi
Protonym:  Chaetura Böhmi Orn.Centralbl. 7 p.183
Taxonomy:  Caprimulgiformes / Apodidae /
Taxonomy Code:  balspi1
Type Locality:  Rakowa, i.e. Kakoma, Tanganyika Territory.
Publish Year:  1882
IUCN Status:  


(Apodidae; Ϯ Cassin's Spine-tail Swift N. cassini) Gr. νεος neos  new; L. Afra  African; genus Apus Scopoli, 1777, swift; "The second, C. cassini, differs entirely in coloration, being black above with a smoky throat, white upper tail-coverts and abdomen white, the shafts of the feathers dark.  Structurally, it has very long wings with a very short tail with stiff short spines.  The tail is less than one-fifth the length of the wings.  No close relationship between this and the preceding group is apparent, and I here introduce for it the new name NEAFRAPUS which may, as above, be considered of generic value.   Type Neafrapus cassini (Sclater)." (Mathews 1918) (see Alterapus and Telacanthura).
Synon. Notafrapus.

boehmi / boehmii
● Prof. Leo Borisovich Boehme (1895-1954) Russian zoologist (syn. Anthus campestris).
● Dr Richard Johann Constantin Böhm (1854-1884) German zoologist, explorer, collector in tropical Africa (Bradornis, subsp. Dinemellia dinemelli, syn. Eurocephalus rueppelli, syn. Indicator indicator, subsp. Lanius excubitoroides, syn. Luscinia lusciniaMerops, syn. Musophaga rossae, Neafrapus, syn. Pternistis afer cranchii, Sarothrura, Sylvia, subsp. Trachyphonus darnaudii).
● Edward Marshall Boehm (1913-1969) US sculptor, famed for his porcelain figures of birds, aviculturalist (syn. Chlorophonia flavirostris).


Bat-like Spinetail (boehmi)
SCI Name: Neafrapus boehmi boehmi
boehmi / boehmii
● Prof. Leo Borisovich Boehme (1895-1954) Russian zoologist (syn. Anthus campestris).
● Dr Richard Johann Constantin Böhm (1854-1884) German zoologist, explorer, collector in tropical Africa (Bradornis, subsp. Dinemellia dinemelli, syn. Eurocephalus rueppelli, syn. Indicator indicator, subsp. Lanius excubitoroides, syn. Luscinia lusciniaMerops, syn. Musophaga rossae, Neafrapus, syn. Pternistis afer cranchii, Sarothrura, Sylvia, subsp. Trachyphonus darnaudii).
● Edward Marshall Boehm (1913-1969) US sculptor, famed for his porcelain figures of birds, aviculturalist (syn. Chlorophonia flavirostris).

Bat-like Spinetail (sheppardi)
SCI Name: Neafrapus boehmi sheppardi
Percy Alexander Sheppard (1875-1958) British farmer, oologist, entomologist, collector, settler in Mozambique 1898-1916, and Rhodesia / Zimbabwe 1916-1958 (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (syn. Batis fratrum, syn. Cinnyris chalcomelas, subsp. Neafrapus boehmi).