Olive Warbler

Olive Warbler / Peucedramus taeniatus

Olive Warbler

Here the details of the Olive Warbler named bird below:

SCI Name:  Peucedramus taeniatus
Protonym:  Sylvia taeniata Bull.Acad.R.Sci.Brux. 14 pt2 p.104
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Peucedramidae /
Taxonomy Code:  oliwar
Type Locality:  Mexico; restricted to San Cristobal, Chiapas, by Brodkorb, 1944, Auk, 61, p. 404, but, as shown by Zimmer, 1948, Auk, 65, pp. 126-127, type probably came from San Pedro, Oaxaca.
Publish Year:  1847
IUCN Status:  


(Peucedramidae; Ϯ Olive Warbler P. taeniatus) Gr. πευκη peukē  pine-tree; -δρομος -dromos  -racer, -runner  < τρεχω trekhō  to run; "Common in fir, pine, and pine-oak forests at high elevations, usually staying in upper branches of tall trees." (Sibley 2014); "PEUCEDRAMUS, Coues, nov. gen.  TYPE.—Sylvia olivacea, Giraud.  "General aspect of Dendroica.  Tongue much as in that genus, but larger, with revolute edges, cleft tip, and laciniate for some distance from the end; wings elongated, half as long again as the tail (in Dendroica but little longer than the tail), reaching, when folded nearly to the end of the tail; tail emarginate; tarsus no longer than the middle toe and claw.  Hallux little if any longer than its claw; bill little shorter than tarsus (averaging little over half the tarsus in Dendroica), attenuate, notably depressed, yet very little widened at base; culmen rather concave than convex in most of its length, the under outline almost perfectly straight from extreme base to tip; nasal fossæ very large, with a highly developed nasal scale; rictal vibrissæ few and short; plumage without streaks.  The form of the bill is quite peculiar, lacking entirely the parine aspect of that of Dendroica; it somewhat resembles that of Seiurus.  The relationships of P. olivacea appear to be with the Jamaican Sylvicola eoa of Gosse.  In habits, it somewhat resembles the Certhiidæ".—(COUES, MSS).  While in the field, my attention being attracted to certain peculiarities of this bird, both structural and as shown in its habits, as compared with the genus Dendroica, which seemed to amount to generic distinction, I called the attention of my friend Dr. Elliott Coues to these, and, as a result of his examination of the specimens, he has erected the genus as above given.   PEUCEDRAMUS OLIVACEUS (Giraud).  Olive-headed Warbler." (Henshaw 1875); "Peucedramus Henshaw, 1875, Ann. Rep. Geogr. Expl. West 100th Merid., p. 201. Type, by original designation, Sylvia olivacea Giraud = Sylvia taeniata Du Bus." (Lowery & Monroe in Peters 1968, XIV, 77).  The Olive Warbler seems to have no close relatives, and is certainly not an American warbler or parulid.  It has been suggested that its substantive name be changed to "Ocotero," a Spanish word mirroring the generic epithet.

taeniata / taeniatus
Mod. L. taeniatus  banded  < L. taenia  head-band, ribbon  < Gr. ταινια tainia  band, ribbon.


Olive Warbler (arizonae)
SCI Name: Peucedramus taeniatus arizonae
arizonae / arizonensis
Arizona, USA.

Olive Warbler (jaliscensis)
SCI Name: Peucedramus taeniatus jaliscensis
Jalisco, south-western Mexico.

Olive Warbler (giraudi)
SCI Name: Peucedramus taeniatus giraudi
giraudi / giraudii
Jacob Post Giraud, Jr. (1811-1870) US businessman, naturalist, Treasurer of New York Lyceum of Natural History (syn. Dendrocopos scalaris cactophilus, subsp. Eremophila alpestris, subsp. Icterus chrysater, subsp. Peucedramus taeniatus (ex Sylvia olivacea Giraud, 1841)).

Olive Warbler (taeniatus)
SCI Name: Peucedramus taeniatus taeniatus
taeniata / taeniatus
Mod. L. taeniatus  banded  < L. taenia  head-band, ribbon  < Gr. ταινια tainia  band, ribbon.

Olive Warbler (micrus)
SCI Name: Peucedramus taeniatus micrus
Gr. μικρος mikros small, little, short.