Patagonian Tinamou

Patagonian Tinamou / Tinamotis ingoufi

Patagonian Tinamou

Here the details of the Patagonian Tinamou named bird below:

SCI Name:  Tinamotis ingoufi
Protonym:  Tinamotis Ingoufi Ann.Sci.Nat.Zool.(7), 9 p.18
Taxonomy:  Tinamiformes / Tinamidae /
Taxonomy Code:  pattin1
Type Locality:  Vicinity of Santa Cruz.
Publish Year:  1890
IUCN Status:  


(Tinamidae; Ϯ Puna Tinamotis T. pentlandii) Portmanteau of genera Tinamus Hermann, 1783, tinamou, and Otis Linnaeus, 1758, bustard; “The birds of this group, which forms an immediate connecting link between the Tinamous and the Bustards, were first observed by Mr. Pentland on a high elevation in the Andes, and the specimen before the meeting was brought by that gentleman to this country and presented to the Society.  Mr. Vigors described in detail the characters of the genus, to which he assigned the name of Tinamotis, and also pointed out the specific characters of the bird, to which he had on a former occasion given the name of Pentlandii, in honour of the distinguished traveller who first discovered the group.  TINAMOTIS.  Rostrum forte, subrectum, Otidis rostra persimile; culmine plano.  Alæ mediocres, rotundatæ; remigibus prima et septima fere æqualibus, brevissimis; tertia et quarta longissimis.  Pedes tridactyli; tarsis sublongis fortibus; acrotarsiis reticulatis squamis inferioribus grandibus; digitis longitudine mediocribus, medio cæteris, quæ sunt fere æquales, longiore, omnibus membrana utrinque marginatis; acropodiis scutellatis, squamis maximis; unguibus grandibus, planis, dispansis.  Cauda brevis, subrotundata.   TINAMOTIS PENTLANDII.” (Vigors 1837); "Tinamotis Vigors, Proc. Zoöl. Soc. London, 1836, p. 79. Type, by monotypy, Tinamotis pentlandi Vigors." (Peters 1931, I, 29).
Var. Tinomotis, Tiamotis.

Rear-Adm. Jules Alexandre Ingouf (1846-1901) French Navy, explorer (Tinamotis).