Bearded Bellbird

Bearded Bellbird / Procnias averano

Bearded Bellbird

Here the details of the Bearded Bellbird named bird below:

SCI Name:  Procnias averano
Protonym:  Ampelis Averano TabulaAffin.Anim. p.211,214
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Cotingidae /
Taxonomy Code:  beabel1
Type Locality:  no locality, but presumably Brazil; restricted to northeastern Brazil by Hellmayr, 1929, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser., 13, pt. 6, p. 240.
Publish Year:  1783
IUCN Status:  


(Cotingidae; Ϯ Bearded Bellbird P. averano) Gr. myth. Prokne or Procne, who was metamorphosed into a swallow (see Progne); "GENUS 58. PROCNIAS Hoffmansegg (a Procne in hirundinem mutata) (Schnapper Germ.)  Rostrum brevius, basi latissimum, dpressum, grypanium, dertro subadunco compresso, mandibulis triangularibus; tomiis maxillaribus versus basin utrinsecus dilatatis, versus apicem contractis, ibidem emarginatis. Myxa apice sursum inflexo. Furca admodum patens, gnathidis angustis.  ...  Species: Ampelis variegata, carunculata? Lin Gmel. Hirundo viridis Temminck Catalog. (at nostra avis, cum descriptione bene congruens, e Brasilia est.)" (Illiger 1811); "Procnias Illiger, 1811, Prodr. Syst. Mamm. Avium, p. 228. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Genera Birds, p. 34), "P. variegatus (L.) Ill." = Ampelis variegata Gmelin = Ampelis Averano Hermann." (Snow in Peters 1979, VIII, 305). Illiger appears to have misidentified Temminck's bird.
Synon. Arapunga, Averano, Averanus, Calloprocnias, Casmarhinchos, Eulopogon, Vavasouria.
● (syn. Tersina Ϯ Swallow Tanager T. viridis) This name makes more sense when applied to the Swallow Tanager; “Moreover, the name Procnias clearly alludes to the swallow-like form of Tersa (which induced Temminck at that time to call it Hirundo viridis)” (Strickland 1841); "from its large Swallow-like gape and lengthened wings " (P. Sclater 1886).   
Var. Procnia.

French name “Averano” given to the Bearded Bellbird by de Buffon (Brazilian Portuguese name Ave de verão bird of summer, because it was believed to call only during the six weeks of high summer); ex “Guirapunga” of Marcgrave 1648, and “Averano” of de Buffon 1770-1783. Ray 1678, wrote,”It hath a double note, which it useth promiscuously; one like that of a Hammer striking a Wedge in the Woods, (cick, cock :) The other, as if one should strike a crackt Bell, (Kur, kur, kur, &c.) It cries only in the middle of Summer, in December and the beginning of January for five or six Weeks, in other Months it is not heard, whence by the Portugues it is called Ave de verano.” Snow 1982, considered that the local name should be properly attributed to the Bare-throated Bellbird P. nudicollis (Procnias).

• (Cotingidae; syn. Procnias White Bellbird P. albus) "Catalogue des oiseaux composant le cabinet de M. le Comte de Riocour  ...  Vieillot described many new species from this collection, and it is possible that he was involved in the preparation of this catalogue, but the authorship is not given.  The generic name Averano appears herein for the first time, with inclusion of "A. caronculatus" and "nudi-collis."  As neither of these species was included in that genus as proposed by Lesson in his "Traite d'Ornithologie," 1830-31, it becomes necessary to select a type species for the genus as here proposed, and accordingly I designate A. caronculatus [= Procnias alba (Hermann)] as such." (J. T. Zimmer 1926); "Averano Anonymous, Cat. Coll. Cabinet Riocour, p. 17, 1829—type by subs. desig. (ZIMMER, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. Ser, 16, p. 12, 1926) "Averano caronculatus" = Ampelis alba HERMANN." (Hellmayr, 1929, Cat. Birds Americas, Pt. VI, p. 237).
• (Cotingidae; syn. Procnias † Bearded Bellbird P. averano carnobarba) "CXXIII.e Genre.  AVÉRANO; AveranoAmpelis, Vieill.; Casmarhynchos, Temm.  ...  Ce genre ne comprend qu'une espèce, qui est l'averano carnobarba; l'ampelis variegata, Gm.; l'ampelis averano, Vieill., Gal., pl. 117. Le Procnias melanocephalus, Wied., It., t. I, p. 26; Casmarynchos variegata, Temm., pl. 51; Cotinga, nov. sp., Cuv. Règne an., pl. 4, fig. 4.  ...  Son nom d'averano est contracté des mots portugais ave de verano, oiseau d'été, qui lui appliquent les Créoles; c'est le guira-punga de Marcgrave" (Lesson 1830) (see averano); "Averano Lesson, 1830, Traité d'Ornithologie, p. 364.  Type by monotypy Averano carnobarba Lesson, 1830" (JAJ 2020).


Bearded Bellbird (averano)
SCI Name: Procnias averano averano
French name “Averano” given to the Bearded Bellbird by de Buffon (Brazilian Portuguese name Ave de verão bird of summer, because it was believed to call only during the six weeks of high summer); ex “Guirapunga” of Marcgrave 1648, and “Averano” of de Buffon 1770-1783. Ray 1678, wrote,”It hath a double note, which it useth promiscuously; one like that of a Hammer striking a Wedge in the Woods, (cick, cock :) The other, as if one should strike a crackt Bell, (Kur, kur, kur, &c.) It cries only in the middle of Summer, in December and the beginning of January for five or six Weeks, in other Months it is not heard, whence by the Portugues it is called Ave de verano.” Snow 1982, considered that the local name should be properly attributed to the Bare-throated Bellbird P. nudicollis (Procnias).

Bearded Bellbird (carnobarba)
SCI Name: Procnias averano carnobarba
L. caro, carnis  flesh; barba  beard.